Visitor Traffic Real Time Statistics Pro is a plug-in for WordPress websites that displays website traffic statistics in real time. The plug-in can display visitor count, page views, visited pages, source sites, search keywords and more. You can also track visitor behavior, such as page visit time, stay time, clicks, etc. This information can help webmasters understand the source of traffic and visitor behavior on the site, so that they can better optimize site content and marketing strategies.

Visitor Traffic Pro Edition is a smart and easy-to-use WordPress plugin that displays your website traffic statistics in great detail with beautiful charts.

  • full report
  • Online users, visits, visitors, and page statistics
  • Today’s Visitors and Access Charts and Today’s Search Engines
  • Recent visitors (by country, GeoIP location by city and region)
  • Comprehensive overview page (dashboard) including browser version, country statistics, clicks, exclusions, referrals, searches, search terms, and visitors
  • Visit to see daily, weekly, and monthly hits on your site, visit time charts to see daily visitors per hour
  • Visitors to see who is visiting your site
  • Recent Visitors (by IP and Region)
  • See how many hits your website gets per day.
  • Visitors to see who is visiting your site
  • Page tracking to see which pages are viewed most often
  • Search engines to view search queries and redirects from popular search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Yandex and Baidu
  • GeoIP Locations by Country
  • Interactive map of visitor locations
  • Widget that displays website statistics
  • Overview pages for various data including; browser versions, country statistics, hits, exclusions, referrals, searches, search terms, and visitors
  • Export base data excluding IP, paging, date range search
  • Excluding user roles from statistics (new)
  • Plug-in Accessibility (New)
  • Includes free mobile app (new)
  • Support short codes. Click here for a list of shortcodes (new)
  • Multi-site (network) support (new)
  • Full GDPR





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