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The school of theory will always stay literal, and practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

is the same for SEO optimization, when you have mastered the theoretical knowledge of SEO, you need to constantly apply, verify and improve optimization in the process of website operation.

what is the best practice for SEO?

SEO Best practices is a set of tasks designed to help improve search engine rankings on a site. Common SEO best practices include on-site optimization, studying keywords, and building backlinks to websites.

put it another way:

you can do a million things to get a higher Google ranking.

but it is important to understand the basics first.

in other words: you want to make sure your site follows the current SEO best practices. This is the foundation.

then, once you have laid the foundation, you can delve into new and advanced methods.

so here are the 10 most important SEO best practices you need to know in 2022:

1. It’s no secret to add your primary keyword

to your content as early as possible, and it’s no secret that you want to use it multiple times on the page.

but you may not know the location of the keyword can also have an impact.

specifically, you want to mention your primary keyword at least once at the top of the page.

, why is this important?

Google pays more attention to the terms that appear at the top of the page.

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for example, this page on my site is optimized around Mobile search engine Optimization.

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so I mentioned this word twice in the first two paragraphs of the content.

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is simple.

2. Writing unique titles, descriptions, and content

to avoid repetitive content is one of the most important SEO best practices to keep in mind.

in fact, Google has stated that you should avoid “duplicating or approaching duplicate versions of content on your site”. The

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rule applies to every piece of content on your site, including:

  • title tag
  • meta description tag
  • e-commerce product page
  • landing page
  • picture replacement text
  • category page

basically: if you post a page on a website, the content on that page must be 100% unique.

this rule is easy to follow if you run a small blog with a home page and a bunch of blog posts.

however, if you are the owner of an e-commerce site with thousands of products, it can be tricky to write unique content for each page.

is tricky. But it’s worth it.

if you have problems writing content for each page, consider grouping pages with similar content. Or use canonical tags.

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3. Optimize your title tags for SEO

when it comes to page search engine optimization, your title tags are key.

Google even said: “it’s important to use high-quality headlines on your page.” .

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here is how to make the most of the page’s title tag: the

front end loads your main keyword: “front end load” simply means that you start the title tag with the target keyword.

, why is this important?

well, the search engine will pay close attention to the terms you use in the title tag. This is why you want to use keywords in the page title.

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but what you may not know is that Google also pays more attention to the words and phrases that appear in your title tags.

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so, if it makes sense, start your title with the keyword you want to rank. It is sometimes impossible for

to use your keyword early because it makes your title tag look strange. Yes, search engine optimization is very important. But your title tag also needs to be useful to the user.

(more on this later)

if you can’t start your title tag with a keyword, it’s no big deal. Include your keywords as early as possible.

for example, this page is optimized around the keyword “SEO policy”.

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I can’t think of a way to really include the keyword “SEO strategy” in my title. So I use my keywords as early as possible.

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was wrong at first. But it’s still early, and Google can clearly see that my page is about “SEO strategy.”

uses one keyword for each title: Google is well aware of this.

they don’t want you to fill in your title with a bunch of different keywords.

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(also known as “keyword padding”)

instead, you want to use a primary keyword in the title. And, if your page quality is very high, then you will naturally rank for this keyword. And many other keywords.

for example, this page on my site is optimized around the word “keyword research”.

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and, as you can see, I used the term in the title tag.

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the other words and phrases in my title are just to highlight what my page is actually about. And you also need to include high-quality content on the page to ensure that your content is competitive in search rankings.

and, according to SEMRush, the page also ranks 630 different keywords.

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, have I optimized the page with about 630 keywords? No!

instead, I optimized the page (and title) around an important keyword. Google is responsible for most of the rest.

Write engaging, shareable headings: your title tags should make people want to click on your page for more information.

, why?

when a lot of people click on your results on Google, you will find yourself ranking higher in the semester.

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this is why, once my SEO work is handled, I start to optimize my title to get clicks and shares.

in other words:

I try to write some interesting and fascinating title tags and encourage people to share them.

, for example, this rule of increasing website traffic uses a compelling title.

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4. Optimize the loading speed of a site

Google does not usually talk publicly about the ranking factors in their algorithms.

so when they talk about a particular ranking signal, you know it’s important. The loading speed of

sites is one of those rare ranking factors.

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this is why I strongly recommend that you load your website as soon as possible.

(especially on mobile devices. )

your first step is to benchmark the current loading speed of your site. This way, you can know where you are before you start making changes.

I recommend the super useful PageSpeed Insights tool (if you want to get a high PageSpeed Insights score, you need to learn specific hands-on tutorials).

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after all, the advice you get from this tool comes from Google itself. In addition,

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doesn’t just tell you whether your page is fast or slow. This tool provides you with detailed reports, including methods that you can improve.

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if you want to learn more about page speed, check out Web Page Test.

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this is a free tool to get a more accurate picture of how your site is loaded to actual users.

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either way, here are some ways to improve the loading speed of your site.

  • compressed image: this is a big one. Images tend to make up most of the page size (in KB). That’s why I recommend using a tool like Kraken.io to reduce the size of your image.
  • uses lightweight themes: large WordPress themes may slow down. Therefore, if your theme is not optimized for speed, consider switching to an optimized theme.
  • uses delayed loading: delayed loading of images can increase the loading speed of your website by 50% or more. The downside is that the image is displayed when the user scrolls down the page, which is not good for UX. So it’s a trade-off.
  • uses CDN: CDN to serve images and other media on your site on a server close to the user.

5. Use Google Search Console to track your results

if you don’t have a Google Search Console setting, then your SEO will be blind.

Search Console is like a real-time dashboard that lets you know how your site behaves in SERP (search engine results page). There are many cool features and tools in

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Search Console.

but you probably don’t need most of them.

on the contrary, I suggest checking these three reports on a regular basis.

performance: this data lets you know how many people have seen and clicked on your site in a Google search.

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you can also check the exact keywords that people use to find your content. And where you tend to rank.

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, all of this is very valuable. But the real value is to track your presentations and clicks over time. If they move on, it’s clear that these SEO best practices are working. If

doesn’t, it may be time to try a different approach.

coverage: coverage reports let you know which pages of your site have been indexed by Google.

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also lets you know if it has problems crawling any of your pages completely.

if you see “errors” and “warnings” here, I suggest fixing these as soon as possible.

after all, if Google can’t index your page, it won’t rank anything. Fortunately, Google doesn’t just tell you, “We can’t index this page.” They usually let you know the cause of the problem.

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enhancements: the main thing to note in this report is “Mobile availability”. Considering that Google’s index is now mobile-first,

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is sure to make sure your site is easy to use on mobile devices.

6. Optimize pictures for SEO

image search engine optimization is not just about ranking in Google Images.

Google recently reported that properly optimized images can help your page rank higher in Google’s web search.

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therefore, if you use images on a page, you need to make sure that they are optimized for SEO. Fortunately for

, this is really easy. All you need to do is keep these two image SEO best practices in mind.

names your image with a descriptive file name: Google cannot “see” the image (currently). The file name of your picture is one thing that helps them understand the content of your picture.

for example, suppose you have a picture of pancakes on your website.

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you don’t want to name this image: image89.png.

instead, use a file name that describes the content in the image.

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uses images instead of text: Google says it relies heavily on alternative text to understand images. It takes a few seconds for

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to write alternate text for each image. But in my experience, it’s worth it.

for example, you don’t want your pancake picture to have such alternative text.

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is just like your file name, you want to write descriptive alternative text to let search engines know the full contents of your image.

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7. Using internal links

internal links is one of the easiest SEO best practices to use.

all you need to do is add a link from one page on your site to another page on your site.

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means that you don’t just want to add a bunch of random internal links. Yes, random internal links may be better than no internal links at all.

however, if you want to take full advantage of internal links, I recommend that you implement these techniques.

uses keyword-rich anchor text: Google uses your anchor text as a clue to the content of the page.

for example, the anchor text in these links helps Google understand the content of each page.

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needless to say, you want to use anchor text that contains the main keywords.

for example, this internal link links to my page on “page search engine optimization”.

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and, as you can see, the anchor text of my internal link contains the exact terminology.

sends permissions to pages that need it: typically, you want internal links to pages that don’t have too many, if any, link permissions.

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when you do this, you will send much-needed permissions to this low-access page. This can improve its Google ranking.

said so much: I won’t think too much about

. In fact, I just tend to link from the old page to the new page. Old

pages tend to have more permissions than new ones.

is a small shortcut that helps me use internal links without having to analyze every page on my site.

8. Publish wonderful content

if you have tried to learn SEO before, you may have heard the importance of “high-quality content”. This is true of

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: publishing useful original content can help you achieve higher rankings in Google. The problem with

is that what most people think of as “high quality content” has changed in the past few years.

I will explain:

in the past, you could publish a 1000-word blog post that surprised people.

today? There is nothing special about a 1000-word blog post.

in fact, a blog survey by Orbit Media found that bloggers now spend more than three hours on an article on average.

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(this is an increase of 44% over 2014. )

if you want to rank your content today, then your content marketing game must be in place.

this usually means the investment of time, money and people. Or all of them.

for example, the following is an industry study on email outreach. For

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to publish this article, we must:

  • is looking for a data partner.
  • collects and analyzes data.
  • writes the report.
  • edits the report.
  • creates a PDF for research methods.
  • designs charts and graphics.
  • promoted the article on social media and via email.
  • responds to comments. It took

more than 20 hours to complete this article. Overall,

is worth the effort. In the week we published this article, it brought a lot of traffic.

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people still share articles on social media and link to it from their blogs. It is an inescapable fact that it takes a lot of work for

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to create content that stands out in 2021.

(more than publishing a bunch of “high-quality content”.

, however, if you are willing to post amazing content, you can well rank your target keywords in Google.

to your site is now 2022. Is backlink still an important sign of Google’s ranking? A recent study by

SEMrush found that backlinks are closely related to higher Google rankings.

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you can establish a link to your website in the following ways. First of all,

focuses on the content formats that perform best in terms of backlinks. An analysis of more than 9 million blog posts by

found that what and why articles (along with infographics) get more links than other types of content, such as videos.

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this is not to say that posting such content will automatically generate links. But, at least according to this study, it can increase the chances that others will link to you. Second, create content with hooks. A

hook is an angle, a data point, or something controversial that encourages people to link to you naturally.

for example, a few years ago, I published an article about a strategy called “skyscraper technology”. Unlike most SEO case studies,

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contains a detailed step-by-step process. The

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article also ensures that the strategy is named to make it easy to remember.

and because my content contains multiple link hooks, this page has 11.2K backlinks.

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10. Improving your site’s user experience

improving your site’s user experience (UX) can help your SEO directly or indirectly.

UX can help SEO directly because Google knows when people start “Pogo Sticking” after they log on to your site from search results.

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if enough people jump from your site to search engine results, this will tell Google that your results do not provide the searcher with what they are looking for.

your search engine rankings may start to decline.

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you can get proxy measurements of Pogo Sticking from Google Analytics. If the bounce rate of your page is very high, it may indicate that users have not found what they are looking for. The

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user experience can indirectly help SEO because people are more likely to share and link to user-friendly sites.

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so, if your site is hard to use, use intrusive pop-ups and ads, and have a bunch of broken links. People don’t link to it.

(even if you have great content. )

So, yes, user experience is something that every website owner should pay attention to. Coincidentally, an excellent user experience can also improve your SEO.

to learn more

advanced keyword research tutorials: in-depth research to find keywords for content, login pages, etc.

SEO Link Building authoritative Guide: learn more about tips and strategies for building backlinks to websites.

21 effective actionable SEO technologies: it is recommended that you check the list of advanced SEO strategies after performing SEO best practices here.

‘s 33 amazing free SEO tools: a hand-organized list of tools that can help you implement many of the strategies in this guide.

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