How to create lasting evergreen content (17 tips and tips) illustrations

Content marketing is one of the most effective strategies when you want to market a business, website, or online store. However, not all types of content are valuable to your audience, and most importantly, some of your valuable articles may die of obsolescence and irrelevance at some point.

, what is your best solution? All right, you need evergreen content. You need articles of the same value over time to attract natural traffic at the same or even higher speed within a decade. Before we move on to our main topic, let’s talk about content marketing.

effective in content marketing?

even before the advent of the Internet, written or visual content has always been a good way to do marketing. We all remember some great ads we saw on TV over the years, and we kept some informative pamphlets that appeared in magazines as free inserts. The Internet promotes our access to information and makes it available to millions of users, but all in all, it doesn’t change some of the facts that marketers are already aware of.

shows us why content is a powerful marketing tool, and why it will never be replaced by other strategies when it comes to the online world:

1. People are always looking for information, and they always do.

for this purpose, I’ll use two theoretical examples. Stop and think. When you have a question and you don’t know the answer, what’s the first thing you do? All right, you ask. There are not always experts and professionals who can get answers quickly, but fortunately, you can use your computer or mobile device to search for your answers. This is where the content is in place.

, on the other hand, think of all the websites and blogs you read every day or every week. You don’t know they exist, but once you read something valuable on a web page, you go back there for more information. Maybe you even bookmarked the site or subscribed to their newsletter. Why? The answer is simple: you can’t know everything. Good information is always valuable, whether it’s theory, practice or entertainment.

2. More and more people use ad blocker

every day. By the end of 2016, more than 615 million devices around the world have installed ad blocker, and this number is growing. IOS has a built-in ad blocker, but Android users can also use third-party applications. They are free, and they promote better use of devices by reading annoying ads. Google is even testing Chrome’s built-in ad blocker.

How to create lasting evergreen content (17 tips and tips) illustrations1

uses ad blocker devices (Img src:Business Insider Inc)

, on the other hand, valuable content cannot be blocked. For example, if the content is valuable and informative, users won’t even want to stop it, but interact with it and return to the site for more information.

3. The cost is lower than other marketing strategies, but with a higher return on investment,

is much cheaper to hire content writers than buying ads on other websites, television and radio. The return on investment is also higher because of the facts explained in the first two paragraphs. If you are running your own website, if you learn how to write your own articles, your costs will be further reduced.

in addition, according to a study conducted by MDG Advertising, more than 70 per cent of Internet users want to know about products through content rather than traditional advertising.

, who can benefit from content marketing? A word from

, everyone. There is no limit. It doesn’t matter whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, artist or blogger. Your niche, industry, or professional direction doesn’t matter. No matter who you are, no matter where you are, you need effective marketing to develop your brand and continue to develop your business or personal influence. Valuable content is your shortcut to the top.

, can you combine content marketing strategies with other types of marketing?

, yes, you can. In fact, most marketers include several marketing methods in addition to content distribution in their strategies, including paid advertising, social media marketing, direct marketing and email marketing.


that creates evergreen content for your website or blog over time, not every type of content will have the same value. Therefore, you need evergreen content to ensure that your marketing strategy is as effective tomorrow as it is today. What is evergreen content? It is developed and produced high-quality content, SEO-friendly, and at the same time very relevant and qualitative. This kind of content can encourage better rankings, happy potential customers and increase social participation. In short-it is eternal content.

Here are some tips to help you create content.

1. Select your themes and make sure they meet the green content requirements

assumes that you have an e-commerce site that sells sofas. This is a lucrative business, but you are trying to increase your brand awareness, so you decide to attach a blog to your website. You can write about the specific design and model of the furniture you sell, write comments on your items, and so on. These articles are valuable to your customers, but they are only valuable now or as long as these products are part of your quote.

once you sell them and update your offer by getting a new sofa, these blog posts will become obsolete.

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, of course, you can still comment on your products and even encourage your customers to comment on what they have bought. However, if you need evergreen content, you should also pay attention to the needs of readers. For example, the good title of an evergreen article based on your business is “how to remove oil stains from velvet sofas”.

also helps if you choose a topic that can be referenced. This means that no matter what you are writing, your article contains original ideas, even original statistics. Here are some additional tips for selecting topics by checking competitors’ websites and / or blogs:

  • identifies hot articles around related topics.
  • examines common highlights and headings.
  • examines the form of existing content on the network-(such as long or short formats).
  • is used to what has been fully discussed.
  • identifies poorly written content about hot topics. Once you’ve done this,

will put you in power because you now have enough information to identify topics and topics that haven’t been discussed online or can be improved.

2. Research

if your goal is to write valuable evergreen content, you will have to do research on each new topic you want to write. You may be one of the most prestigious voices in your industry. You are confident in your skills and abilities, and you know that your article is well written and informative.

however, you can’t understand everything in your niche market. In addition, a well-studied article, with a large number of citations and references, will be considered more trustworthy than personal opinions. If you have the resources and the time required, please try original research. It will help your article stand out from the crowd, and it will attract references, so it will backlink to your article.

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, please note that some of these studies will be out of date within a few years. For example, you can conduct a market survey on the penetration of 4G connections in rural areas. However, within five years, maybe everyone will have a 5G connection, so your research will no longer meet the perennial requirements, even if everything else is. There is a simple solution to avoid such problems. In fact, you can’t avoid them, but correct them in time. All you have to do is return to your article next year and update your statistics.

3. Choosing the appropriate and representative visual effects

is not easy to choose the most representative visual effects in the article, but it can not be ignored. We live in a visual world where vision-based social media prevail, and Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest are the most popular platforms.

they are all visual, proving that this type of content is more valuable to the relevant percentage of today’s Internet users than text.

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if you plan to write tutorials, it’s much easier to get visual effects. You will have to take pictures, take screenshots and so on during the whole process. However, there may be tutorials based only on text and other types of articles, which you need to visualize. Here, you have several choices:

  • you can subscribe to the gallery photography service and buy your visual effects from there. Or use an advanced icon library like Icon Finder.
  • you can search the available repositories of open images, download free visual effects, and adjust the images of your choice if they do not meet the quality requirements you need.
  • if you have the skills or budget to hire a graphic designer / artist, create your own designs, graphics, and representations.

, how many pictures do you need to insert in your blog post? Well, the answer to this question depends on what you want to convey to your audience. If you are writing a tutorial, you may need to provide a separate image for each step you describe. On the other hand, if you write a simple blog post, you need at least one relevant professional image.

4. Create content based on your brand

your content should also match your brand voice. Please pay attention to this suggestion, because if properly created, evergreen content will also help you increase your brand awareness and make it more visible to Internet users. It may attract more customers, fans or readers, but at the same time, it will help your audience remember your brand and associate your name with the wonderful content you offer.

so, for example, if you sell boats, it will do little good if you write green content about how to repair mechanical toys. However, you may benefit from articles related to sailing, fishing, sea travel, marine life, and so on. Write down your niche market and focus on developing your brand, not just your audience. Finally, this is your main goal.

5. Update your content from time to time if necessary

I have mentioned the fact that some of your evergreen articles may contain statistics or research that may be outdated or insignificant in the future. Occasionally check your articles and verify that they need to be updated. Operate these updates as soon as possible to keep them authentic and valuable over time.

tools for generating and analyzing evergreen content

has many online tools that can provide you with different ways to analyze, study, and improve your evergreen content.

content and Social Media presentation these tools below

can help you analyze content performance and identify articles that may be popular in society and encourage participation.

  • Buzzsumo
  • Ahrefs
  • Ninja Outreach
  • EpicBeat

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looks for hot content

generates and analyzes title

in this article, we summarize the best title analysis tools. These can help you develop your article creativity into attractive evergreen headlines.

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CoSchedule title Analyzer

if there is a lot of search for something, or it has been on the rise for many years, it may be a good topic for your next evergreen article. The trick is not to choose a theme that may be too competitive in SEO. But that’s why the following tools exist to help you make more data-driven decisions. Keyword volume history in

  • Ahrefs
  • KWFinder
  • SEMrush
  • Google Trends

How to create lasting evergreen content (17 tips and tips) illustrations7


evergreen content type

what can you publish as evergreen content? What kind of articles and visual data fall into this category? In the last part of this article, I will try to list some of the most important evergreen content categories.

1. Tutorials and the how-to guide

are the main types of year-round content. However, technology-related tutorial articles may need to be updated from time to time.

example: you are writing a tutorial on how to cut a background from a human portrait image in Photoshop. Your article will be valuable to your audience in months or even years. However, major updates to the software can lead to major changes in layout, tools, or menus, which will make your tutorials inaccurate. It will need to be updated.

2. Problem solving

as an online enterprise, the products or services you sell can provide benefits and / or solve problems. That said, if you can identify the types of problems people are experiencing and use them to produce excellent fresh evergreen problem solving content-you can turn these readers into potential customers. Visit the following sites and search for specific keywords or questions:

  • Quora
  • Stack Overflow
  • Yahoo Answers
  • Baidu knows that
  • knows

once you find the questions you need to answer correctly-write great content around those questions and provide links to your article in the answers. You can solve the problem while building backlinks at once. There is no doubt that finding feasible content creativity through Q & A sites is definitely an effective way. Take a look at this big list of Q & A sites.

3. List articles

whether you like list articles or not, there is plenty of data to prove that they just perform better. There have been a variety of studies on click-through rates, SERP performance, social sharing participation, and so on. A few years ago, Conductor conducted a survey of title preferences, and it was not surprising that the title numbered was at the top of the list-top, while smashing ranked second with a 71 per cent increase.

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titles prefer

, so list articles can always be great evergreen content. Keep in mind that depending on the theme, you may need to update them to keep them up to date.

4. Speech

if you can persuade your fans and customers to write a recommendation and post it on your website, it will be an important source of evergreen content. In addition, recommendations will make your brand more trustworthy and attract more customers or expand your audience.

5. Branded books

has several types of branded books, starting with simple educational manuals for employees and employees, to more complex manuals designed for everyone interested in your brand, industry, and company. However, your brand logo book is a good example of evergreen content, and if you have the ability to create it, please don’t miss this opportunity.

6. Historical data

if you are active in a particular niche market, you can write down the history of your industry, the history of your company, and other information related to that area of interest. There are many people who are interested in historical facts. These facts do not change over time, so they constitute another great form of evergreen content.

7. Great video content and podcasts

video blogs and podcasts can provide you with the content you need to enhance your brand and reputation. You can create podcasts and videos that may belong to the evergreen tree category. Although they may need more time to produce than write an article, of course, as time goes by, they become more and more popular. Today, a large proportion of viewers prefer visual and audio content to written content.

8. Visual images

images and graphics can become independent articles for professional photographer websites, visual artists and graphic designers. In addition, you can use images with text as a good form of evergreen content in social media activities. For example, if you are a graphic designer with artistic skills, you can create your own memes and cartoons to promote your personal brand or the company you work for.

9. The glossary of terms or phrases is difficult for

to start writing its own dictionary. However, there will always be terms and phrases specific to your industry that you can group into wiki-type Web sites or blog categories. They are also the content of evergreen trees, and they can be of great value to all individuals in the same industry as you or those who try to learn more about a particular product before buying a particular product. A glossary of terms and phrases may also be useful to translators, students and teachers.

Some other types of evergreen content may also include argumentative type articles, best articles, and monthly reviews.

concluded that

content marketing is one of the most effective and extensive marketing strategies. It is cheaper than any other type of marketing, but it can help you build your audience organically and increase your brand awareness through direct interaction with your customers and fans. On the other hand, evergreen content is the most valuable form of content, because it can provide you with a marketing strategy that can be sustained as long as you keep the site open. I’m talking about content that will never be “outdated”, obsolete or irrelevant.

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