
Before new customers can visit your website and buy your product, they must click.

They may click on links in Google search results, ads, Facebook posts or emails. Click to bring them to your website.

The more people you click on, the more potential customers you have on your site. To increase sales, increase the click-through rate (CTR).

Sounds simple. But how to increase the click rate? How do you know if your current click-through rate is good?

There is an answer to this article. Read on to learn what CTR is, what a good CTR is, and how to improve your CTR.

  1. What is click-through rate?
  2. Why is the click-through rate important?
  3. What is a good click rate?
  4. Natural search click rate
  5. Email click-through rate
  6. Click-through rate of PPC ads
  7. 8 skills to improve click-through rate

What is click-through rate?

The click rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who click on the link.

For example, if half of the visitors to a specific target page click their CTA button, the CTR of the CTA button is 50%.

Click-through rate is an important index to evaluate all kinds of marketing activities. For example, you can track the click-through rate of:

  • Natural search
  • E-mail
  • PPC advertisement
  • Social media posts
  • Internal links on your website

How do you calculate the click rate?

It is easy to calculate the click-through rate of links.

Start with the number of clicks your link gets. Divide it by the number of views on pages, social media posts or ads or the number of e-mail recipients.

Then multiply the result by 100 to get a percentage. This is your click-through rate.


How to calculate the click rate (source: Summon)

What does the click-through rate tell you?

Suppose you send an email to promote your business. You can see from Google Analytics that 30 people visited your website through this email.

But is there any good in it?

It depends on. If you only sent 50 emails, that would be great. This means that your email is so compelling and relevant to your audience that 60% of people want to know more.

If you send 5000 emails, it’s not so impressive. For some reason, your email didn’t attract the attention of many potential customers. The low click-through rate lets you know that you should improve your advertising campaign to attract more business.

Tracking the click-through rate can help you understand what resonates with your audience.

Click rate and conversion rate

You don’t just want people to click on the link to your site. You want them to convert to asset downloads, email list registrations or-most importantly-sales.

So you might think the conversion rate is a more important tracking indicator.

But your click-through rate will directly affect your conversion rate-the more people you can attract to your site, the more conversions you will get.

Click-through rates and conversion rates provide valuable information at different stages of the customer’s journey.


The relationship between the number of presentations, clicks and conversions (Source:Network Marketing 123)

Why is your click-through rate important?

You can track many metrics related to websites and marketing. Why care about the click-through rate?

You can use click-through data to optimize your ad campaign

Your click-through rate will let you know what your audience likes. It can tell you that your customers like interesting subject lines, or that they are more likely to click the red button than the blue button.

This information allows you to adjust your ad series for better results.

Click-through rate will affect your quality score

This applies only if you are running Google Ads.

Google assigns a quality score to your ads, that is, their quality and relevance ratings. Google uses a quality score to determine your cost per click and how it will prioritize your ad.

If you want your ad to be cost-effective and visible, then a quality score is essential. There are several factors that affect quality scores, including click-through rates.


Google Advertising quality score factorsSource:CXL)

Organic click-through rate (perhaps) is a ranking factor

Search engine optimization experts have been arguing about this for years. No one knows whether your natural click-through rate will directly affect your page ranking on Google.

That’s probably the case. Google said it used “interactive data to assess whether search results are relevant to queries”. This interactive data may include clicks-we don’t know how they affect Google’s algorithm.

A higher natural click rate may improve your ranking, resulting in more traffic, so it’s worth the effort.

Higher click-through rates can improve ROI and income

Increasing the click-through rate means that you can get more website visitors (and more conversions) with the same investment.

When the click-through rate is high, a single email, ad or landing page will generate more revenue. This makes your marketing work more cost-effective.

What is a good click rate?

There is no correct answer to this question.

The “good” click-through rate of your industry ​​ service depends on a variety of factors. We will introduce some benchmarks later, but what matters is not your comparison with other companies-but whether you have improved on your past efforts.

What factors will affect the click-through rate?

Here are some factors that may affect your click-through rate. For more details on optimizing these factors for better click-through rates, scroll down to the “how to increase click-through rate” section below.

Factors that affect the click-through rate include:

  • Relevance to your audience: people are more likely to click on content tailored to their needs or interests.
  • Search engine rankings: pages with higher rankings on the search engine results page (SERP) get higher click rates.
  • Link location: the link or CTA button on the page or advertisement can affect the number of clicks.
  • Visual appearance: image, color, layout, and size affect the click rate.
  • Industry: the click-through rate in some industries is higher than that in others.


Button appearance affects click rate

Each enterprise will have different benchmarks to get a good click-through rate. But we know you want to see some statistics.

Let’s take a look at the expected click-through rates for several different channels.

Natural search click rate

To increase the click-through rate of natural search is to improve the ranking.

The average click-through rate of the top results on Google’s search page is 31.7%. The average click-through rate for the second result was 24.7%, and the third was 18.7%.

Only 0.78% of searchers clicked on the second page.

By raising only one or two positions, you can significantly increase the click-through rate.


Organic click-through rate of SERP location

You can improve your ranking on Google and other search engines through search engine optimization (SEO).

If you have just started using SEO, we have created a beginner’s guide for you.

SEO includes the following operations:

  • Select keywords to locate and add them to your web page
  • Create new content periodically
  • Get backlinks from high-quality websites to your website
  • Make sure you follow technical best practices, such as having a website suitable for mobile devices

Some keywords are more likely to get high click-through rates than others. For example, searches with more words get, on average, more clicks.

Suppose you are ranked No. 3 on SERP. For a word keyword, you can get 5.15% hits at that location. But for a four-word keyword, the average click-through rate for the third result is 10.43%.

Email click-through rate

According to Campaign Monitor, the average email click-through rate is 2.6 per cent. Other e-mail services provide different numbers.

The average click rate varies from industry to industry. As you can see in the table below, e-mail from retail companies has an average click-through rate of only 1.1%, compared with 6% for government and political departments.


Email statistics by industry (Source:Campaign Monitor)

The best way to increase the click-through rate of email is to create engaging and relevant events for your audience.

But that’s not the only factor.

For example, the time you send an email affects the number of people who open and click on it-the number of hits peaked around 5 p.m.

All major email marketing platforms allow you to view the click-through rate. To find out the best way to get the best CTR is to run the tests yourself.

Click-through rate of PPC ads

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads include ads placed through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Microsoft Ads.

The average CTR of Google Ads is 3.17% on the search network and 0.46% on the presentation network, but this may vary from industry to industry.

The dating industry has the highest click-through rate of 6.05%, while the technology industry has the lowest click-through rate of 2.09%.

The average CTR of Facebook Ads is 0.89%. The average CTR of Microsoft Ads (formerly known as Bing Ads) is 2.83%.

Positioning is essential for PPC advertising. If you show a Facebook ad for kitchen supplies to 1000 random people, the click-through rate will be lower than the click-through rate of showing it to 1000 people who express interest in cooking.

8 skills to improve click-through rate

Even minor changes to your campaign can increase your click-through rate (and conversion rate).

These are our eight skills to improve the click-through rate.

1. Target your audience.

Some people will never click on your link.

Don’t worry about them.

In terms of increasing the click-through rate, half of the success is to put your link in front of the right person. The personal interests or needs of these people may make them interested in your information.

We have discussed the importance of positioning in PPC advertising. Your positioning options will depend on the advertising network.

For example, ads on the Google Ad search network target users who search for specific words (among other factors). The advantage of Facebook Ads is that you can target people with specific interests.

Ensuring that your ads match your positioning choices will lead to better click-through rates.

To increase your email click-through rate, please break down your subscriber list.

Subdivision is a subset of your contact list that has something in common. For example, you can subdivide based on the following:

  • Location
  • Demographic statistics
  • Lifestyle and interests
  • Behavior (past interaction with your website or email)

A good list breakdown allows you to send targeted email activities. People who visit your site and give up the shopping cart may receive a different message than the new contact who has only downloaded the white paper so far.

two。 Do keyword research

This tip applies to paid search and natural search.

Choosing the best keyword to locate can increase your click-through rate and bring more traffic to your site.

Start by brainstorming as many relevant keywords as possible. Imagine what your ideal customer would search for and write it down.

Be sure to include the long tail keyword in your list.

Long-tailed keywords are terms or phrases with low search volume. They are usually several words long-although, contrary to popular belief, this is not part of the definition.

The cool thing about long-tailed keywords is that they are usually very specific. If you target keywords such as shopping baskets, the click-through rate may not be very high. The person who searches for the word may be looking for any basket.

However, if you target a “manual wicker laundry basket”, you will reach out to your employees. Although the number of searches for the word is lower than that of “basket”, people who search for it are more likely to click on your link.


An example of long-tailed keyword research (Source:Semrush)

Another way to find high-click-through keywords is to find out which words people are already searching for to visit your site. Google encrypts a lot of information, but you may be able to find some search terms on the “performance” page of the Google search console.

Once you have a list of possible keywords, start narrowing down. You can use Google’s keyword planner to find the monthly search volume for each keyword. Eliminate anything that doesn’t get any search. You may also want to limit very competitive high-volume keywords.

But the most important thing is the search intention. Do the people who search for this keyword want to find the same content as you?

If so, it may lead to a high click-through rate.

3. Improve your SERP list

There are things you can do to attract more people to click on the links on the search results page.
Write a better meta-description
The meta-description is the text below the page title on the SERP. Its purpose is to tell people what your page is about.

A good meta-description will convince people to click. Know what users will get when they click on the link. Will you answer a specific question? Provide useful downloads?

Consider joining CTA, such as “learn more”.
Optimize your URL
Your URL is one of the few parts of the page that searchers can see before clicking. Use it to your advantage.

Select a URL that accurately describes the URL provided by your page, such as example.com/learn-to-juggle or example.com/running-shoes.
Simplify your title
The first thing most people do on SERP is to browse the title of each result to find the most relevant title.

Your title tag should make the purpose of your page clear immediately.

4. Be friendly to mobile devices

As we discussed, your ranking on Google SERP will affect your natural click rate.

If your site is not optimized for mobile devices, it may prevent you from using Google and prevent you from achieving higher click-through rates.

Google has turned to mobile-first indexing. This means that the crawling, indexing, and ranking system of Google uses the mobile version of your site, not the desktop version.


How the mobile priority index works (Source:Jazel)

If you are not sure whether your website is suitable for mobile devices, you can test it here.

Unless you use an older theme or there are no recent updates, your WordPress site may already be mobile responsive.

5. Write an excellent email subject line

If they don’t open your email, they won’t be able to click on your link. If your subject line is not interested in them, they will not open it.

The best way to find out which subject lines resonate with your audience is to run the Ahand B test, which is available on most e-mail marketing platforms.

But to get you started, here are some tips for writing a good theme line:

  • Communicate the benefits of opening email. Is there an offer in it? Will they learn something interesting?
  • Personalize the theme line. Email marketing software can help solve this problem.
  • Increase urgency (when appropriate). Let them know that they must act now.
  • Catchy and / or humorous.
  • Ask a convincing question. For example, “is your data secure for hackers?”
  • Don’t overuse capital letters, punctuation, or emoticons.
  • Keep it short.

6. Use high quality pictures in advertisements

If you use pictures to advertise, make sure that the ads you choose are of high quality and eye-catching.

Most people scroll through ads, so you don’t have much time to show your services to the audience. Clearly display your product, logo, or information.

Images with text work well, but don’t use too many words. People won’t stop reading them.

Test your ad with different pictures to see how effective it is.

If a link or CTA button gets people’s attention, people are more likely to click on it.

There is nothing you can do about the links on the natural search results page. However, for display ads, email, and login pages, you can try the following variables:

  • Color
  • Size
  • Place
  • Text

On the login page or email, try putting your button or link on the “front screen”, which means that people don’t have to scroll too far to see it.

If you are using the CTA button, make sure it is large enough to read and the text is clear and easy to read. If your email subscribers have to squint at the small orange text on the red button, they may not click.

be concise and to the point. The link to “get e-books” attracts more attention than “Click here to download free e-books about current industry trends”.

8. Testing, tracking, and optimization

We hope these suggestions will help you increase your click-through rate, but there is no list of tips comparable to what you have learned by running the Aamp B test.

The Athumb B test is a way to compare two variants of a web page, email, or advertisement to see which one performs best. For example, you can send the same email, but the subject line is different.

One theme is serious, the other is a pun.

If puns get more clicks on topic lines, you may consider making more humorous theme lines in the future.

You can also do a WordPress B test on your Web site.

Through continuous testing and optimization, you can maximize click-through rates and increase site traffic.


Click-through rate is an important indicator that can help you understand your audience. Locating the right person with the right information can increase your click-through rate and bring more traffic to your site.

The more traffic coming in, the greater the potential for transformation.

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