
The points system can reward loyal customers who often interact with your content or buy items from your online store. They are the best choice for gamification and loyalty programs. However, WordPress does not support this feature. Therefore, you may wonder if the myCred WordPress plug-in is a viable solution for implementing an incentive scheme.

in today’s article, we will review the myCred plug-in and explain how you can use it to create a reward system in WordPress.

myCred reward system

myCred is a free plug-in Enables you to add points and rewards to your WordPress website. With this plugin, you can gamification your content, maximize brand loyalty, and make your site profitable.


for example, you can offer points to customers as long as they are shopping in your store. Once they reach a specific balance, you can give them a discount or even a free item as a reward in their next purchase.

alternatively, you can add a points program to your online course. You can design a system so that when students finish their homework or do well in the test, they can accumulate more points. Then you can create a ranking that encourages friendly competition among people who are eager to learn. In addition to

points, myCred also enables you to assign rankings and badges to your users. In addition, you can ask visitors to buy more points, use them to buy other items in your store, and even exchange them for cash.

myCred Premium Overview

myCred’s free plug-in has all the basic features you need to add an award system to WordPress. In addition, its advanced plan includes a variety of add-ons, including.

  • rewards your users with treasure icons (gems, fitness badges, currencies, etc.)
  • basic add-ons, such as notification email integration, birthday and anniversary points, coupon customization and other
  • gamification and payment gateway integration

Advanced Program starts at $149annually for the two websites. More expensive plans include additional integration and support for more websites.

how to use myCred to add a reward system to WordPress (5 simple steps)

now that you know more about myCred and why you might want to use it, let’s see how you use this plug-in to add a reward system

to your website step 1: install and activate myCred

first, you need to install and activate this plug-in. You can do this on your WordPress dashboard by navigating to the plug-in & gt; and searching for “myCred”.


after you find the plug-in, click install now, and then click activate. If you have purchased a premium license, you can now add it under the myCred & gt; license. Finally, click Save for


. The plug-in is now available!

step 2: configure the settings for myCred

you may feel a little overwhelmed when you install myCred for the first time. You will see a long list of plug-in settings across multiple menus on the WordPress dashboard, including myCred and points.


under normal settings, you can configure display options for your badge and social sharing buttons. You can also configure settings to buy and sell points, email notifications, coupons and credit transfers from your users. With so many settings in


, we recommend clicking the document button at the top of the page. Then, you can refer to the extensive myCred tutorials to set up your reward system.

at this point, you should also consider setting up your payment gateway for buying and cashing points. You can do this under buyCred Gateways and cashCred Gateways. However, these settings are optional and are not essential to your incentive plan.

now, skip to the integral & gt; setting. Here, you can select labels, icons and security settings for your points. You can also configure some caching options and rankings for users on your site.


is best to slowly configure your settings to meet the needs of your reward system. Also, be sure to save your changes during your process. Step 3 of

: enable / disable Hook

now is the time to determine which user behaviors will earn points on your site or online store. You can do this by navigating to the integral & gt; hook. Here, you will see a series of hooks on the left, which award or deduct points according to the following circumstances.

  • Registration
  • Anniversary Day
  • Daily visits
  • View content
  • login
  • post content
  • Delete content
  • Click the link
  • View Video
  • Reporter
  • purchase points

to activate a hook, just click on it and select add Hook.


then you will be prompted to assign a specific number of credits to the action and save your settings.


you can delete a hook by simply clicking Delete. In addition, when you select a hook document, you can access detailed tutorials on using hooks. Step 4 of

: activate the add-on

now is the time to configure add-ons for your incentive plan. Please note that the extensions available will depend on the myCred plan you installed on the site (free or advanced).

goes to myCred & gt; add-ons. Here, you will see the built-in, free and advanced extensions to your WordPress incentive program.


To start using an add-on, hover your mouse over it and click install. If it is an advanced extension, you will be directed to the myCred store to buy. For free add-ons, you will be sent to the core WordPress plugin to install it on your website.

the following is a brief introduction to some of the most useful myCred add-ons.

  • badge: display achievement badges for your users.
  • buyCRED: enables users to buy more points.
  • coupons: create coupons that can be used to redeem points.
  • Notification: notify users when they win or lose points.
  • Statistics: create visual charts of user progress and behavior.
  • WooCommerce Plus: let users make coupons, complete partial payments and use loyalty points in your WooCommerce store.
  • arcade games: give users points in exchange for playing games on your website.

let’s look at an example. You may install myCred LearnDash to integrate the Learning Management system (LMS) to provide points and rewards for completing courses, quizzes, or the entire course.


then, it’s just a matter of installing and activating add-ons, just like you install any other WordPress plug-in. Note, however, that the new plug-in will have more specific configurable settings. Step 5 of

: track points

now that your reward system is set up on your WordPress website, you can track users’ points and achievements from the “points” & gt; “log”. Here you can monitor the progress of today, yesterday, this week and this month.


Please note that you can also limit the total number of points by going to points & gt; general deposits. Here, you can choose to allocate points from the central fund and limit the number of awards.


in addition, under the rating, you can set rankings for your users. You can specify the number of points required to advance to a certain level, add a logo to distinguish it, and name it.


, now your reward system is completely ready! You can consider promoting to customers through promotional banners, e-mail marketing messages, or pop-up forms. Advantages and disadvantages of


myCred is a wide range of plug-ins with many customization options. Here are some of the advantages of using the tool.

  • sets up a reward system free of charge.
  • adds points, badges and rankings to your reward system.
  • increases sales by letting users buy points or redeem coupons in your online store.
  • integrates the plug-in with the page generator, the LMS plug-in, and the payment gateway.
  • visits the detailed plug-in documentation for more information about the system.
  • customizes logos and icons to match your reward system with your brand image.

, however, myCred also has some disadvantages. The following is a quick overview of the plug-in’s shortcomings.

  • has so many settings that you will be confused if you don’t have a setup wizard to guide you through this process.
  • the plug-in’s learning curve can be steep at the beginning.
  • if you invest in advanced add-ons, the plug-in can become expensive, with prices ranging from $29 to $69.

in general, you can consider using the free version of myCred to see if it suits your needs. Then, if you want your reward system to climb to another tall building, you can buy add-ons or upgrade your membership.


reward system can motivate users to interact with your content and earn points. In addition, it can recognize customer loyalty and encourage consumers to buy from your online store more frequently.

has the WordPress plugin-myCred, which allows you to quickly build a reward system for your WordPress site. It comes with a variety of customizable settings and integration to reward or punish different behaviors. While the learning curve may be a little steep, the rewards can be huge.

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