WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments provides you with a simplified way to limit the shipping methods, payment gateways, and shipping destinations available to customers.

Create conditional rules to:

  • Free shipping for each product, category or shipping level.
  • Limit shipping methods and real-time rates based on package weight, number of items, or total shopping cart count.
  • Prevent the shipment of individual products or categories to restricted countries, states, and zip codes.
  • Limit shipping and payment options to specific customers and customer roles, such as member holders or wholesale customers.
  • Purchase a subscription using a specific payment gateway, or offer free shipping via subscription renewal.

csp_overview_19 Full control of your WooCommerce shipping and payment options.

Restricted mode of transport

Create rules to conditionally disable or hide transportation modes:

  • Each product, category or shipping category.
  • Total by weight, number of items or shopping cart.
  • When the coupon code is activated.
  • When purchasing a subscription.
  • For individual customers, customer roles, or site members.

csp_sm_19 Create rules to hide existing shipping methods and live freight rates.

Restricted Payment Gateway

Conditional restriction or concealment of payment gateways:

  • By mode of transportation, country, state or postal code.
  • Depends on the billing country selected.
  • Based on total order amount or currency.
  • By product, product category or transportation category.
  • Payment of subscription fees.
  • Applicable to individual customers, customer roles, or site members.

csp_pg_19 Conditional logic is within reach.

Create transportation country and state restrictions

Create rules to prevent customer orders from being shipped to specific shipping countries or states to comply with customs import regulations or shipping carrier terms. Built from product shipping rules or custom conditional rules:

  • Product category or shipping category in the shopping cart.
  • Total shopping cart or shipping package.
  • Customer role or membership.

csp_notice_19c Excluding destinations by product or category.

Want to know more? View the documentation for a complete list of all criteria available in the extension.

focus on the important things

Struggle with fragmented pieces and plugins with limited functionality? It’s never too late to clean up your website!

Conditional shipping and payment allows you to create global or per-product restrictions. Whichever method you choose, the extension keeps your site clean and helps you quickly track every shipping and payment method restriction on your site.

Running a store with a lot of people? The extension takes advantage of all the caching optimizations built into WooCommerce and loads only the components needed to evaluate the rules you build. This ensures that conditional shipping and payment will never disappoint you.

We’ve written over 2,000 automated tests to ensure that all features work as expected, updated after updates, so you can focus on what matters most: your business-not your plug-ins!

Customize and expand it.

Conditional Shipping and Payments comes with more than 10 integrations with popular extensions such as subscriptions, memberships, and gift cards–and the list keeps growing!

Need custom conditions? Use actions and filters to add new criteria, custom extensions, and even build new types of shopping cart/checkout restrictions from scratch.

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