Permalink Manager Pro Completely Reforms WordPress Permalink Permalink and Improves SEO Performance Original

Having a well-designed permanent link structure will make it easier for users to navigate your site, thus improving your search engine optimization. Permanently Link Manager is the ultimate solution for editing URLs without modifying any core files.

The plug-in contains a number of features that no other solution can provide.

Why settle for a limited built-in permlink solution when you have full control over URLs using the permlink manager? It gives you complete control over the URL structure and can easily change permanent links at any time.

It works not only for built-in posts, pages, and categories, but also for WooCommerce, ACF, toolsets, and all other custom post types and taxonomies.

Better solution than the original WordPress Permalink system

The inability to freely customize URLs is one of the most well-known problems in WordPress SEO optimization. Native settings provide only a few basic choices, giving you limited control over the design of the URL structure.

Permanently Link Manager is a sophisticated plug-in that provides advanced control over WordPress Permanently Links, offering a different approach than the built-in system. Instead of using dynamic rewriting rules, it stores custom persistent links statically in the database, allowing you to change individual addresses without affecting the default structure.

In addition, when you change a permanent link, the permanent link manager automatically redirects visitors to the new URL to ensure a seamless user experience for visitors.

URI EditorAdjust each individual URL as needed

If you need complete control over WordPress URLs and customize the structure, add custom slugs, or remove unwanted characters from the URL string, then the URI editor is a great tool for you. It works not only for posts and pages, but also for categories, custom post types, and taxonomies.

How is it different from the built-in permlink system? Unlike the existing feature that allows you to edit only the last part of the URL (i.e., slugs), this plug-in gives you control over editing the entire URL.

The plug-in supports built-in and user-defined custom post types and classifications, as well as WooCommerce products and categories. With this powerful tool, you can easily fine-tune each URL with just a few clicks!

permanent structureRearrangement of your permanent link structure in just a few clicks

Permanently Link Manager is a useful tool for every WordPress user who wants to optimize their SEO strategy. Its purpose is to make changing page links quick and easy, allowing you to focus on other areas of the site. The plug-in provides you with a persistent structure editor that lets you make bulk changes to custom persistent links and choose their default format.

In addition, the plug-in comes with a bulk URI editor that allows you to edit certain URLs that may need to differ from the typical structure established by persistent structures. This gives you more control over URLs, which ensures they are SEO-friendly.

redirectedChange URLs without losing visitors and traffic

Any changes to the URL structure can have a significant impact on the site’s search engine ranking and user experience. This is because initially search engines and some visitors may still be using old URLs, resulting in link corruption and traffic drop. The Permanent-Link Manager plug-in solves this problem by integrating with the specification’s redirection function.

By automatically redirecting old links to the new permalink structure, the permalink manager plug-in keeps your site’s links up-to-date. This ensures that a broken link does not affect the search engine results of your site.

In addition, the plug-in allows you to create additional redirect URLs if necessary. This feature can be used to define alias URLs to new locations, making it easier for visitors to find the information they are seeking.

WOOCOMMERCE SupportImprove your WooCommerce URL structure

Well-designed URL structures are fundamental to successful e-commerce website SEO strategies. The success of your online store depends on this, as it will help customers find what they are looking for and navigate your site easily.

Unfortunately, WooCommerce doesn’t offer many options for modifying WooCommerce store URLs. This can be a huge setback for businesses that want to enhance SEO and customer experience. This is where the fixed link manager comes into play. You can use it to design the URL of the WooCommerce store to be displayed the way you want it.

This means you will have complete control over the structure of URLs, which can have a significant impact on SEO and UX.

Custom field supportOnly plug-in that supports custom fields in URLs

This is the only plugin that lets you add custom fields directly to WordPress URLs without any coding experience! The process is designed to be simple and uncomplicated, and the documentation includes step-by-step instructions to help you get started.

Permalink Manager makes it easy to use built-in custom fields as well as fields controlled by popular third-party plug-ins, including ACF, Pods, JetEngine, and Toolset Types. This means that you can use any of these custom fields to create permanent links. No matter what plug-in you use, you can quickly add custom fields to your URL.

WPML/POLYLANG SupportThe easiest way to translate WordPress Permalink

The plug-in is designed to work with WP’s two most popular language plug-ins: WPML and Polylang. It allows you to create custom URLs based on the language of a post, page or term so that people around the world can access your site.

This means that the URL of the content may vary depending on its language. In other words, you can create unique link formats for each language available on your site!

Whether you have a multilingual website or just want people from different countries to understand your content better, our tools will be perfect for your purpose! By using it, you will be able to generate custom URL structures that will help visitors and search engines understand your content more effectively.

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