Ultimate SMS is a powerful, flexible and easy-to-use bulk SMS marketing app. It is also your one-stop solution for SMS marketing. It is easy to use and install.

If you want to run Ultimate SMS, you must purchase the SMS Gateway API from an SMS Gateway provider (such as Twilio, nexmo, plivo, etc.). More than 80 SMS Gateway APIs have been integrated into Ultimate SMS. You can choose one of these, or you can add your gateway with Ultimate SMS. Then, you must update your SMS API credentials on Ultimate SMS. Finally, you can use your SMS Gateway API to send SMS via Ultimate SMS.

Ultimate SMS Tool Demo


Administrator Login: E-mail: admin@codeglen.com Password: 12345678


Client Login: Email: client@codeglen.com Password: 12345678

Ultimate SMS Tool Features

    • Customer management Customers are the most important people in any organization. Ultimate SMS is an app that lets you follow your customers in a faster and easier way.
    • Event producers use contact groups to send your SMS messages to your customers or upload CSV files. Ultimate SMS automatically queues your messages and sends them one by one to your customers.
    • Send Calendar SMS With scheduled messages, you can reach yourself or many people at once when you need it. Simply select your customer group or upload a CSV file and select your time. The message will be delivered at the right time.
    • Send regular text messages With repeated messages, you can reach yourself or many people at once by repeating times when you need them. Simply select your customer group or upload a CSV file and select your time. The message will be delivered at the right time.
    • Two-way SMS is a place where you can send and receive text messages so that you can have a conversation with the recipient. You can send and receive SMS messages to your customers using Ultimate SMS.
    • Clean SMS Reports Ultimate SMS provides you with clean, simple and compelling SMS history reports. You will get your SMS history, such as a mobile inbox.
    • Custom SMS templates Create fully secure custom SMS templates that will help you reduce your time. Simply create your template, store it in the system, and finally use it when needed.
    • Contact groups/contact lists Contact grouping is a very useful feature that helps you store, search, and view contacts, as well as edit and delete contact information. The main goal of the Contact Group feature is to efficiently manage contact details using a fully automated system. You can set opt-in and opt-out keywords to store or remove phone numbers from the list.
    • Sending Identity Management With dynamic SMS sender ID, you can display your company name as the sender of SMS messages, turning simple SMS into a powerful branding tool. You can block or unblock sender IDs for specific clients.
    • Anti-fraud messaging system Anti-fraud messaging is a system that identifies fraud during the sending of spam or illegal text. When someone sends spam or illegal text, administrators can receive an email and manage it using a fully automated system.
    • Ultimate SMS contains more than 120 of the most popular SMS gateways. You can use these gateways to send SMS messages to your customers or customers. You can also add your gateway in an unintegrated Ultimate SMS.
    • Building your own APISMS API integration is a way to integrate SMS services on your panels, such as websites and software. Advanced APIs and callable services give you the freedom to use them creatively.
    • Ultimate SMS enables you to create different types of pricing plans for your customers or customers. You can set up scheduling functions for specific schedules. You can also set popularity.
    • Unlimited Role Management Role Management helps you manage authorization, which enables you to specify resources that users in your application are allowed to access. Role management allows you to treat groups of users as a unit by assigning users to roles such as manager, sales, member, and so on.
    • Multilingual Support You can translate Ultimate SMS into any language. Simply insert your translated country name, upload your flag, and finally translate your value English into your own. You don’t need any programming knowledge.
    • Ultimate SMS includes the most popular payment gateways. You can receive payments in different currencies from Paypal and Stripe. There is a manual payment gateway that may contain your bank account or anything.
    • Ultimate SMS is easy to customize and anyone can easily change anything. You can easily make it your own if you want.
    • Get started with all the information you need and get out of trouble quickly with how-to guides, sample code, and plenty of API documentation.
    • Ultimate SMS, the open code library, is built for developers. It is well written and open. You can change anything according to their needs.
    • Lifetime Update Ultimate SMS provides you with lifetime updates without paying update fees.
    • You can easily install Ultimate SMS using the Ultimate SMS Autoinstaller. Just follow the instructions and click the button.
  • One-click app updates You can easily update ultimate SMS with one click. Simply select the update file and click the update button, and the rest will be done by Ultimate SMS


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