Admin Quick Edit PRO extends the OpenCart Catalog, Marketing, and Sales menu list view pages.
With this powerful extension, you can quickly edit values in-place and open normal project editing pages without leaving the list view, saving a lot of time. In addition, you can edit multiple items at once, which saves you more time. This is ideal for sites with a large number of products, high turnover, which have a large number of categories, discounts, prices, manufacturers, models, etc. that need to be changed frequently.
Premium Adm in Quick Edit PRO features:
– Batch editing:
You can select multiple items and edit them at once
– Relative Editor:
Edit numeric values relative to previous values or product price (for price values, only applicable to OC 3.0)
– Optional columns:
Select the columns you want to see in the list view and hide them
– Sortable columns:
Arrange columns in custom order
Enable or disable quick editing of each column:
Controls which columns can be edited quickly and which cannot be edited
Search anywhere:
Filter string matches anywhere in the phrase.
– Interval filtering of numeric values:
Filter items within the value range (e.g. price between 250 and 450 or quantity over 5)
– Alternate row color + hover highlight:
Make viewing long lists easier
– Direct link to online store:
quickly and easily
View product, manufacturer, category and information pages in your online store (with multi-store support)
– Status highlighted:
Displays disabled items in red to make them easy to find
Fully multilingual:
In the multilingual web store, you can quickly edit values in any language
Fully based on AJAX:
without refreshing
Page-Quick Click or Double Click Options
Edit versions v4.0.4 (for OC v1.5.6. khz), v5.7.1 (ÖC v2.0.x-v2.3. khz) and v6.3.0 (for OC v3.0.x) in a single file.
Compatibility with OpenCart: v1.5.x-v3.x
Live Demo
OpenCart 3.0 Admin
OpenCart 2.0 Admin
OpenCart 1.5 Admin
(user/password: demo)