Illustrations of 76 effective strategies to bring traffic to your site

Therefore, your site is all set up, but you are not sure how to generate traffic to your site?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. With so many articles about improving traffic, it’s hard to tell what works for you and what doesn’t.

This article does not list every way to increase traffic. Instead, it lists effective strategies.

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How to bring traffic to your website

For convenience, we classify tactics into the following categories:

  1. Content marketing
  2. E-mail marketing
  3. Promotion
  4. Community
  5. Search engine optimization
  6. Keyword research
  7. Technical improvement
  8. Social media
  9. Other marketing strategies

Let’s go straight into:

Content marketing

As long as you create good and relevant content on your site, you will have a steady stream of visitors (hopefully) to your site from Google.

Not sure what the good content looks like? Then check out our content marketing guide and this great content marketing center organized by Backlinko’s Brian Dean:

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Backlinko’s content Marketing Center

Inside, you will find more than 30 resources that cover all the information you need to know about content marketing, such as promotions, copywriting, and design.

Are you inspired now? Here are some tips for using content to increase traffic to your site:

1. Write useful content (that is, create content that answers questions)

This sounds obvious, but most of the things that focus on SEO boil down to:

To answer a question asked by many people on the Internet, this question has not been well answered.

If you have a problem, what is the first thing you might do? Google it.

It can be anything literally. From what is a meme, to the best place to live, to why nachos were invented:

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Examples of questions that people search on Google

The point is: Google and other search engines exist mainly to provide people with answers to questions. If you can answer questions with content on your site, Google will send traffic to your site.

So how to find these problems?

Well, that’s the hard part. It will be helpful to know your audience. The same is true of using keyword research tools.

(you’ll find out in detail how to actually find the questions you should answer later in the keyword research section of this guide.)

But one of the easiest ways to find the answer is to Google it.

Enter any questions your audience may have and start there. I’m sure you’ll end up in a rabbit hole with a potential problem to answer.

Once you have some questions, use this simple framework to write useful content:

  • Do some keyword research to find a popular problem.
  • Write an article to answer this question.
  • Follow the SEO best practices of the article.
  • Make sure the number of words is long enough to fully answer the question
  • Edit your article (we all make mistakes).
  • Click publish, rinse, and repeat.

Just make sure that the content theme you choose won’t disappear for a few months.

two。 Write evergreen content

Evergreen content is content that will continue to be relevant after release.

It can include the following:

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Type of evergreen content (photo source:

Some content will soon be out of date, while evergreen content is not as out-of-date as news articles. In fact, over time, it can bring a steady stream of search traffic, prospects, and social sharing.

It will also:

  • Provide lasting (and compound) value.
  • Help educate new customers / customers / readers.
  • Help build your authority.
  • It may help attract links.

If you want an example of evergreen content, this is what we actually do in our tutorial tips.

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Example of evergreen content (WP tutorial tips) of

These are the questions that people always ask (just make sure the information is up-to-date).

3. Publish long content

There is no difference in content length between right and wrong. The ideal number of words for your content is the number of words that most fully cover the topic.

Having said that, it is observed that longer content works best:

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Word count and Google ranking (photo source:

So why write a long story?

There are four main reasons why you should do this:

  • Longer content usually ranks better than shorter content.
  • The longer the content, the more social sharing you get.
  • Content is more topically relevant (Google ranking factor)
  • It can help turn readers into customers (such as content upgrades)

Although the number of words does seem to be equal to a better ranking, there are other factors to consider besides the length of the content.

If you want an example of a long story… You’re reading one!

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Long format content exampl

4. Post more list articles

A list article is an article whose title contains a set of numbered things.

There are many list articles on the Internet. BuzzFeed mainly publishes list articles:

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Example of ranking list articles in Google

List posts are useful when adding traffic to your site because numbers are a psychological trigger.

They are not only easy to scan while reading, but also eye-catching.

When we see the number in the title online, we are more likely to click on it because the brain is activated by a response called “Click, Whirr”.

You go ahead. List articles work because of science.

However, you need to remember one thing: list posts are useful for generating traffic to a given site, but they are not the best content format when converting visitors to users / customers. To do this, you need to use different formats (through guides, compare login pages, etc.), but this is the subject of future blog posts.

Let’s go back to the issue of generating traffic to your website.

5. Create a system (hint: use the content calendar to plan content)

Bringing traffic to your site is like so many things in life, it’s all about consistency.

Consistency of content strategies not only allows you to stay relevant to your audience, but also signals to Google that your source of information is reliable.

Posting blog posts slowly but steadily is better than a crazy and unstable release schedule.

One of the best ways to manage this problem is to use a content calendar. You can store ideas somewhere and plan what to publish and in what order.

You can use editing calendars, project management applications of your choice (such as Trello or Asana), alternatives or spreadsheets, or even pens and paper (well, that’s old-fashioned).

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Edit calendar Trello board example (picture source:

It doesn’t matter which one you choose. The best format for content calendars is the one you are most likely to use and continue to use.

6. Reuse content from other channels (and other formats)

Reusing content is best described as finding new ways to reuse existing content.

It is useful for attracting new audiences on different media, reinvigorating forgotten content, and making the most of your content.

Ahrefs has done a good job of reusing the content of its blog and YouTube channels, such as their content review articles + videos:

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Example of Ahrefs reusing content

The same is true of GaryVee, who uses the “content pyramid” method to get more than 30 pieces of content from a speech:

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Content pyramid of GaryVee

The key is to get as much value as possible from a content by reusing it.

Here are some ideas you can try to reuse:

  • Webinar & gt; Video
  • Old blog articles & A downloadable Guide to gt;
  • Interview & gt; blog articles or e-books
  • Picture & gt;Pinterest board
  • Quora Q & A & gt; blog article
  • Slides & gt; infographics or blog posts
  • Statistics & gt; Twitter thread
  • Blog article & gt; podcast

7. Create content that attracts influencers

Most industries have influencers: individuals with a large number of followers seem to get a lot of love, sharing, and links to their content.

Wouldn’t it be nice to use their authority for your own content?

If you want influential people to share your content, you need to create content that directly attracts them.

This is a simple process of creating what the influencer wants to see:

  • Use the influencer research tool to find influencers in your industry, or quickly search to find their direct email addresses.
  • Analyze what they’re saying.
  • Looking for a common theme.
  • Create content about this topic.
  • Display your content in front of influencers.

8. Write compelling headlines (using the title analyzer)

The title is one of the most important parts of the content.

They are probably one of the first things people see in Google search results. Without eye-catching headlines, even the most comprehensive blog posts may not be readable.

To help you create compelling headlines, you can use title optimization tools like Sumo’s headline generator.

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Sumo headline generator

Writing a good title is an art form. But don’t worry, it can be learned and improved through practice. If you must start from scratch, follow these tips:

  • Study your clients.
  • Look at the title of your competitor.
  • Use words that your audience may use (+ avoid jargon).
  • If you can, use a number at the beginning.
  • Use strong words such as “secret”, “unknown” and “hidden”.
  • If possible, test the title of your article.
  • Measure your click rate (click rate) and adjust accordingly.

9. Improve old blog articles

The solution to increase website traffic may be as simple as you already have: old blog posts.

If you’ve been blogging for a while, there may be a lot of posts in your profile that need some love to bring them back to life and generate search traffic.

Find pages that hover at the bottom of the first page or the top of the second page of Google search results. These pages are perfect examples of improvements.

But how do you improve them?

Here are some quick ways to improve old blog posts:

  • Update any outdated information.
  • Add more images, screenshots, videos, etc.
  • Improve your introduction (make people want to keep reading).
  • Increase your word count (if it makes sense).
  • Add links to related posts.
  • Improve readability through shorter paragraphs and points.
  • Republish them and promote them as new again.

But sometimes, instead of updating old articles, merge them.

10. Merge similar articles (+ redirect them)

If you have a large backlog of similar articles covering the same topics and keywords, it may be worth merging them into one article.

By merging similar articles into one page, it may perform better in Google and clean up your site architecture.


Because you did not spread “authority” in multiple articles. Instead, you have a focused and powerful position. You will also have a longer article that delves into a topic to generate more traffic.

Here is how to turn similar articles into one:

  • Determine the URL to keep and the URL to delete and redirect.
  • Copy everything you want to keep from the old article and paste it into the retained content.
  • Now format, edit and carefully check the new article.
  • Set 301 to redirect to a new page
  • Finally, delete your old page.

11. Use skyscraper technology

Skyscraper Technology (Skyscraper Technique) is a marketing term coined by Backlinko’s Brian Dean.

Basically, it is a system that converts content into high-quality backlinks.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1-find existing content with a large number of backlinks.

Use tools such as Ahrefs Content Explorer or BuzzSumo to find URL with a lot of social sharing and links.

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Use Ahrefs Content Explorer to find successful content (for replication)

Step 2-now create something better.

Now you need to figure out how to improve it. Can you add more up to date information? Maybe you can improve the visual effect or extend it to include more points.

Step 3-promote your skyscraper content

Go to the site that links to the original content and ask for a link to your premium content.

This is the outreaching template you can use:

Hey [name]

I am reading your article on [TOPIC] and notice that you link to this page: [INSERT LINK]

I just want you to know that I have just released an updated, more in-depth version of this page.

This is: [insert skyscraper link]

Can it be well added to the page?

[your name]

Skyscraper technology sounds simple, but it can be tricky in practice. Here are some resources that can help:

  • How does Ahrefs implement skyscraper technology (and get results)
  • How HubSpot uses “skyscraper technology” to drive 70K + page views
  • How to build high-quality backlinks for your content through a single granularity

To be fair, however, skyscraper technology is now a fairly common method on sites that do a good job of content marketing. This means that its influence is weaker now than it was a few years ago.

However, this may help to add some traffic to your blog.

twelve。 Create an expert review article

Expert review articles are blog articles that collect expert citations and then use them in the articles.

According to experts, this is an example of the best free SEO tool for Databox:

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Examples of expert review articles for Databox

Reviews are ideal for getting links and sharing from the people you include.

This type of content generates traffic because:

  • They feature subject matter experts, and they may share your content with their audience.
  • It follows the structure of listicles, and we know it works well.
  • They have attracted many visitors and newbies because they have collected quotations and tips from well-known professionals.

E-mail marketing

If you do anything online, you need an email. Regardless of the size of your business or website, being able to send email to your audience is critical.

To tell you the truth, half the world’s population uses email:

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Email statistics for Oberlo

With so many people who can be contacted through their inboxes, email is one of the best ways to attract website traffic because:

  • Your email list is already interested in your website.
  • When you talk directly to your list, you can almost guarantee traffic.
  • Email attracts targeted traffic to the page of your choice.

13. Increase website traffic through email marketing

E-mail marketing is a fairly cheap but effective way to reach an audience.

In addition to following email marketing best practices, here are some basic steps to increase email marketing traffic:

  • Set up a subscriber list as soon as possible.
  • Choose the appropriate email marketing software.
  • Keep your email focused.
  • Write a compelling theme line.
  • Add a social sharing button to your email.
  • Add CTA (vocative language).
  • Don’t send too many emails.
  • Make sure your email template is available on your mobile device and is not marked as spam.

14. Use content upgrades to get more subscribers

Content upgrades (or lead magnets) are resources that you give up in exchange for an email address. This is a list of some of the best potential marketing WordPress plug-ins for you to view.

If you get the right upgrade, your audience will be happy to sign up for your email list to get free content.

However, you must know your audience and what they want. Perfect Keto has done a good job in this respect:

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Example of content upgrade for Perfect Keto

Some examples of content upgrades that you can use are:

  • List.
  • Cheat sheet.
  • Quick start guide.
  • E-books.
  • Template.
  • Free courses.

15. Create an email welcome series

The Welcome email series is a series of emails that are automatically sent to subscribers when they first choose to join your list.

Please remember: this is your chance to make a good first impression. This can greatly increase your website traffic and increase your subscribers.

Drift did a good job in this email, straightforward and directing new subscribers to hot content:

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Example of Drift’s welcome email (photo source:

16. Add a method of user email collection

To start using email traffic to get traffic, you need a way to collect e-mail addresses through your website.

You can use the registration form in the sidebar or content, as follows:

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Example of an email registration form

The key aspect here is to give people a compelling reason to register.


So you wrote some great stuff, and now?

It’s time to promote it.

Here are some content promotion strategies you can try:

17. Submit your content to the aggregation site

A content aggregator is a site that does not create its own content. Instead, they collect content from other sites and “aggregate” it into one location.

Users usually like aggregators because it gives them the opportunity to find all kinds of content in one place. On the other hand, publishers display their content in front of people who want to see it.

Here are some ideas submitted to the content aggregator:

  • Reddit
  • Webdesigner News
  • Designer News
  • (formerly Inbound)
  • Hacker News
  • Mix (formerly StumbleUpon)
  • Digg
  • Panda
  • Fark
  • GrowthHackers
  • AllTop
  • Facebook groups
  • LinkedIn groups
  • Zest

18. Write some guest articles

Cameo posting means that you write blog posts for websites other than your own. In return, you will get a link back to your website.

This will send traffic to your website, provide you with backlinks, and help increase your brand awareness.

One of the biggest challenges for visitor blogs is to find the right sites that are willing to accept and publish your guest articles.

Fortunately, with a quick Google search (+ some search operators), you will be able to find a large number of guest publishing opportunities related to your niche:

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Use Google to find opportunities for visitors to post related topics

The following is a list of operators you can try (remember to replace KEYWORD with terms related to your site’s niche):

  • Keyword title: “write for us”
  • Keyword title: “write for me”
  • Keyword title: “contribute to”
  • Keyword title: “submit” + inurl:blog
  • Keyword “submit a guest post”
  • Keyword inurl:/guest-post/
  • The key word “guest post”
  • Keyword “guest post by”
  • Keyword “accepting guest posts”
  • Keyword “guest post guidelines”
  • The key word “guest author”
  • The key word “guest article”
  • The key word “guest column”
  • The key word “become a contributor”

19. Promote your website through Blogger Outreach

Blogger outreach is the process of finding relevant blogs and sending them personalized emails that highlight your website, services, products, etc.

Step 1-find the blog you want to contact

You can contact the blogger:

  • The person you have recommended on your website.
  • Someone who has written about the same subject.
  • Who has previously linked to similar topics.
  • Who has posted the relevant article.

Step 2-find the right contact information for them

Before you can get in touch, you need to find the email address of the blogger you want to contact.

There are several ways to do this, but one of the fastest ways is to use an e-mail lookup tool like

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Use Hunter to find email addresses

Step 3-write your Outreach email

Now you need to write the e-mail to send.

If you need some help making your referrals, please check out these email Outreach templates provided by HubSpot.

Now all that’s left to do is click “send”.

20. Invite others to visit the blog on your website

Don’t forget: the visitor article is a two-way road.

Don’t think that you can only write content for other sites. Invite others to write for your blog as well. If they write high-quality original articles, of course it will be interesting to your audience.

Not only will you get some new content on your site, but guest bloggers may promote the article to bring more traffic to your site.

Everyone wins.

21. Write on the media (+ other websites)

Medium is a user-generated website that prioritizes and recommends articles according to their reading habits.

You should consider writing on Medium because:

  • It can send consistent traffic back to your website.
  • It has a fixed and participating audience.

They even have a dashboard that shows the performance of your article:

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Article Statistics / effects Dashboard on Medium

There are also sites like Medium where you can write:

  • Svbtle
  • Steemit


While we’re talking about promotional themes, sharing content in the online community can be a good way to bring traffic back to your site, although it’s getting harder and harder because more and more people are doing it and it’s not scalable. Still, it’s always worth testing.

twenty-two。 Promote content in relevant online communities

Online communities are places where your viewers hang out on the web, including Facebook groups, Reddit, Slack channels, and forums.

If you are already part of a niche market, it is easy to find relevant online communities.

If you are not, here are some useful resources:

  • Directory of Slack communities
  • 400 Slack communities
  • 500 + Facebook Groups (via Dropbox)
  • 5000 Top subreddits

23. Post useful content on Reddit

Reddit is a large and active community. There may already be a subreddit related to the niche of your site.

If you do it right, using Reddit can bring a lot of traffic to your site and will not be overwhelmed by the amount of discussion that takes place at any time.

In fact, you can use tools such as Notifier for Reddit to track Reddit discussions:

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Reddit keyword monitoring

However, promoting content on Reddit can be difficult. If users don’t like what you’re doing, they won’t do anything.

Here are some best practices for posting on Reddit:

  • Become a member first.
  • Give more than you take.
  • Publish original content and participate in it in a real way.
  • Do not use false accounts.

24. Join the Facebook group (+ share your content)

You should join some Facebook groups related to your niche and share your content in it.

Similarly, you should first respect the specific rules for promotion in these groups.

Facebook groups cover a wide range of areas where your target audience is likely to wander. For us, a base WordPress-supported group like WordPress Freelancers or WordPress Speed Up may have members who are interested in our content.

You can actually search groups to find discussions related to your content:

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Digital marketing is a popular Facebook group.

Find discussions related to the article you are trying to promote, and then join. Try to share it in a dialogue that helps the group.

Like all online community promotions, you want to make sure you give the impression that you are helpful and free of spam.

25. Answer questions on Quora

Quora is perfect for increasing traffic to your site.

If you haven’t already, you need to create an account first. Once you have a Quora account, you need to find the correct question to answer.

This is simple. Just enter a keyword and Quora will recommend the topic for you:

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Quickly find niche-related questions that need to be answered on Quora

Select your topic and you will be able to see the latest questions related to that topic.

Just click “answer” to add your answer. Try to answer the questions in their entirety and provide links to any relevant content on your site, if it makes sense.

If you want to take full advantage of Quora, please complete your ​​ profile, select questions relevant to your audience, and add links where meaningful.

By the way, you can also try these other Q & A sites and follow the same principles:

  • Yahoo Answers
  • StackExchange
  • StackOverflow
  • Answers
  • Zhihu
  • Little Red Book
  • Baidu Knows

twenty-six。 Publish product search

Product Hunt is a community that plans the best new mobile applications, websites, and technology products every day.

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The Product Hunt home page can bring traffic back to your site

Getting traffic from Product Hunt can be an art, so here are some tips:

  • Answer questions about threads as soon as possible.
  • Tweets support you and thank their users.
  • Tell your social media followers and email list of your Product Hunt posts.
  • Make sure you have set up Google Analytics on the WordPress website to track your results. And protect your analysis data from referral spam.
  • Check that your shared images on Facebook, Twitter, and so on are valid.
  • Don’t ask for a vote, just share URL into your PH post and let the user decide.

For a more detailed outline, you can check out their guide.

twenty-seven。 Attract traffic from the forum to your website

Forums have existed since the early days of the Internet. Since then, people have been using them to attract traffic back to their sites.

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Niche forums may be ugly, but they can bring good (and related) traffic to your site

Although some forums may seem out of date, they can be an important source of related traffic if they have a participating audience.

Here are some tips for promoting your website on the forum:

  • Choose the right forum for your niche.
  • Choose your user name carefully.
  • Add a link to your signature.
  • Make your profile carefully.
  • No spam.
  • Provide quality content.
  • Start a new thread.
  • I post frequently.

If you can’t find a suitable forum to submit, you can always …

twenty-eight。 Create your own forum

If you can’t find a good forum for your industry, you can consider setting up one yourself. In fact, with the WordPress Forum plug-in, you can set it up fairly quickly.

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WordPress Forum

If you do go this way, you need to make sure that your users are producing high-quality content, that you have moderators, and that your forum has a good user experience.

Doing this may mean that there is a steady flow of traffic back to your site.

Search engine optimization

If you ignore SEO, all of the world’s keyword research (more on this later) and content will not save your site.

Search engine optimization is one of the best ways to get consistent traffic flowing into your site. As long as you rank high in Google, you can bring natural traffic to your site.

It sounds good now, but nothing in life is free or without a job.

To benefit from SEO, you need to write down the topics that people search for in Google (as we described in the previous section). But to fully benefit from it, you also need to make sure that your site is optimized for search engines.

Here are some things you can do now to use SEO to increase traffic to your site:

twenty-nine。 Pay attention to the search engine optimization health of your website

Search engine optimization is very simple. Following best practices ensures that your site is healthy and has everything Google expects to see, most of the benefits.

Setting these things can have a big impact on the traffic on your site.

Here are the basics of SEO you need:

  • SEO-friendly CMS like WordPress.
  • Responsive design and good mobile availability.
  • Valid SSL certificate.
  • A fast and reliable network host.
  • Links from related websites.
  • What people really want to read.

Obviously, SEO can have more elements, and website technical health is one of them (we’ll talk about it later), but this should lay the foundation for you.

Links from authorities and related websites are like a vote of confidence in your site.

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A brief overview of how backlinks can help your site’s SEO (photo source:

The type of link to be established will vary depending on your niche. Here are some useful link-building resources:

  • Nine EASY Link Construction Strategies of Ahrefs
  • Loganix’s 50 local link building strategies for any budget
  • Mangools’s list of more than 60 link building technologies

Since its inception, Google has been adding more information to search results to enhance the user experience.

One of the features is a selection of clips:

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Example of selected clips

Selected clips are content boxes that appear directly below the Google search box. They are designed to provide users with quick answers to search queries (and even get answers without having to click on the actual website).

Clips can be a good way to send traffic to your site, especially if you already have some pre-existing ranking content.

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Increasing the click-through rate of ranking in selected clips is worth your time

We showed you how to get selected clips earlier, but if you need to know quickly, here’s a quick summary of how to optimize them:

  • Target question keyword.
  • Note the type of fragment (paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.).
  • Keep paragraphs and sentences short.
  • Answer the question directly.
  • Use subheadings to logically build your content.
  • Use a table to illustrate this point.
  • Include questions in the answer
  • Add a summary at the beginning or end of the content.

thirty-two。 Use analysis data to find underperforming pages (and vice versa)

If you are familiar with Google Analytics, open the dashboard.

Enter Behaviour & gt; Site Content & gt; Landing Pages, and then click on the session column to sort from low to high.

You get something like this:

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Find underperforming pages in Google Analytics (analysis) (for improvement)

Now you will be able to see the page with the least traffic.

From here, see if they miss anything you have on your best-performing page. Try to improve these underperforming pages so that every page on your site generates traffic. Another tool for collecting more insightful data is the Google search console, especially its performance tags.

Of course, you can also do the opposite:

Filter the analysis and search console to display your best-performing pages and see if you can make them better.

When you are in Google Analytics, you should.

thirty-three。 Optimize your best source of traffic

In Analytics, go to Acquisition & gt; All Traffic & gt; Source/Medium.

Now you will see where your traffic is coming from:

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Find the top-level traffic source in Google Analytics

If you are not sure:

  • Source is where users are located before they see your content, such as search engines or other sites.
  • Medium describes how users can reach your content.

From here, you want to ask some questions about the source of your traffic:

  • Which sends the most traffic.
  • Which sends the traffic with the highest conversion rate.
  • Which sends the most traffic.

From there, try to find out why these sources are effective. And then try to copy it.

Moreover, you should consider not only the source of your traffic.

thirty-four。 Steal competitors’ traffic sources

Sometimes the best way to get more traffic is to look at what is already working. And then do this.

One of the fastest ways is to “steal” competitors’ traffic. If you feel sad about stealing from competitors, let’s call it reverse engineering.

Now you need to use the SEO tool for this.

Here are two quick ways to monitor competitors:

Competitor Traffic method # 1-SimilarWeb

Go to SimilarWeb and paste your competitor URL into the search box.

Scroll down to the recommendation section to see where they get traffic:

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Use SimilarWeb to monitor competitor traffic

Competitor Traffic method # 2-Ahrefs

Go to the Ahrefs backlink checker. Enter your competitor’s domain name and click check backlink.

You will now be able to see the first 100 backlinks and the estimated traffic they send to your competitors:

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Use Ahrefs to monitor competitor traffic

To learn what works for your competition, you can go out and try to copy it.

Keyword research

Keyword research is the process of finding relevant phrases (keywords) that the audience is searching for.

Once you have a list of keywords, you want to include them in the pages so that they appear in the search engine.

There are many ways to generate keywords, using free and advanced tools.

thirty-five。 Target topics with traffic potential

SEO is one of the best ways to send consistent traffic to your blog (more on that later in this article).

But for Google to send visitors your way, you need the correct keyword. In other words: you need to locate keywords with traffic potential.

After all, you want your traffic to look like this:

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The type of natural traffic increase chart that all webmasters want to see

The indicators to keep in mind when conducting keyword research are:

  1. Search volume and global volume: how many people are searching for keywords each month
  2. Keyword difficulty: the difficulty of keyword ranking.

There are many free and paid keyword research tools available. Here are some of the best:

  • Ahrefs keyword browser (paid)
  • SEMrush (paid)
  • KWFinder (paid)
  • Uber’s suggestion (free)
  • Google keyword planner (free)
  • Keyword list (free)

thirty-six。 Target long tail keyword

Long-tailed keywords are more than 3 phrases that are very specific to any content you sell or the information you provide on your blog.

This is an example:

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Long tail keyword = more conversion (photo source:

Notice how the conversion rate increases as keywords become longer and more specific.

This is one of the benefits of long-tailed keywords, and they are usually easier to rank (because they are less competitive)

So how to find the long tail keyword?

Well, it’s easy to do this without leaving Google.

Here are three ways to quickly find long-tailed keywords:

Method # 1-automatic completion

The first is automatic completion. Just start entering your main keyword or topic, and then have Google generate suggestions based on other people’s search content:

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Using Google automatic completion for keyword research

Method # 2–People Also Ask

If you scroll down a little on the results page, you will see the next long-tailed keyword research method: People Also Ask (PAA) box:

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Using Google’s People Also Ask box keyword research

Method # 3-related search

Finally, at the bottom of the page is the relevant search (related searches) suggestion:

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Use Google’s related search for keyword research

Boom: these are three ways to do long-tailed keyword research using only Google.

thirty-seven。 Do problem-based keyword research

As we mentioned earlier, you really want to write about what people ask.

Two good tools for finding these problem-based keywords are Answer the Public and QuestionDB.

Just enter your keywords and you’ll get a lot of questions.

The following is the result of the keyword “credit card” on Answer the Public:

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Use AnswerThePublic to generate a large number of (and large) problem-based keywords

Here are the results of QuestionDB:

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Use QuestionDB to get the load question keywords that people are asking

As you can see, from just one keyword, you can generate a lot of potential questions that can be turned into articles (people in your field are asking).

thirty-eight。 Identify unranked keywords

It’s just a strange way to find keywords that you don’t rank to get a lot of monthly searches.

And then– you guessed it– tried to rank them.

The fastest way to find keyword whitespace is to use this free content gap finder or Ahrefs.

If you choose the latter, here is a quick walkthrough:

Start the Ahrefs content Gap tool and put it in the domain you want to compare:

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Use the Ahrefs Content Gap tool to find the keyword to locate

Click “show keywords” and you will see any potential keyword blanks:

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Keyword whitespace in Ahrefs

If you do this for your site and some competitors, you will be able to see all the keywords in their rankings, but you will not.

Depending on your competitors, you will be able to give priority to keyword whitespace and try to rank.

thirty-nine。 Optimize your content using LSI (or semantic) keywords

LSI stands for “latent semantic index” (sometimes called semantic keyword), which is the word / phrase related to your primary keyword.

Since Google Hummingbird, search engines have paid more attention to a comprehensive understanding of the topic. LSI keyword is a good way to help search engine crawlers.

You can use tools such as LSI Graph to find them. Simply enter your primary keyword and it will provide you with a list of terms related to your topic:

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Examples of LSI/ semantic keywords using LSI Graph

Try to add these to your articles and pages.

To be honest, if you want to write good content, you will include semantic keywords anyway, but it’s worth keeping in mind.

forty。 Prevent and delete keyword encroachment

Keyword encroachment means that two or more pages on your site compete with each other by trying to rank the same term.

This is actually quite common, especially for large websites with a large number of pages. This is a very detailed article by Moz.

The lesson to be learned here is that you should avoid keyword erosion because it can confuse Google (it doesn’t know which page to rank). Having two similar pages compete with each other does not help to increase traffic.

It can also:

  • Lower the permissions of the page.
  • Play down any links you have to the page.
  • Affect your conversion rate.

In general, you’d better combine these into one article. You can use this free spreadsheet to find keyword cannibalisation and run a quick “ ‘keyword'” query to find potential problems.

forty-one。 Look for opportunities to win key words

If you have an existing website, you can quickly win traffic in the following ways:

Find pages that perform relatively well, and then improve them to improve them.

Let me explain:

The page / keyword at the top of page 2 at the bottom of page 1 is a good fit. These may require only a few adjustments to enable them to move up the rankings and send more traffic to your site.

You can improve these winning keyword pages in the following ways:

  • Conduct keyword research to better locate the main terms + related terms.
  • Improve your page SEO.
  • Add more content.
  • An internal link to the page.
  • Set up some backlinks to the page.

To find these pages, you can again use the built-in keyword filtering of SEO tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush, and use some free SEO spreadsheets to perform SEO tasks or view performance reports in Google Search Console.

Technical improvement

Another aspect of SEO that determines how much traffic your site will receive is its technical health.

In order for search engine robots to find, crawl, and index your website, you need to check some technical elements.

forty-two。 Follow technical SEO best practices

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your website for Google crawlers.

This is an important step in getting website traffic. If Google cannot find, crawl, and index your site, you will not rank. No ranking = no natural search traffic.

It is called “technical” search engine optimization because it is not about the content of your site, but more about infrastructure.

Technical SEO may be a big topic. But in terms of getting best practices, here are what you want to do:

  • Specify the preferred domain (www or no www? )
  • Optimize your Robots.txt files.
  • Optimize the URL structure of your website.
  • There is a logical site structure and site navigation.
  • Use bread crumbs to improve the user experience.
  • Add structured data tags.
  • Set the specification.
  • Set up and optimize your 404 page.
  • Use 301 redirection.
  • There is a XML site map.
  • Install the SSL certificate.
  • Make sure your website loads quickly.
  • Make sure your website is suitable for mobile devices.
  • Set up the Google search console.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. However, if you can check all of the above, then you are on the right track of a healthy website.

forty-three。 Submit your website to the search engine

Do you want your website to appear on Google and Bing?

Then you need to submit your site to the search engine.

In fact, the process is very fast. Most of the work is done for you, but it’s worth it so that you can control the index in the future.

Search engines do not technically require you to submit your website. But in many cases, it makes sense. Taking into account:

  • There are few new sites with backlinks.
  • The website has been transformed with new content and structure.
  • A website that has been hacked recently.
  • A large number of updates are now available.

Manually submitting your site to Google and other search engines should reduce the time it takes to re-index correctly, thus gaining the natural traffic that flows to you on a regular basis.

forty-four。 Increase SERP click-through rate (using GSC data)

The click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of searchers who click to enter your site from Google search results.

This is a great thing:

By increasing the click-through rate, you can effectively increase traffic.

To see your click-through rate, go to Search Console & gt; Performance, and now make sure that the average click-through rate is selected and the query is selected. From here you will be able to see the best and worst queries for CTR:

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Click-through effect report in Google Search Console

Some of the ways you can increase the natural click rate are:

  • Improve your page title.
  • Make your URL clearer and more descriptive.
  • Improve your meta-description.
  • Add structured data.
  • Increase the page speed.

A broken link is created when you delete a linked page, add an incorrect URL to the page, or change the URL incorrectly. These are bad for the user experience.

No one wants to buy some Lego bricks and see this 404 page:

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Example of 404 pages on the Lego website

Well, maybe they will, because it’s a good 404 page.

So, how do broken links affect SEO?

When search engines crawl your site and find dead links, it can prevent spiders from crawling your site. This prevents it from being indexed.

In other words, when searchers (and / or web crawlers) browse your site and click on a link, they may be directed to a page with a 404 error.

I don’t know you, but when that happens, I either get a little annoyed with the problematic website or leave.

Don’t take any chances. To find and repair any potentially damaged links.

A link is a link from one page on your site to another page on the same site.

You’ve seen them countless times before:

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Internal link exampl

When you reference past content or related pages in content, interconnection links (or internal links) usually occur naturally.

Add an internal link to:

  • Help visitors (and search engines) browse your own website.
  • Help establish the information structure.
  • Spread link juices or permissions on your site.

forty-seven。 Make sure your website is responsive

Almost everyone has a smartphone. Almost everyone browses the website on their mobile phone.

There are 4.07 billion independent mobile Internet users in 2019!

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Mobile Internet user statistics

Your site has many potential mobile visitors. Google recognized this by introducing a mobile priority index.

If you do not have a responsive website, here are the reasons why you should do so:

  • It improves the usability of visitors’ websites.
  • It will load faster.
  • It will reduce the bounce rate.
  • It can improve social sharing.

forty-eight。 Use patterns to enhance the appearance of SERP

Schema, also known as structured data, is a tag that can be easily read by search engines.

It makes it easier for search engine crawlers to find and index your page. Because it provides search engine robots with more information about your site, your site can get rich site fragments (which can increase your click-through rate).

If you display comments on your website, you can rate rich page summaries as follows:

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An example of the architecture for displaying (comment stars) in Google

In fact, we have got more detailed guidance on how to add schema tags to a WordPress site.

forty-nine。 Make sure your website is fast

We’ve talked about this, but the loading speed of your site does affect SEO.

Page speed is a direct ranking factor, and it can also be indirectly affected by increasing the bounce rate.

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Mobile page speed benchmark (picture source:

Page speed is important to users. Think about it: what would you do if your page was slow to load? Are you waiting for it to load or go somewhere else?

You have a chance to leave.

Loading pages faster can make people stay on your site more effectively. Google knows that, too. That’s why they announced page speed as a ranking factor for SEO as early as 2010.

Google’s John Mueller says make sure the web page is loaded for the user within 2-3 seconds:

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John Mueller (from Google) advice on loading pages quickly

When speeding up your site, you can take steps to improve performance, such as compressing images, using lightweight WordPress themes, and having good hosting settings that provide high performance.

If you want to know the page speed, we have a lot of resources to browse:

  • Beginner’s Guide to website Speed Optimization
  • How to run the website speed test correctly
  • How to speed up your WordPress website
  • In-depth understanding of GTmetrix speed testing tools
  • Pingdom Speed testing tool: the Ultimate Guide
  • Google PageSpeed Insights: get full marks for optimizing WordPress

Social media

If you want traffic, go to an online location where the target audience often hangs out and shares content. Social media can also help you build brand awareness and community.

It’s not just about sharing memes and cat videos: 43% of American adults get news from Facebook:

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Social media statistics

Here are some ways to use social media to attract traffic to your site:

fifty。 Become active on social media

This sounds like an obvious step, but if you want social accounts to increase traffic, you actually need to set them up.

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Three-point rule (photo source:

The following are the basic elements to be done on any platform you choose:

  • Complete your ​​ profile (don’t forget to link to your website) and your business page (Facebook and LinkedIn).
  • Promote your blog content.
  • Be sure to share interesting content (follow the three-point rule).
  • Post when your audience is online.
  • Talk to your audience.

As to which platform you should be on, it depends on your audience.

The best social media platform is for your audience to hang out.

fifty-one。 Post on social media in the strategic era

This will very much depend on your audience and your platform.

There has been a lot of research on when to post on social media, such as this one from Hootsuite or this one from Sprout Social.

According to Post Planner, this is the best time to post on social media:

Social Network Best day ever. The best time.
Facebook It’s Thursday 8: 00 p.m.
Twitter It’s Thursday Five p _ m
LinkedIn Wednesday 9: 00 in the morning
Instagram Friday 7: 00 p. M.
Pinterest Friday 1: 00 a. M.

fifty-two。 Add social sharing buttons to your site

Oh, don’t forget to make it easy for people to share your content on social media.

(Pssst, if you read this on your desktop, please look to the left. )

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Example of a social sharing button used

These can increase your online exposure because users can find their favorite pages and posts and share them on social media sites.

The easiest way is to set up a WordPress social media plug-in for your site.

fifty-three。 Use social media calendars

Wouldn’t it be nice to get more hits on social media?

Well, the answer may be to use a social media calendar.

This type of calendar can help you understand:

  • Why your audience shares (or doesn’t share) your content.
  • What kind of content do people like?

More importantly, it also prevents you from sharing the same type of content too frequently and allows you to plan to share content that you know is valid.

It doesn’t take long to set up the calendar, just the spreadsheet:

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An example of a content calendar that can be used to promote blog posts

This simple supplement to your social media strategy can help you increase your sharing rate and bring traffic back to your blog.

Go to the Post Planner blog for free social media calendar templates.

fifty-four。 Study the social strategies of competitors

A good strategy to increase the traffic you get from social media is to monitor your competitors. See what they’re doing, and then try to copy it.

Here are several social media competitor analytics tools available:

  • Buzzsumo
  • Hootsuite
  • Sprout Social

Want an ultra-fast social competition analysis program?

Let’s go:

Step 1-find the competitor’s social media strategy

Use a tool like Sprout Social to see what your competitors are doing:

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Research on competitors using Social Sprout

And then think about something like this:

  • What keywords do they use?
  • Who are they following?
  • Which social networks are they on?
  • How big is their audience?
  • How often do they release it?

Step 2-analyze their personal data and content

Look at every social profile of them. What did they do well and what didn’t they do well?

Look for something similar:

  • Have they released the latest content about it?
  • Is their customer service good or bad?
  • Is there a spelling mistake?
  • What kind of images do they use?
  • Do they use a unique perspective to promote themselves?

Step 3-Monitor for any Chan

Social media is a never-ending stream of content, so monitor what your competitors are doing (some of the tools mentioned above can help).

See how you can use LinkedIn to increase your site traffic, and how to use Facebook and Twitter for marketing.

With this information, you can hopefully see that you can do something effective on social media to get the traffic gap on the site.

fifty-five。 Put social media on autopilot

Social media can be a good way to promote content to the audience.

The only problem is that it can take you a day, especially if you post a lot of content.

Take the promotion of new blog posts as an example. You must add titles, social sharing pictures, and links to new posts to each of your social accounts. This applies to every article.

Keep in mind that updating all social information like this can be a waste of time when posting new blog posts.

If you use this Zapier Zap to automatically publish a new WordPress article, it will not:

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Use Zapier to automatically publish new blog posts

This just scratches the surface of what you can do. Go to Zapier to learn more than 100 ways to automate social media.

fifty-six。 Use buffers to schedule and publish social articles

In terms of automation, you can use tools like Buffer to schedule your posts in advance and automatically post them to your channel:

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Use Buffer to schedule and post social posts

In addition to publishing your content, Buffer can also recommend the best time to publish. Not bad, isn’t it?

fifty-seven。 Use Quuu to promote

Quuu Promotion is a paid tool that increases traffic by automatically promoting your content to the right audience.

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Quuu promotion can help you generate a lot of social sharing.

So how does Quuu Promotion work?

In short:

  • You create a social media article with a link to your content.
  • Quuu puts this in front of people in your domain who are registered to get advice from Quuu.
  • Some of them may share it on their social profiles.
  • You get more traffic.


Many people use Twitter. In fact, about 46% of Twitter users log on to the platform every day:

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Daily Social Media usage Statistics (

If you don’t promote your blog on Twitter, how will others know about your content? Adding traffic to your blog is almost as important as writing itself.

If you use Twitter effectively, it can bring a lot of traffic back to your site. However, it doesn’t work to post the title of your blog post on Twitter from time to time with a link back to your site.

You need to do better than that.

Here are some ways to increase site traffic using Twitter:

fifty-eight。 Use these Twitter marketing techniques to increase traffic

Before you begin, you need to select the correct Twitter handle, profile photo, and title picture. In order for Twitter to be an effective traffic generator, you need to be proactive.

Did you know that the average life span of a tweet is only 18 minutes:

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Average lifespan of tweets (photo source:

Send more than 7000 new tweets per second, and to get any meaningful return from your Twitter, you need a plan.

Here are some Twitter marketing techniques to try:

  • Use short, compelling tweets.
  • Add a reference from the post you are promoting.
  • Add statistics.
  • Use # Hashtags and @ mentions.
  • Forward anything mentioned.
  • Request to forward.
  • Use images.
  • Try to ask a question (relevant to your topic).

Don’t forget, you can also take advantage of the power of Twitter advertising.

fifty-nine。 Increase traffic through Promoted Tweets

Promoted Tweets (also known as sponsored tweets) are standard tweets, but they are paid by advertisers who try to increase their Twitter coverage and / or participation.

They are easy to find because they have a “Promoted” tag under them:

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Promoted Tweets example

Promoted Tweets increases coverage and increases traffic to your site and click-to-click login pages, which in turn increases the generation and sales of potential customers.


Facebook has 2.41 billion monthly active users:

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Number of monthly active users of Facebook (photo source:

It is still the leader of social media sites.

If used properly, you can turn this power into a powerful marketing tool for your business or website.

Let’s take a closer look at:

sixty。 Use these Facebook marketing techniques to increase traffic

Bringing Facebook traffic back to your site is critical, and FB traffic provides a great opportunity to target your ideal audience.

If you haven’t already, create a Facebook page for your website and follow these Facebook marketing tips to help you generate more traffic:

  • Use pictures on all posts.
  • Keep your updates short and to the point.
  • Ask your fans short questions.
  • Use references in blog posts when sharing content.
  • Use video.
  • Plan content from other sites in your niche market.

And Facebook ads.

sixty-one。 Use Facebook advertisements

You may be familiar with Facebook ads:

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Facebook advertisement exampl

If used properly, Facebook ads can be an effective (and inexpensive) way to send traffic to blog posts.

However, if you know what you are doing, they can be counterproductive: expensive and ineffective.

You want to use targeted Facebook ads to attract traffic from Facebook back to your site, so make sure you’re looking for the right (and interested) audience.

If you are completely confused, consider using the Facebook advertising tool.

sixty-two。 Use Facebook ads to reposition visitors

Don’t forget that you can also use Facebook redirected ads.

Ad redirection is the process of targeting ads to users who have previously visited your site or social media platform but have not yet been converted.

You need to install Facebook Pixel and track your site traffic and site events.


Instagram is one of the fastest growing social platforms and can be a good way to generate traffic.

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Instagram growth (Photo:

But to get the most out of it, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Your name and user name-these are the only factors Instagram looks at in a search query.
  • Your resume description and profile photos-these should appeal to your audience.
  • The URL link to your website on your resume-this is the only place on Instagram where you can link to your website.
  • Profile visibility-you want to make sure your profile is set to be public, not private.

sixty-three。 Use these Instagram marketing techniques to increase traffic

This sounds obvious, but uploading high-quality pictures and videos relevant to your audience is the key to success on Instagram.

Think about it: if your audience is B2B, is this content useful?

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A popular Instagram meme page

Maybe not.

In addition to posting relevant content and increasing your followers on a consistent basis, here are some Instagram marketing tips:

  • Follow the accounts related to your niche.
  • Find and use related topic tags.
  • Try to make others shout if you can.
  • Share your posts regularly.
  • Publish exclusive content for Instagram only.
  • Stay active and interact with your followers.

sixty-four。 Use Instagram advertisements

Like Facebook ads, Instagram ads can be a great way to attract a target audience.

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Instagram advertisement exampl

Instagram ads can be set up through Facebook’s advertising platform. You can place different types of ads, including photos, videos, rotations, slides and story ads.

First, you need to connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts:

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Instagram/Facebook advertising dashboard

Quite simply, here’s how you start advertising on Instagram:

  1. Go to Facebook’s Advertising Manager.
  2. Set your goals.
  3. Set up your target audience.
  4. Select the location of your advertisement.
  5. Set your budget and schedule.
  6. Create your Instagram ads.


Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google?

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YouTube search function is similar to Google

If used properly, YouTube can be an amazing source of traffic. People watch 1 billion hours of YouTube videos a day, so getting only a fraction of those views can change the rules of the game.

sixty-five。 Use these YouTube marketing techniques to increase traffic

With so many videos uploaded to YouTube every day, it’s easy to lose your content.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to generate natural traffic for your video.

Here are some effective techniques for getting traffic from YouTube:

  • Reasons to visit your website, such as free PDF, e-books, courses or exclusive content.
  • Add a link to your website in the channel title.
  • Use cards to help navigate the view.
  • Add a link to the site in the video description.
  • Use a clear CTA on video

sixty-six。 Don’t forget YouTube SEO (rank your videos)

One of the best ways to get more video views is to use YouTube SEO.

In short:

YouTube SEO is the process of optimizing your channel (including video playlists, metadata, descriptions, and actual videos) so that your channel is presented to the right people.

You can actually optimize your videos for search results in YouTube and Google.

sixty-seven。 YouTube advertisement

Since there are already many potential audiences on YouTube, it makes sense to use ads to target them.

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YouTube advertisement exampl

To take full advantage of YouTube advertising, you need to:

  • Target your audience.
  • Choose the correct advertising format.
  • Make fascinating advertisements.

Check out HubSpot’s YouTube advertising guide for more information.


Did you know that each pin on Pinterest can generate 2 page views and 6 combined page views?

Pinterest is a great platform for sending traffic to your blog.

Not only are long-lived pins (which will be shared over time), but Pinterest is actively designed for sharing.

Let’s discuss it in more detail:

sixty-eight。 Use these Pinterest marketing techniques to increase traffic

Here are some strategies you can use to take advantage of Pinterest traffic:

  • Sign up for an enterprise account (and access Pinterest analysis).
  • Ensure that each pin description is detailed, useful, and operable.
  • Fixed at the right time.
  • Create an image with pin value (of appropriate size and containing text).
  • Join the relevant Pinterest subcommittee.

sixty-nine。 Use Pinterest advertisements

Pinterest ads help show your content to more people as they search and browse Pinterest.

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Pinterest advertisement exampl


  1. Set up the Pinterest enterprise account.
  2. Install the Pinterest tag.
  3. Choose a target for your campaign.
  4. Set up the campaign budget.
  5. Create an ad group.
  6. Select your target audience.
  7. Select the location of the advertisement.
  8. Add interest + keywords.
  9. Set budget + schedule.
  10. Select your promotional Pin diagram.

As with all paid advertising campaigns: monitor and adjust accordingly. For more information, see Hootsuite’s Pinterest Advertising Guide.


With more than 600m users, LinkedIn is the social network of choice for B2B.

LinkedIn is a place where people want to contact people in their industry, learn about their industry and share relevant content. If you want to increase traffic for your B2B blog or website, this is your platform.

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90% of social traffic is driven by LinkedIn to B2B sites (photo source:

seventy。 Use these LinkedIn marketing techniques to increase traffic

If you use it properly, LinkedIn can be a good source of traffic.

Here are the basic elements you need to start attracting traffic from LinkedIn today:

  • Create and optimize your profile.
  • Join a group (or start a group).
  • Create a company page.
  • Share useful content regularly.
  • Don’t share too much.

seventy-one。 Republish the article on LinkedIn

Don’t forget that you can use LinkedIn’s release platform to reach a large audience.

Republishing an article on LinkedIn is a great way to send traffic to your site and appear in front of a new audience.

To get started, simply click “write an article” on the LinkedIn home page:

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The “write articles” function of LinkedIn

Before you publish an article, you need to make sure that two things are included:

  1. Short profile-add it to the end of the post to direct people to your home page or blog.
  2. CTA-directs people to specific resources on your site that you think might help them.

seventy-two。 LinkedIn advertisement

You can also use LinkedIn ads to target your audience through sponsored content, sponsorship, or text ads.

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LinkedIn advertisement exampl

LinkedIn is clearly best suited to target a professional audience. Therefore, if your site is not targeted at this group, you may be better able to save money.

Hootsuite’s guide provides a good LinkedIn advertising exercise.

Other marketing strategies

Sometimes marketing strategies don’t exactly fit into a category. Here are all remaining traffic enhancement strategies:

seventy-three。 Use paid traffic

We’ve touched on this through social advertising, but paid traffic can be an effective way to focus on your content. It is also highly scalable (provided you have a budget).

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The type of paid traffic you can send to your website (picture source:

Here are some of the highest revenue sources of traffic to consider:

  • Display ads.
  • Paid search ads (via Google AdWords or Bing Ads).
  • Paid discovery (such as Outbrain or Taboola).
  • Sponsored content.

Depending on the ads you buy, you can pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-view (PPV), or pay-per-access (PPA).

seventy-four。 Appear on niche-related podcasts

Illustrations of 76 effective strategies to bring traffic to your site75

Monthly podcast listening statistics (photo source:

Podcast interviews can be an important driver of traffic.

You will not only get recommendations on the podcast, but also appear in front of new audiences. If you are on a niche-related podcast, you may have gained your own new audience.

Want to take it to the next level and appear on a lot of podcasts?

Here is how to start a podcast event:

Step 1-find podcasts in your niche market

Remember to continue to follow the topic by looking for podcasts.

Look at places like Stitcher and Podbean. Don’t forget to simply Google:

Your niche + podcast

Try to target 50 podcasts.

Step 2-write down your speech

You want them to invite you, so make your sales pitch relevant.

If you haven’t already, listen to a few episodes to try to understand what you can bring.

Step 3-contact the “homeowner”

Most podcast hosts want you to contact them.

Find their preferred contact information and send them your referrals.

Step 4-podcast (I hope so)

Be a podcast and try to share your content and information about your site naturally.

Step 5-share podcasts.

The final step is to share the appearance of your podcast.

Extend it to your email subscription lists, social channels, blogs, etc.

However, this is not just someone else’s podcast, you can also have your own podcast as an additional source of traffic

seventy-five。 Start podcasts

If you are trying to find podcasts that can appear, or if you are just eager to share content, why not create your own podcast.

Here’s how to quickly start a podcast:

  • Select your theme.
  • Come up with a name, program description and work of art.
  • Set up and test your recording device.
  • Plan your show.
  • Record your show.
  • Edit and finally release your show.

Hey presto, you just posted a podcast.

seventy-six。 Do some interviews (with your niche blogger)

Interviews are not only applicable to large publications.

If you ask them, many people will be willing to talk to you, even if you have only a small audience.

It’s easy to get started:

Just send a few emails requesting an interview to people in your industry. For those who reply to you, please post an interview on your blog.

Recognizable names not only increase your credibility and traffic, but you may gain further influence when interviewees share them with their audience.

If you want some inspiration, sites like Starter Story and IndieHackers are starting to produce this kind of content based on interviews. In addition, don’t forget our own kingpin part!


If you adopt some of the strategies in this article and apply them to your site, you will do a good job on the road to increasing traffic.

Try one (or more) strategy and see how it affects your traffic. If it doesn’t work for you: try another one. If so: redouble your efforts and do more.

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