
By publishing WordPress articles regularly, you can make the whole article management more planned, such as regular release of articles during holidays, fixed-point release of content on a daily basis, website announcements that need to be released, and so on.

arranges your article release plan in advance, which can avoid many problems and make the blog work properly. In this tutorial, we will show you how to publish articles regularly in WordPress using a number of different methods. Why does

  1. publish WordPress articles regularly? How does
  2. set up WordPress articles to publish regularly
  3. WordPress some tips for regularly publishing articles

publish WordPress articles regularly?

‘s regular publishing of articles in WordPress can save you a lot of time and help you stay organized. If you are running a news website or blog, it is especially important to publish your articles regularly. This helps maintain a consistent content stream and bring your audience back more.

in addition, if you are on vacation or taking a break from your website, post-scheduling can be a lifesaver. You can schedule some articles in advance to keep things going when you leave, rather than keeping your blog silent.

, let’s explore more reasons why regular WordPress posts are a good idea. Scheduling your article release in advance can help you:

  • Post at the time of day with the highest traffic. If you want to make sure your article is seen by as many people as possible, you need to post it during the time of day when most readers are online. For example, if you are running a parenting blog, you will want to post it during the day when your mother is most likely to be online.
  • Publish content consistently. If you want to build a loyal readership, you need to post content regularly. This can be difficult if you have a daily job or other commitment that takes up most of your time. By scheduling your articles in advance, you can ensure that your content is online, even if you are busy.
  • Write a backlog of content and stagger its release. This can be helpful if you have a lot of content that you want to publish but don’t want to overwhelm the reader. By scheduling your articles, you can control how much content is posted at a time.
  • If you live in another country or sleep during the day, please post during the day. This is self-evident! If you post a blog at night, scheduling can help you ensure that your content is online during the day in the reader’s time zone.
  • Make sure you consistently release on time. This is especially important if you post a blog about timely topics or events. If you want your readers to know that they can rely on you for timely information, you need to publish your article on time every time.
  • Write the seasonal / holiday content in advance. If your content is seasonal or holiday-specific, this may be a good way to stay ahead of the game. By writing and scheduling your articles in advance, you can get rid of the stress of the holidays and focus on enjoying yourself.
  • Continue to post articles during the holidays. Make sure your blog is not silent when you leave. Just write and schedule some articles before you leave, and you’ll be ready.
  • Test different release times. Trying to find out the best time to publish content? Posting articles regularly in WordPress allows you to test at different times to see which one gets the most traffic. Find out when your readers are most active and adjust your release schedule accordingly.

now that we know some of the reasons why regular posts are so important, let’s take a look at how to actually do it. How to set up WordPress articles to be published regularly in

it is easy to set articles to be published regularly in WordPress, just a few minutes. In this section, we introduce three different methods that can be used to publish articles on a regular basis.

method 1: use the WordPress deblocking editor to set the timing of publishing

the first method we will introduce is to use the WordPress block editor to set the timing of articles to be published. This is the most native approach because it is the simplest and does not require any additional plug-ins.

first, create a new article or page in WordPress. For this example, we will create a new article. After

enters the article editor, you will notice that in the publish panel, the time is set to publish immediately.


uses the Block Editor to set the date and time to schedule the posting of blog posts

Click publish now to display a drop-down list, and you will be able to choose a specific date and time to publish your post.

if you will schedule this article at a time after the current time. After selecting a date and time, simply click the schedule button to set the release schedule. This is the view of



uses the Block Editor to schedule later blog posts! Your article is now set to be published regularly, and the article will be launched automatically when it reaches the date and time of your choice.

Method 2: use the WordPress Classic Editor to set the timing for publishing

. If you are using the WordPress Classic Editor, you can use a similar method to schedule articles.

first, create a new article or page in WordPress. As before, we will create a new article for this example. After

enters the article editor, look for the publish panel on the right side of the screen on the WordPress dashboard. By default, this is set to publish immediately. The


Classic Editor by default shows that the article is ready to publish now

Click the edit link next to the publish now option. This will bring up a drop-down menu with several different time dimension options.


uses the classic editor to set the date and time for posting blog posts

in this case, we will schedule this article at a time after the current time. After selecting a date and time, simply click the OK button to set a scheduled release schedule.

clicks the blue “Plan” button to schedule blog posts to be posted later in the Classic Editor.


then wants to specify a time to post, and it’s as simple as clicking the “time to publish” button

. Your article has now been set up for regular release, and it will be launched automatically at that time.

method 3: use plug-ins to schedule articles

if you don’t use the WordPress Block Editor, or if you want more control over the timing of your posts, you can use plug-ins. Here we will recommend two scheduled release plug-ins: Magicpost and SchedulePress.

(1) Magicpost

Magicpost is a professional plug-in developed by us specifically for article management. The plug-in includes functions such as regular release, article move, article translation, HTML code cleaning, download management and social sharing.



here, we will not elaborate on the other features of the Magicpost plug-in. Because the focus of today’s article is– WordPress articles are released regularly.

first, install and enable the Magicpost plug-in. Because the Magicpost timed release feature belongs to the Pro function of the plug-in, you need to purchase the authorization of the plug-in and use the authorization code to activate the plug-in before you can use the scheduled release management feature of the plug-in. Below

is the introduction of the Magicpost plug-in operation after activating the Pro version.

in the implementation of WordPress article timed release, you need to set timed release parameters, click “Magicpost- timed release” to enter the timed release settings interface, as shown in the following figure:


Magicpost plug-in settings interface

in the settings interface, we need to turn on the function switch, and then select the article type you need to publish regularly, as well as the article status.

needs to explain the difference between a draft and a draft: a draft is an article in a draft box, which is an article that needs to be reviewed by an administrator if there are contributors, authors, etc., on your site.

is then added: automatically or manually added to a scheduled release. What’s the difference between the two?

  • is automatically added to the scheduled release: it will be automatically added to the scheduled release plan according to the article type you selected, that is, the article status;
  • is manually added to the scheduled release: that is, you are required to manually batch add to the scheduled release plan in the draft list or review list.

note: unless your drafts or articles for review are publishable articles, it is recommended to add them manually.

next, you can set the timing rule:

if you need to set a small number of automatically published articles every day, you can choose a uniform daily release time range, and then set the weekly processing limit, the number of articles per day, the release time interval and the daily unified release time interval according to the actual situation. As shown in the following figure:


timing rule setting-Daily uniform time

if you have a large number of articles that need to be regularly published every day, you can choose to vary from day to day, according to the range of website visits from Monday to Friday, as well as setting a weekly processing limit, the number of articles per day and setting random or fixed time intervals.


timing rule settings-

at different times of the day. In addition, the plug-in also supports settings, such as how to handle failed tasks for regularly publishing articles and how often the timing cycle is detected.


failed task processing and timing detection frequency setting

last save settings.

if you are set to manually add scheduled articles, you need to enter the draft list or review list, manually check the articles that need to be set for scheduled publishing, and then add them to the scheduled release list in batches.


batch add articles to scheduled release list

in addition, you can view the list of unscheduled or scheduled articles that have been set or not set through the Magicpost- timed release-timed list.


article timed list

(2) SchedulePress
One of the most popular late scheduling plug-ins for

is SchedulePress. This plugin is free to use (in fact, some advanced features are only available in the Pro version) and allows you to schedule your articles in advance.



first, install and enable the SchedulePress plug-in. After activating the plug-in, click the article & gt; from your WordPress administration panel to write the article. This will take you to the article editor screen where you can write and schedule your articles.

is on the right side of the screen, and you will see the standard classic editor release box. You can choose the date and time to publish the article here.

publishes examples of the following article on a regular basis, and we will schedule this article at 18:00 on July 4, 2023. After selecting a date and time, simply click OK, and then click the blue scheduled release button to set your release schedule as usual.


Using SchedulePress to schedule scheduled articles

this plug-in also adds a feature that allows you to post regularly posted articles immediately, but you can choose Current Date (current time) or Future Date (scheduled date). Er, a function of good chicken ribs.


uses SchedulePress to set the release date of regularly published articles

so far, the SchedulePress plug-in free version, basically there is no regular release of articles to choose from, it is a chicken rib.

, however, SchedulePress Pro also offers a variety of other features, including an automated scheduler, calendar view, the ability to plan projects in advance and the ability to schedule hundreds of articles at a time, as well as the ability to automatically share regularly published articles (when it’s time to release) to top social media platforms.

WordPress some tips for regularly posting articles

so now you know how to schedule regular posts in WordPress. However, what if your requirements are not within the above scope. Schedule. Release? Let’s take a look at some tips and techniques that can be used to take full advantage of this feature.

set time zone

if you want your article to be online at a specific time, it is important to make sure that your WordPress site is set to the correct time zone.

by default, WordPress uses UTC time. However, you can change this setting by going from the WordPress administration panel to Settings & gt; General.


sets the time zone in the WordPress settings

from here, you can set the correct time zone for your location. When you are finished, click the Save changes button to save your settings.

View all regularly published articles

if you want to see all the articles scheduled for the WordPress site, you can do this by going to articles & gt; all articles.

is at the top of the page and has several options. Click to display a link that is published regularly.


accesses the list of regularly published articles in WordPress

you can use this page to manage your scheduled posts, including editing, deleting, or publishing them in advance.

release ahead of schedule release articles

if you need to publish articles before the scheduled date and time, you can do so by going to the “all articles” page and selecting the articles to publish. When

enters the article editor screen, simply click the publish button. This will publish your article immediately, no matter when it is scheduled to go online.

manages “scheduled publish failed tasks” article

if for some reason your article is not published at the scheduled time, WordPress will automatically mark it as a “scheduled published failed” article.

you can view all missed scheduled articles by going to the “all articles” page and selecting the scheduled post list next to it to display “scheduled publish failed” articles in red.


missed scheduled blog posts

if you want to try to post missed scheduled posts, just click the “publish” button. However, if you do not want to publish an article, you can delete it or reschedule it to a later date and time.

scheduled articles may miss the scheduled release date and time for a variety of reasons. Usually, cron homework errors are the culprit.

Cron jobs can be best described as “background tasks” that WordPress uses to perform certain functions. These include checking for updates, scheduling articles, and so on.

if the cron job on your WordPress site does not work properly, it may cause the scheduled article to fail. You may encounter cron job errors for a number of reasons, including:

  • , a problem with your WordPress server provider.
  • you recently replaced the WordPress host.
  • your website is closed or does not work properly.
  • you have installed plug-ins or themes that conflict with WordPress cron.

but in most cases, this problem is caused by a lack of website traffic. Because the crons or scheduler runs only when the page loads, the lack of traffic at the right (or wrong, if you really think about) time means that the planned article will not be published. The cron job will not run and you will face a missed schedule crash.

if you think the cron job on your site is the reason why you missed the scheduled article, you can try to resolve the problem by running the cron job manually.

to do this, you need to add a small piece of code to your site. You can do this by adding the following line to the site’s wp-config.php file: once

define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

adds this line of code through FTP access, WordPress will no longer try to run the cron job automatically. Instead, it only runs them manually.

to set up these manual cron jobs, you need to access the site’s cPanel and find the Cron Jobs module. Click it and schedule cron jobs that are set to run at intervals.

if this doesn’t solve the problem, or if you don’t believe in your coding skills, you can try using the WordPress plug-in. We recommend Schedule Post Trigger, a free plug-in that runs missed planning articles as soon as someone visits your site.


Schedule Post Trigger

uses this plug-in without manually modifying the code or setting up cron jobs. Just install and activate the plug-in and it will take care of everything for you.

cancels scheduled articles

if you want to unschedule scheduled articles, just edit the articles. If you are using the Block Editor,

if you are using the Classic Editor, click the edit button next to the timed release.


editors publish articles regularly to remove

from the publish queue, then click the drop-down menu and set the article back to draft. Then click OK.


Change the status of the article back to the draft to remove the

from the scheduled release queue. Finally, click Update. This removes the article from the WordPress scheduled release queue and no longer schedules the publication. You can then reschedule it to a different date and time, or you can click the publish button as usual to publish it immediately.

sets the expiration time of published articles or replaces articles (using plug-ins)

although you cannot schedule changes to published articles in WordPress by default, you can use the revised version feature to do so. This feature keeps track of all changes you have made to the article and allows you to restore previous versions if needed.

you can also use the Advanced Schedule Posts plug-in to schedule changes to published articles, including setting expiration dates and replacing articles. To use this plug-in for


Advanced Schedule Posts

, after installation, simply edit the article you want to change, then check Datetime of Expire to set the specific expiration time, or check Overwrite the another post, select the article you want to overwrite, and then click Update.


this displays scheduling options where you can choose when to publish changes. After you have made your choice, click the Plan button to schedule the changes.

sets the expiration time of articles (using plug-ins)

if you want to schedule articles to expire at a certain date and time, you can use the PublishPress Future plug-in. This plugin allows you to schedule an article to expire, and then it will change the status of the article to pending, draft or private according to your preference. To use this plug-in for


PublishPress Future

, simply install and activate it. After that, the editor wants to set articles that expire periodically, and then scroll down to the PublishPress box.


uses the PublishPress Future plug-in to set when the article expires

in this box, you will see the text displayed as Enable Post Expiration. Check the box next to it, and then select when you want the article to expire. You can also select what you want the article to happen after it expires, that is, set it as draft, make the article private, delete, and so on. After making your choice, scroll up to the top of the page, and then click Update.


in this article, we showed you how to set timing for publishing articles in WordPress in various ways. We also studied how to cancel scheduled posts and how to schedule changes to published articles.

publishes articles regularly as a good way to keep your site’s content fresh and to ensure that your readers always have something new. It can also help you make time so that you can focus on other aspects of the site.

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