
WooCommerce is an amazing and easy-to-use plug-in for e-commerce sites built on WordPress. With the passage of time, it has gained great popularity, and so far, there is no better choice than its main functions.

However, if you are running a WooCommerce Web site, you may need to customize the key elements of the product, shopping cart, order, and checkout pages.

To customize these things, you need to buy a bunch of extensions (not one) with specific features.

So, what’s the problem?

  • ☹️ first of all, the more extensions you use (unoptimized), the slower your site will become.
  • ? second, buying a dozen extensions is bad for your pocket health.
  • Third, ?, managing multiple extensions is difficult, and there is no guarantee that you won’t screw things up.
  • ? finally, time is money. Do you want to spend a few hours understanding how these extensions work? If I were you, I wouldn’t.

So, what are you thinking right now? It’s obviously a better solution, right? Well, our developers are trying to bring something more efficient, efficient, simple and easy day and night. It is ShopEngine, the most complete WooCommerce solution.

In this article, I’ll give you a brief introduction to ShopEngine. I’ll also show you 11 reasons why you should use ShopEngine.

  • Introduction to ShopEngine
  • The main features of ShopEngine
  • 11 reasons to use ShopEngine
  • Summary

Introduce ShopEngine …

First of all, let me tell you what ShopEngine is not:

  1. ❌ ShopEngine is not the theme.
  2. ❌ ShopEngine is not a replacement for the WooCommerce plug-in.
  3. ❌ ShopEngine is not hard to crack.

The ShopEngine goes like this:

  • ShopEngine is a mature WooCommerce builder.
  • ShopEngine contains a large number of gadgets and modules, and uses the “drag and drop” method.
  • ShopEngine can maximize the functionality of the WooCommerce plug-in.
  • If you use ShopEngine, you will no longer have to buy expensive extensions or plug-ins.
  • ShopEngine is compatible with WooCommerce and popular themes
  • ShopEngine is as simple as WordPress.

With ShopEngine, you can build a single product page, design a shopping cart table, display empty shopping cart messages, redefine the checkout page, and customize any WooCommerce page.

Most importantly, you will be able to customize any WooCommerce page to your liking.

The main features of ShopEngine

The plug-in has designed more than 50 gadgets and more than 4 modules to redesign each element of your WooCommerce site. However, this is just the beginning. Our dedicated team is making unremitting efforts to add more modules and gadgets.

Now, some of the core modules and gadgets that have been developed for your WooCommerce pages so far.

ShopEngine module

Product comparison Product wish list
Quick browsing of products Change sample

ShopEngine gadgets for a single product page

Product price Product additional information Add to shopping cart
Product Name Product description Product picture
Product resale Product excerpt Product element
Product SKU Product category Product label
Product audit Product label Product sharing
Product review Related products

Learn how to customize your single product page to get the best conversion

ShopEngine gadget for shopping cart page

Total shopping cart Shopping cart list
Empty shopping cart message Back to the store button

Check out ✨✨ to learn how to customize the WooCommerce shopping cart page.

ShopEngine gadgets for the product archive page

File title Archived product Archive description

ShopEngine gadget on the checkout page

Coupon form Checkout review order
Checkout and payment Checkout form attached
Checkout form billing Checkout form login
Checkout form transportation Mode of transportation
Additional form Form transportation

ShopEngine gadget on the order page

Order details Full address

ShopEngine gadget on the account page

Account dashboard Account download
Account Billing address Account receiving address
Account address Account cancellation
My account order Account details

Want to add custom fields to your WooCommerce site? See how to add a custom checkout field for WooCommerce

11 reasons to use ShopEngine

So how does ShopEngine stand out? How does it add value to your WooCommerce site? Why is ShopEngine the right choice for you?

If these questions come to your mind, I will ask you to read the following section. Let’s explore 11 reasons why ShopEngine should be used:

Save money and time

ShopEngine saves you money. Why use multiple extensions and plug-ins when one plug-in can do the job for you?

If you use ShopEngine, you no longer need to buy dozens of expensive plug-ins to manage your WooCommerce site.


Because of the rich features of ShopEngine, you can customize your e-commerce page using this plug-in alone.

Is there anything more important than time? Using and customizing multiple plug-ins will waste more of your time.

ShopEngine plug-ins have a simple and intuitive user interface that frees you from using time-wasting plug-ins.

Unlimited customization

When using ShpEngine to customize your WooCommerce site, there are no boundaries that can stop you. ShopEngine allows you to change colors, positions, fonts, alignment, and anything else you want to change without causing you trouble.

Customizable add to cart buttons, show or hide regular prices, control sliders, enable quick view, use sales bulletins, etc., will boost your sales.

With Variation Swatches, you no longer need to select a color from the drop-down product properties field. Whether you change the text, image, or color type according to your choice, the change sample will help you.

You can easily design checkout, product, and shopping cart pages using ShopEngine. You can also choose to use any element in Elementor and ElementsKit.

Product sharing function

Let visitors spread your product name around the world. If you can use the product sharing gadget correctly, you will soon find that your product competes with popular products. It’s exciting, isn’t it?


Whether sharing any product on social media, sharing via email, or copying a product link, your visitors can use ShopEngine to do this.

Product comparison table

Who doesn’t want to buy the best product? Buyers like to compare products and find products that best suit their needs and budgets. Using a product comparison table is the best way to help interested buyers find the product they are looking for.


ShopEngine provides you with all the functionality to add comparison tables to compare products side by side.

AJAX-based filters and paging

Loading… Deal with. Do you remember the old Opera browsers on Java and Symbian phones?


Time and its value have changed. Visitors no longer need to wait for the page to load when they search for anything or want to jump to the page.

ShopEngine uses AJAX to filter and page your WooCommerce site. With AJAX, your visitors can filter the product immediately without reloading the page.

Most importantly, AJAX helps visitors jump seamlessly from one page to another without keeping them waiting.

Show related products

If you are considering cross-selling and up-selling, then showing related products is key.

Imagine that you have just logged in to an online store to buy shaving foam. If you browse the page carefully, you will notice that the store also displays the “often buy together” or “related products” section. In that section, the store may display some good razors.


So, what would you do? Usually you might think, “well, my razor is losing its edge. I should buy one next week,” right?

So, you’re not alone. This happened to me and a lot of other buyers.

In most cases, I end up buying things I don’t plan to buy from the relevant product library of the online store.

As the owner of the WooCommerce store, you can rely on ShopEngine to showcase related products in a way that attracts potential customers to buy more goods from your store. It will maximize your profits and buyer satisfaction.

Override the WooCommerce plug-in on any page

ShopEngine provides you with the best WooCommerce experience here. However, you may find similar settings in the WooCommerce plug-in and ShopEngine. In this case, you may need to use the default settings.

Never mind. You can keep or override the WooCommerce settings on any page you want. You can continue to use WooCommerce and ShopEngine without any conflicts between them.

ShopEngine can help you take full advantage of the WooCommerce plug-in.

Enable / disable gadgets and modules

You probably don’t need to use all the modules and gadgets at once, do you? With your convenience in mind, ShopEngine allows you to disable any gadget / module you are not interested in.


Relax, you can enable disabled features at any time. Just click the toggle button.

No coding knowledge is required

If you have ShopEngine, you can build any WooCommerce page from scratch without any in-depth coding knowledge.

As a drag-and-drop WooCommerce template builder, ShopEngine is easy to use. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you will find that ShopEngine is a piece of cake.

Support for multiple languages


If you sell products around the world, it is important to present the content of your WooCommerce site in the language of your visitors. ShopEngine supports multiple languages, which is a plus point for improving the return on investment.

Professional support

If you’re stuck at any stage of using ShopEngine, there’s nothing to worry about. ShopEngine’s first-class professional support team is ready to help you.



Although that’s not why you should use ShopEngine, we have to stop somewhere;). Do you know? I hope you can find more reasons by checking ShopEngine yourself.

But now you at least understand how ShopEngine can change your WooCommerce business and take it to the next level, right?

In order to maximize the conversion rate, return on investment, and most importantly, to provide your buyers with the best shopping experience, ShopEngine is a must-have plug-in.

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