
Content marketing is all the rage. But with so many activities to deal with– from content authoring and distribution to SEO and performance tuning– it’s hard to implement and manage it effectively. As a result, the market is being bombarded by content marketing automation tools from all directions. Whether it’s Hubspot, Marketo or Act-On, each requires thousands of dollars in implementation and maintenance investment and a commitment to turn your business around. But there are two big problems with

that make me cringe: as

  • seeks to achieve all its functions through a single software platform, all of these tools sacrifice the flexibility and quality that can be achieved by a single application. However, prices have been turned upside down.
  • these tools are mainly built for large enterprises with dedicated content marketing teams. But based on these numbers, I can safely assume that you are an individual entrepreneur or the only person on your team responsible for content marketing.

, as a content marketing department of a person in your business, how can you promote your content in a way that is not only effective and affordable, but also set aside enough time to do other equally important things? The good news is that WordPress and some 3Rd-party applications and plug-ins can be everything you need to get the most out of your content, at a much lower cost.

‘s skills to become an independent content marketing master

here are some of the best ways to use WordPress to become a more efficient and independent content marketing ninja.

  1. acquires WordPress hosting
  2. uses content templates
  3. outsources most event
  4. plans content
  5. uses automatic content distribution
  6. uses inventory
  7. repeatedly uses your content
  8. uses editing calendar
  9. to republish old content
  10. repeats valid and discards invalid

1. Getting the WordPress hosting host

to get cheap hosting is one of the biggest mistakes of content marketing starters. Some hosting companies offer cheap plans, but in the long run, choosing low-cost hosting may cost you. You cannot set low standards for your website. If there are problems (such as hacking or system downtime), low-quality managed service providers not only lack proper support, but also allow you to protect and back up your website.


‘s high-quality WordPress hosting not only saves valuable time for updating and managing your website, but also gives you an advantage over your competitors. You will get improved website functionality and excellent speed. Hosted WordPress hosting may cost you more, but it’s not a fee. This is an investment that ensures a solid foundation.

2. Using the content template

, contrary to what you might believe, most readers are not only satisfied with the content that follows the template, but they hardly even notice it. The best content marketers are those who know and take advantage of this fact to save time. This is not to say that every blog post you write should follow a template, but many people can. In fact, you can create multiple templates depending on the type of article you write.

for example, you can create a template and use it for all “how to” articles, another for “review” articles, another for “list” articles, and so on. Do you understand the picture?

如何通过WordPress搭建内容营销网站插图2Free, ready-to-use content templates
Fortunately for

, Neil Patel generously provides 12 out-of-the-box templates for creating content quickly and easily. Think of them as your inspiration or use them to write quality content.

Add a content template to the WordPress Editor

once you have created templates that can be applied to multiple articles you want to write, the question is how do you use them with the WordPress article editor? An obvious solution is to save each template as a block of content in an HTML file or notepad. However, you always need some time to access the saved file and paste content from there to start your article.

also, every time you use a different computer, you curse your luck. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could integrate templates with WordPress itself? You can then easily use them in any WordPress article or page without leaving the article editor. I know what you’re thinking. Right! There is a plug-in. It is called the TinyMCE template.


3. Outsource most activities

as I mentioned at the beginning, as a content marketer, there are a lot of things to do, and it’s best to try to outsource most of the tasks. In addition, only people with expertise in this field can do better and faster than you. For example:

  • to share your content crazily on social media, use services such as Quuu Promotions, Viral Content Bee, CoPromote or JustReTweet.
  • if you want to do research or influencer outreach, you can try websites such as Red Butler or Fancy Hands.
  • if you need to do some design work (such as nice infographics, e-book covers, pictures of social media articles, or blog titles), check out 99Designs, DesignPickle, Undullify or Flocksy. It’s like putting a graphic designer in “standby mode” for $125 to $400 a month.
  • if you need eye-catching or evergreen content, you can hire a copywriter. Give them your draft, or just tell them what you need, and they will write a modified copy according to your needs. In addition, be sure to proofread each piece of content before publishing. This is our best proofreading skill.
  • There are also general freelancer platforms such as Upwork and Freelancer for any type of work in this list and not in this list. If you have a custom project, you can publish your requirements there.
  • if you want to create or edit video or audio podcasts, you can choose a free video editing software solution, or choose from several low-cost providers on Fiverr (here’s how to get started with podcasts and WordPress). As you can see,


has no shortage of resources for effective and affordable outsourced content marketing.

4. Planning content

content management is the art of sharing content created by others (you give them credit or links). As many people mistakenly believe, this is not the strategy of lazy content marketers. The idea of

is to carefully select good content from external sources and distribute it among your prospects, add your own unique point of view or rotate it. Here are some of the main advantages and examples of successful companies in content management. Curating can help you reduce the time you spend on content marketing by more than 20%, while providing you with more (if not the same) authority, social sharing, and traffic, just like your own new content.

, but remember, there is a fine line between planning and stealing content. In content planning, you must provide detailed information about the content and context. In addition to filtering a variety of content, you can also add value by using comments to help viewers better understand why you share this resource with them.

Content Management in WordPress

has many 3Rd applications and plug-ins designed with curatorial in mind. There are other core content aggregators, but they also have curatorial functions.


  • Press Forward is a free plug-in that provides a workflow to collect and manage content from multiple sources directly in your WordPress dashboard. Its long list of features include an integrated feed reader, bookmarks to collect content while browsing, and the ability to republish aggregated content.
  • Curation Suite is WordPress’s visual curatorial solution that makes it easy to search for content, quickly publish articles with references, and immediately distribute content in social media channels. The best part is that the content is added to the article editor in such a way that it does not conflict with your theme or other plug-ins installed.
  • MyCurator has been working in the background and provides a steady stream of interesting content throughout your day. Its small bookmarks allow you to organize your content as you browse the web, while the notebook feature allows you to save the content you want to use in selected articles.

by using one or more of these plug-ins, you can add valuable content to your WordPress site without having to write it yourself.

5. In addition to saving valuable time using automated content distribution

, the biggest advantage of distribution tools is analysis. When you use content scheduling and distribution tools such as SmarterQueue, Buffer, or Hootsuite, you gain valuable insight into which types of content and social media channels are generating more traffic and prospects, and which are not working.


, you can then change your content management and creation based on objective data rather than biased theories or intuitions. If you often find yourself wanting to know what to re-share or get stuck in Google Analytics, one of the tools can lighten your burden.

Integrate Buffer with WordPress

uses the WordPress To Buffer plug-in so that you can easily send WordPress pages and articles to your Buffer (bufferapp.com) account to schedule content to be distributed on your active social network. There is also a professional version with a number of other features, such as Pinterest integration, different status of each article, characteristic pictures of each article, custom scheduling settings, and so on.

Recycle evergreen content

uses SmarterQueue, and you can even recycle evergreen content into endless queues. This saves a lot of time and ensures that everyone can eventually see your valuable content.

6. Using list

errors can take up a lot of your time and cause irreparable losses. This is why the list is indispensable to the daily work of airline pilots. Even non-pilots can benefit a lot from the use list. In addition, lists not only simplify content marketing for you, but also make it easier for you to delegate tasks to others. For everything you do as part of a content marketing strategy, you can use checklists to ensure quality and consistency.如何通过WordPress搭建内容营销网站插图7here are some great free list resources that you can start using right away.

  • Ultimate content promotion list: 97 questions on optimizing all aspects of content marketing
  • SEO copy Tip: make sure your content goes through SEO
  • before clicking the publish button
    WordPress SEO list-make sure you use WordPress and SERP best practices
  • WordPress’s Best SEO plug-ins (and essential SEO tools)
  • is a detailed cheat sheet that describes the correct image size for social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
  • ‘s final list of 101 considerations for web copywriting for startups and small businesses.
  • Trello has a convenient inventory feature to facilitate the content creation process.

7. Reuse your content

you can publish most of your content using the content templates I listed above, while the rest can be published in a variety of content formats, including formats you haven’t tried before.如何通过WordPress搭建内容营销网站插图8Unleash your creativity and reuse your content in a variety of ways. For example, you can turn your content into:

  • ‘s comprehensive PDF ebook or report. This can be done by creating an Word document and converting it to PDF or by using a PDF creation tool such as PDFForge or Adob ​​ e Acrobat Pro. Make sure you read our article on the best WordPress PDF viewer plug-ins. A series of webinars organized by
  • in cooperation with several experts. This is an excellent step-by-step guide to webinars using Google Hangouts.
    A quiz, list, or template that
  • can refer to repeatedly. You can use many high-quality quiz plug-ins to test your potential customers.
  • social media updates are spread over weeks or months and shared on Facebook, Twitter, etc., via Buffer or Hootsuite.
  • uses Canva and Animmoto to easily create videos, infographics, SlideShare, and more visual content.

8. Using the Edit Calendar

, like most things in life, managing content marketing activities can bring surprises. Having an editing calendar is critical to saving time and getting work done. It allows you to plan your content in advance and is very helpful in attracting and generating more potential customers. One option is to use applications such as Trello or MS Excel to create and manage content calendars. But as with other steps, there are many WordPress plug-ins that can make this easier and faster.

Integrate content Calendar with WordPress

has more than 50000 installations and most 5-star reviews, and Editorial Calendar is the most popular WordPress plug-in in this category. It allows you to have a comprehensive view of all scheduled articles from one place, as well as the date and time they were published.


uses the built-in drag-and-drop feature, which allows you to move articles from one time to another with a click of the mouse. As an independent marketer, editing calendar plug-ins is sufficient for your content marketing work. Have you run out of creative content? Check out these popular blog topics.

9. Republish old content

if you’ve been blogging for a while, I’m sure you’ve written some excellent and evergreen articles. However, with the way blogs work, old articles are replaced by new ones, and they continue to be ignored. Republishing content is an effective way to get more information from your previous articles, especially from your best-performing content.

Republish old WordPress articles

to republish the previous article in WordPress, edit the article to open the editor. Then navigate to the publishing box on the right. Then click the link that displays Edit. Keep in mind, however, that republishing does not mean simply changing the release date and bringing the article to the home page. Instead, you should update the article with the latest information and statistics. Updated content is always appreciated by valuable readers; it’s a way to tell them that you really care.

you can also use the Category Sticky Post plug-in to revive old articles and bring them back to the top. Or use the native “top post” option in WordPress.


10. Repeat valid and discarded

once you begin to follow these best practices, there will be a steady stream of valuable analytical data to help you make informed decisions. This includes:

  • Facebook page insights on the coverage and participation of your Facebook updates
  • Twitter analysis data The tweets get the most likes and retweets
  • Buffer or Hootsuite to analyze which content works best on which channels
  • about which content and distribution channels get the most potential Google analysis data
  • the social sharing and comments

you get from your blog posts, along with your link tracking data (for example, using bit.ly), the above information is useful for measuring the effectiveness of your content. As a result, you can create and plan more effective content without wasting energy on invalid content.

sums up

without sugar coating around it. I admit that being a separate content marketer is not a piece of cake. But I’m sure you can be more effective with the help of tools. Before you have enough budget to hire more people, use these skills and resources to take your content marketing to a new level!

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