Perfmatters is a WordPress performance optimization plugin designed to help your website load faster. It does this by optimizing the database, caching static files, reducing the number of HTTP requests, and compressing code.

Using Perfmatters is simple, just install and activate the plug-in. After installation, you can access the settings page of the plug-in by going to Settings Perfmatters.> Here you can enable/disable various optimization options and configure other performance optimization options.

The Premium version of Perfmatters Pro also offers advanced features, including disabling WordPress built-in Emoji and WordPress default pingbacks and trackbacks. You can enable/disable these features according to your needs.

Advantages of Perfmatter over other performance-optimized plug-ins

  1. Improve site performance: The perfmatters plug-in can help improve site loading speed and overall performance by disabling or optimizing various features that could slow down your site.
  2. Easy to use: The perfmatters plug-in is easy to use, simple interface, and clear instructions for each option.
  3. Lightweight and minimal impact on server resources: The perfmatters plug-in is lightweight and has minimal impact on server resources, meaning it won’t slow down your site or cause any performance problems.
  4. Customizable: The perfmatters plug-in allows you to customize the features you want to disable or optimize, so you can tailor the plug-in to your specific needs.
  5. Improved user experience: Faster loading speeds can lead to a better user experience, resulting in increased overall traffic and engagement on the site.
  6. SEO benefits: Faster load speeds can also improve your site’s search engine ranking, as Google takes page load speed into account when ranking sites.
  7. Improved security: The perfmatters plug-in can improve the security of a site by disabling features that could be exploited by hackers.

Recommended installation and use of Perfmatter tutorial

  1. Install the perfmatters plug-in from the WordPress plug-in repository, or upload the plug-in file to the plug-in directory of your website.
  2. Activate the plugin in the WordPress Control Panel. The advanced version of this site is installed in the WP background plug-in after purchase and download.
  3. Click the “perfmatters”link in the left menu of the WordPress Control Panel to go to the perfmatters settings page.
  4. On the perfmatters settings page, you will see a list of options that you can enable or disable to optimize the performance of your site. These options include:
  • Disable pingbacks and trackbacks
  • Disable WordPress emojis
  • Disable WordPress Embedding
  • Disable WordPress Revisions
  • Disable WordPress AutoSave
  • Disable WordPress Query
  • Disable WordPress Widgets
  • Disable WordPress Comments
  1. Toggles the options to enable or disable. If you’re unsure of the purpose of an option, hover over the question mark icon for a description.
  2. Click the Save Changes button to apply the changes.
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