Illustrations of 17 important SEO techniques for improving search engine rankings

Today you will see the 17 most important SEO techniques you need to know. Whether you are new to SEO or an experienced veteran, I hope you can get a lot of value from the techniques in this article.

here are the 17 most important SEO techniques to follow when optimizing your website:

  • 1. Use the keyword
  • 2. Let users stay on your site longer
  • 3. Look for the keyword “recommended”
  • 4. Delete the zombie page
  • 5. Conduct industry research
  • 6. Add related keywords to your content
  • 7. 0. Add text
  • 8. 0 to infographs, podcasts, and videos. Update the old page
  • 9. Speed up your website
  • 10. Use the Google search console
  • 11. Create content around shoulder niche
  • 12. Get the backlink
  • 13 from your visual asset. Create brand keywords
  • 14. Add the definition “what is X” to the blog content,
  • 15. Rank
  • 16 in selected clips. Look for more guest posting opportunities
  • 17. Increase your natural click rate

1. Using the keyword

in the right place you may already know that you should add keywords to the page you want to rank.

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, however, where keywords are used is as important as the number of times they are used.

specifically, you need to make sure that your keyword appears at least once in the title tag of the page.

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web address:

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is in the first 100 words of your content.

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for example, the following screenshot article is optimized around keywords: “search ranking”.

then we need to make sure that exact terms are added to these key locations.

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2. It’s true that users stay on your site longer


Pogosticking can make or break your Google rankings.

so: what exactly is pogosticking?

Pogosticking is when Google users click on your site.

… Then “pogosticks” returns the search results to find something that really helps them.

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when someone uses pogosticks, it sends a strong message to Google: “I don’t like this result.”

needless to say: if your site does not satisfy users, Google will lower your ranking. The

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question is:

, how do you make users stay on your site longer?

uses a large number of bullets and subheadings.

when your content is easy to read, people will spend more time on your site.

(this also prevents them from clicking the back button. (

turns out that bullets and subheadings make your content easier to read:

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leads to our next hint.

3. Looking for the “recommended” keyword

you may already know that you can use Google Suggest to find the long-tailed keyword:

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, but what you may not know is that you can use the same method in other search engines.

is like Wikipedia:

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Yes, even Bing:

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warm Tip: you can quickly get drop-down keyword recommendations from multiple search engines when editing articles by installing the Smart Keywords Tool plug-in.

4. Delete zombie page

zombie page is a page on your site that does not bring any traffic.

, they’re just a little… It’s over there.

and when you delete Zombie Pages, you can get higher rankings and more Google traffic.


an e-commerce site increased search engine traffic by 31% (not to mention a 28% increase in revenue) when it “trimmed” its 11k product pages.

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, they are not alone. After removed 40, 000 zombie pages from its website, its natural search traffic increased by 88.3%: why is this strategy effective for

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well, Google doesn’t want to rank sites with thin content and low quality.


Google says they prefer “a page with richer content to many pages with a single content”:

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is something that foreign website Backlinko is very concerned about. When

publishes 196 articles on the site’s blog, it generates more than 360000 search engine visits a month.

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5. Conduct industry research what is the best way for

to get backlinks from authoritative blogs and news sites in your field?

is an industry study.

in fact, BuzzSumo found that publishing industry research can bring you a lot of traffic, social media sharing and media mention.

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not long ago, I noticed that a lot of SEO blogs are talking about voice search.

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, but I also noticed that these articles give SEO skills for voice search. There is no data or research to support them.

so we decided to do the first large-scale voice search SEO research. Articles like

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, which provide a lot of data and research analysis, do not require a lot of outreach to get these links.

provides data for bloggers and webmasters because of the content.

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… They will automatically reference (and link to) my content.

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page SEO is more than just: “make sure your keywords are included multiple times on the page.”

(although this is also important. )

To rank in today’s Google, you also need to add synonyms and other related keywords to your content.

, why?

is something called Google Hummingbird algorithm.

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Google’s hummingbird update allows Google to go beyond simple keywords. Instead, they try to understand the theme of your page.

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(kind of like human behavior. )


how do you optimize the content of Hummingbird?

includes variants of your primary keywords in your content.

to do this, just search for your target keyword in Google.

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… Then scroll down to the bottom of the search results.

adds some “vs.” to your content. The word “related search”.

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7. Add text

to infographs, podcasts, and videos. Yes, visual content (such as infographs and podcasts) is a great way to get traffic and backlinks.

, but they have a big problem:

Google can’t understand them!

this is why I recommend adding a lot of text to your infographics, podcasts, or videos.

, for example, this is the infographic I posted on my website not long ago:

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, but I didn’t stop there.

as you can see, I also added a lot of high-quality content at the bottom of the infographic. The text content of

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helps search engines understand all the contents of my infographic.

8. Update the old page

do you have a bunch of blog posts collecting dust on your site?

if this is the case, you may be able to improve your ranking by updating this article.

if you have read a previously published article on the topic of fried rice, you should know how to implement old page updates.

specifically, the main purpose of updating the old page is to further enrich the content and add more external links to authoritative websites:

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you can also organize the content into multiple parts to make the steps easier to follow:

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and write a new title and description.

(Note: as long as you post updated content on the same URL, you don’t have to worry about duplicate content.

and these three simple changes will help you optimize search engine rankings for your target keywords, and then get more natural search engine traffic.

9. Speeding up your website

slow website may damage your Google ranking. Google’s Speed Update is designed to lower the ranking of pages that load slowly on mobile devices.

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this is why you want to eliminate any factor that slows down the page.

well, we did a large-scale study of page speed.

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We found that in many cases, using CDN actually harms the loading speed.

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therefore, if you do use CDN, I recommend that you test the speed of your site with it on and off.

we also found that third-party scripts (such as Facebook pixels) significantly slow down.

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you can use tools such as to view all third-party scripts on your website.

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if you find any scripts that are not super important, delete them.

10. Using the Google search console

is one of my favorite SEO techniques. Here’s how


first, log in to Google Search Console.

and go to the performance report:

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next, click “Page”.

this will show you which pages generate the most traffic for you.

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this is where things get interesting:

if you click on one of the pages, you can see all the keywords that the page has ranked for it.

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if you dig deeper, you’ll find a lot of keywords you don’t even know you’re ranking.

for example, when I ran this report on this page from my website, I found three keywords that I didn’t know I was ranking for.

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, why is this important?

well, if I accidentally rank these three keywords, imagine if I’ve really tried!

so in order to get more traffic from these search queries, I just need to add these terms to my article.

now that Google sees these keywords in my content, they may improve my ranking in these search terms.

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is very simple.

11. Creating content around shoulder niches

publishing high-quality content is one of the most important SEO techniques.

but what if you are in the so-called “boring” niche market? Isn’t it impossible to create content that people will link to or share on social media? Luckily,


all you need to do is create content around the “shoulder niche”.

shoulder niches are closely related topics around which you can easily create great content.

, for example, Mike Bonadio uses Shoulder Niches to increase its customers’ natural traffic by 15%: how does

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do it?

well, Mike is in a very boring niche market: pest control.

now, you may be wondering:

, “how do you create an interesting article about pest control?”

, you didn’t. Instead,

pursues closely related niches that are actually interesting.

(in other words: “shoulder niche”. (

in fact, that’s what Mike did:

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eventually led him to create an excellent infographic on topics related to “gardener pest control.”

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appears on a few authoritative blogs because of Mike’s infographic.

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… His customer traffic has soared:

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12. Get backlinks from your visual assets

in a perfect world, website owners will link back to you when using your charts, visuals, or infographs.

, but we don’t live in a perfect world.

on the plus side, I find that most people are happy to get in touch with you under friendly push.

So, if you tend to post a lot of visual content, take an afternoon to perform this technique.

I can almost guarantee that you will get some backlinks.

the following are the specific steps:

First, find visual assets on your website.

for example, this is the SEO infographic of the page I mentioned earlier:

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Then, right-click “copy picture address”….

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… And paste the file name into Google “search by Image”.

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you will get a complete list of websites that use your images.

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is now looking for pages that use your images in its content. But there is no link to your question:

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finally, send them a friendly email asking them to add a link to the original source (you).

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13. Create brand keyword

guest map.

skyscraper technology.

content upgrade.

, these are the terms I coined.

because of this fact, I rank all of these on the first page of Google.

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this is why I strongly recommend that you create your own terms. What about


first, develop your own strategy, technology, process, or concept.

, that sounds hard.

, but this is not the case.

all you need to do is take something that already exists. And add a turning point.

for example, not long ago I noticed that a lot of people are setting up links through posts from visitors.

so I just added a turning point where you can sell infographics instead of traditional guest articles.

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next, give it a name.

, this is more like an art than a science.

but in general, you want the name

  • short
  • easy to pronounce
  • easy to remember
  • unique
  • descriptive

for example, when I started to use infographics for guest posts, I combined “guest posts” and “infographs” into one term: Guestographics. Finally,

, say the words.

, this is the key.

in order to make your terminology popular, you need to advertise it like crazy.

, for example, is a case study of obtaining backlinks through Guestographics.

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I also made sure to mention “Guestographics” in the interview: it took months for

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to catch on.

but before I knew it, a lot of people were writing about Guestographics.

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whenever people talk about this technology, they will contact me.

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14. Adding “what is X” to blog content to define

is one of the most important SEO techniques that people often overlook. Here’s how


when someone searches for advanced terms such as “search engine optimization”, they are usually looking for definitions.

as Ross Hodgins points out, the result of defining terms on Google’s first page often answers the question: “what is X?” .


if you search for “inbound marketing”, two of the first three results answer the following question: “what is inbound marketing?”

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so if you are looking for a definition keyword, please focus at least some of your content on answering the following questions: “what is X?” .

this is why whenever I define keywords, I always include the “what is X” section:

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among selected clips you may have noticed more and more selected clips in SERP:

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if you are like me, you will ask yourself, “how can I get my content in selected clips?” Fortunately for

, there is no need to guess.

SEMrush conducted a large-scale study of selected fragments (they analyzed up to 80 million keywords).

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they found that adding a question-and-answer section to your content is perfect for capturing the location of selected clips.

for example:

this page on my site is optimized around the keyword “channel description”.

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, like any good content on this topic, has many useful tips for writing YouTube channel descriptions:

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, but I also make sure to include “clip bait” in the form of a short question-and-answer section:

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, it works!

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bottom line?

if you want your content to appear in selected clips, try fragment bait.

16. Look for more guest posting opportunities

this is a simple SEO technique that can help you find the website you want your guests to post.

first, find someone who posts frequently in your niche market.

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second, grab their avatars (you can usually find them in their LinkedIn profile) and put them in Google’s reverse image search.

, look! You can see it anywhere they post:

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you can use the same process to find an interview (such as a podcast).

in fact, podcasts are probably the most underrated link-building strategy on the planet.

, why?

well, joining a podcast is 10 times easier than promoting, writing, editing and publishing guest articles.

is like a guest article, and you’ll get a sweet link back to your site (in the program description):

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, unfortunately, finding a podcast can be a chore.

unless you use Google reverse image search:

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is right!

17. Increase your natural click rate

when you increase the natural click rate, more people will click on your site in the search results.

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, which means you can get more traffic. Without the need for a higher ranking.

when we analyzed millions of Google search results to learn more about Google CTR, we found that the use of question title tags significantly improved CTR.

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so, as long as it makes sense, I recommend using questions in the page title.

this is a real example:

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is written at the end of the

which strategy will you try first in today’s article? Or maybe I didn’t mention one of your favorite SEO techniques.

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