How to use Guestographics to get backlink illustrations

What’s the secret to getting authoritative links? This is not an easy question to answer.

But you may know other people who can generate backlinks to almost everything they post. How do they do it? Do they know some secret of link building that you don’t know?

It may happen behind the scenes, but some people know how to easily get backlinks. Today, we will show you one of the SEO strategies: Guestographic.

As someone who has sent thousands of link requests, I can tell you that there is a simple link-building formula that works every time:

Great content + targeted outreach + added value = link

The first two parts of my little formula are very simple: publish great content and present it to the right person.

That’s what most people do: they send emails to hundreds of people in the hope that someone will link to them.

Of course, you can get some backlinks in this way.

… But you can easily double or triple the conversion rate by adding some value.

Adding value is the whole point of Guestographic Method.

What is it?

This is a link-building technique that uses infographs in a new way.

Instead of posting an infographic and begging others to share it, tempt them to post it on their website.

…… A little bribe.

To show you how it works, here’s how to create a Guestographics using a page SEO article:

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First of all, this is a significant increase in the reference domain that points to the page:

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Compared with last month, the natural search traffic on this page increased by 175.59%:

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The page bounces between the 2nd and 3rd bits of the keyword “on page SEO”.

In short, it worked.

Guestographic Method couldn’t be simpler.

Here are five steps:

Step 1: post an infographic on your website

Step 2: find a website about your infographic topic

Step 3: show them your infographic

Step 4: provide them with unique content (“bribery”)

Step 5: get the context backlink

Let me show you each step in more detail.

Step 1: publish a great infographic

There are no shortcuts:

If you want people to share your infographic, it has to be good.

Fortunately, you don’t need a six-figure marketing budget. In fact, the SEO infographic on my page cost me only $250.

Yes, design is really important.

But design is only part of the success of the infographic.

So what really matters?

In fact, my upcoming advanced SEO training course will teach you how to perform infographic marketing activities from scratch.

But I’ll show you some important points here to help you get started.

1. A topic of “fresh relevance”

You need to choose a theme I like to call it: “fresh relevance”.

Let me explain…

As far as I’m concerned, I’ve noticed that people post articles about page search engine optimization every week. But they have repeated the same advice since 2003.

This tells me that there is a lot of demand for this topic. But there is no up-to-date content to meet this demand.

Another example:

Whenever a new social media network breaks out, someone quickly publishes an infographic about the network.

I find that these infographs always lead to a wave of social sharing, recommendation traffic, and backlinks.

This is one of the first infographic about Pinterest:

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Nice design. But it’s not amazing.

Now look at the link profile for the page on which it was published:

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How is that possible?

The author of this infographic chose a topic that attracted a lot of attention (social media), but added a new turning point (a new social media network).

And bingo! 173 reference domains.

two。 Large amount of information (but not too much)

You can view the infographic like a visual blog post: the better the content, the better the effect.

Therefore, make sure that you are very selective about what you contain.

Neil Patel, who has published more than 75 infographs, recommends that infographs should not exceed 7-10 data points.

This may not seem like much (because it is not).

This is the point: infographs containing 50 bits of data are difficult to digest.

However, centralized information charts that cover the most important information are really easy to remember.

“easy to remember” means it is more likely to be shared and linked.

You can easily find information chart data in Just search for information charts that already cover your topic:

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And sort by view or favorites:

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See if there are any infographic ideas you can use:

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(obviously, you should reference the information chart that you use in the source area of the information chart. )

You can use Pinterest to do the same thing:

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3. Logical layout

Don’t turn this article into graphic Design 101, but there is a big difference between design and layout.

I see a lot of great infographics that fail because they focus too much on design.

The differences are as follows:

Layout: how you organize and present information (wireframe).

Design: the appearance of the information.

Make sure your layout:

  • There’s the best content at the top.
  • There is enough blank space (easier to read)
  • Organize information into “stories” (top = Pinterest is really popular! , bottom = how to get traffic from it)

Now that you have posted your infographic on your website, it is time to find your link target.

Through my infographic, I am looking for a website that has published SEO content about the page.

To find them, I just searched Google for content such as “page SEO”, “page seo hint”, and anything else suggested by Google Suggest:

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Another example: if you have a website about gluten-free cooking, you can search for “gluten-free baking”, “gluten-free diet” and so on.

Easy, right?

Step 3: show them your infographic

When I found a promising website in the results, I sent them this email (yes, this is the actual email I sent).

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That’s why this script works so well for me:

  • Personalization: including their names and website names
  • Short: less than 90 words
  • Soft sales: just ask them if they want to see an infographic

Step 4: bribe your potential customers with free content

This is where things get very interesting.

When most people sell infographics, they get down on their knees and beg.

Remember: when you conduct email outreach, you need to add value to that person’s website.

And begging doesn’t count.

Using Guestographic Method, you provide them with a free “mini visitor article” to match the infographic.

So you can offer three times as much value:

  • Show them cool information maps of topics they are interested in.
  • Let them share the content with audiences who are also interested in the topic.
  • Provide them with free content to supplement the information map.

This is the email I sent to the person who replied to my first message:

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When they replied “of course”, I tailored a first-class 250-300-word introduction for their website.

You may have heard that Google may belittle backlinks from infographs.

However, if you read the interview, you will notice that they refer to “embedded links”, as shown below:

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These links appear automatically when someone embeds an infographic on their website. These are the same types of semi-automatic links that Google doesn’t like.

The advantage of Guestographic Method is that you can get backlinks surrounded by relevant content.

… Not embedded links hidden at the bottom of the page.

This is an example of a contextual link from Guestographic that I released not long ago:

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This contextual link is more powerful than embedded links.

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