
Search engine optimization is no longer the jargon of website owners, as it used to be. When it’s all about SEO, every website owner pretends to be an expert and makes some fatal mistakes. In most cases, beginners are more likely to make some mistakes, which will make them make efforts. These errors may have a serious impact on search engines such as Google and may cause the site to be removed from search results.

5 common SEO errors to avoid

Here are some common SEO errors to avoid at all costs in order to maintain your site’s ranking on Google and other search engines.

1. Make unnatural links

Most people start the website to run blogs and start online business. In any case, even if Google starts showing the site in search results, it will take a long time to generate significant traffic. A website needs a good reputation and external links to get a good ranking on Google. This is an external factor with little influence on site owners. The more quality content, the more quality backlinks it tends to get.

Unfortunately, when people misunderstand the concept of external links, it works the other way around. They try to create unnatural links themselves through search engine optimization agencies and link exchange platforms. Google’s position on taking action on sites that set up unnatural links in a short period of time is very clear. You can view hundreds of discussions on this topic on the Google product forum to learn about the reality of building paid or spam links.

Therefore, the first SEO error is to never try to establish an unnatural link, which may remove your site from the search results. Wait a moment, let your site get natural traffic, and then start building a roadmap for your online success.

two。 Use hidden keywords

You’ll be surprised to see what people do to get a good ranking on Google. The worst black hat SEO technology is to use white or very small 1px font size content. When we reviewed one of the customer sites, we found that the site owner was using text with a white font. His goal is to get local search keywords to get the highest ranking on Google.

His site has more than 20 results on page 3 of the keyword “Texas Restaurant”. We cleaned up the site and resubmitted it to Google, and the results were amazing. The site moved to the first page of page 6 within a week, with the same content.

But there may be a bad order to do this ugly technology. Google may mark your site as web spam and delete or downgrade it in search results. If you see manual spam in your Google Search Console account, the only way is to submit a re-audit request after cleaning up your website. Typically, this process takes several months, as Google’s online spam team will manually process millions of re-review requests.

Therefore, the second SEO error to avoid is to ensure that the content is readable on all devices and to avoid using a white font with a white background to hide the target keyword.

3. Keyword filling

Although hiding keywords is an invisible error, keyword padding is a visible way to make the same mistake. Write articles for your audience and search engines based on experience. When you write an article about SEO, you should unwittingly have multiple instances of the word “SEO” in that article. What you need to do is monitor the instance and make sure that keywords are not used too much in the article. This is often referred to as keyword density, and the acceptable range is only 5-10%. When you use 20% of the words in the article as keywords, the article will no doubt be pushed down in the search results.

Hundreds of articles written for search engines with such a high keyword density will pass on the poor prospects of your site to Google.

Therefore, the third SEO error to avoid is writing articles for search engines rather than for human users. Use keyword density and keyword planning tools to write effective SEO articles for your readers.

Note: you can use the popular keyword recommendation plug-in to extract keywords for website articles or get popular keywords from search engines.

4. Content replication or collection

Running a successful website requires investing time, money and energy in the right direction. When a site starts to scale up, the biggest problem facing individual site owners is to keep updating frequently. For example, it is impossible for a person to write articles and maintain a large website that has 1 million visitors a month. As a result, some time-consuming activities, such as article writing, will be outsourced to third parties to focus on other key activities.

It is also possible that you immediately use a third-party content writer to create a website. People also buy established websites and start maintaining them to run with freelancers. In any case, it is really difficult to get quality content writers at a cheap price. Either you need to spend a lot of money, or recruit dedicated people you like.

We tested this on cheap sites such as Freelancer.com and found that 90 per cent of bidders either did not have the necessary skills or copied articles from other sites. Never rely on a tool like Copyscape to believe that the content was originally written. There are tools such as the article spinner that can replace words in sentences to create new sentences and pass Copyscape.


If you maintain the site yourself, make sure you do not copy or copy the content of other sites. This will result in a known result that your site will be permanently banned from the search results.

Therefore, the fourth SEO error to avoid is copying articles from other sites. When you use freelancers, be sure to pay a high price and get quality and original content.

5. Bad page search engine optimization

Publishing an article online is completely different from writing a paper in a school exam. Be sure to review each article before publishing and confirm compliance with certain page SEO techniques. In addition to keywords, there are many other factors on the page that determine search rankings:

  • Do not use unique and descriptive headings and meta-descriptions for each page on your site.
  • Use images that have no alternative text or images stolen from other websites.
  • Target keywords are not used in headings, meta-descriptions, and URL.
  • The content is not organized with appropriate headings and subheadings.
  • Publish articles with grammatical and spelling errors and poor readability.

All search engines display a title, meta description, and URL on the results page. In some cases, URL will be replaced with the breadcrumb structure used on the page. Therefore, the use of repetitive or non-descriptive headings and meta-descriptions can lead to low rankings. If the result is not attractive to them, the user will not click on the result, so you will lose valuable traffic.

Therefore, the fifth SEO error is that you do not use simple page optimization steps to improve your search ranking. Use the tool to simulate the appearance of the page in the search results before publishing and adjust the content as needed.


These are five common SEO mistakes that we have noticed people make. Focusing on black hat technology without considering page optimization will cause search engines to punish your site. Once punished, it is difficult to bring the site back to the search results. Since prevention is better than cure, it is recommended to follow simple guidelines when optimizing your website. This not only helps maintain the reputation of your site, but also increases traffic, thereby increasing the likelihood of gaining more customers.

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