How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations

Having a fast-loading website is critical to user experience and SEO (search engine optimization). Websites with optimization speed tend to have lower bounce rates, resulting in higher participation and conversion rates. Google also prefers fast sites and ranks higher on the search results page. Many components of

, from coding standards to managed service providers, affect the speed of websites. Therefore, there are many ways to improve the performance of Web sites, and Web caching is one of the most effective ways. The

Web cache stores copies of site data for future requests. Instead of downloading raw data from the server, the Web cache extracts these cache files to your site visitors. As a result, your content appears faster.

, however, the cache file may be out of date-this will prevent visitors from seeing the updated version of your site.

to solve this problem, we will show you how to use the popular WordPress plug-in to clear the cache. We will also include steps to delete the browser cache to get more efficient results. Let’s first explain what caching is and how it works.

  • Explain what WordPress caching is and how it works
    • use LiteSpeed clear cache
    • use WP Super Cache clear cache
    • use W3 Total Cache clear cache
    • use WP Fastest Cache clear cache
    • use Cloudflare clear cache
  • clear cache

explains what WordPress cache is and how it works

cache is a temporary storage location for static content For example, HTML, Javascript, CSS, and media files.

every time you visit a website, your browser sends a request to the server of the site. It may take a minute or two for the server to get and display the requested content– web caching makes this process faster.

Web caches the static content of the download site and stores it as a cache file. As a result, your browser can create fewer requests to the server because it already has cached content. There are two main systems for

Web cache:

  • Client cache-also known as browser cache, this type of cache stores static content in local storage. When users revisit the site, it loads faster because the cached version is already stored in the browser cache folder.
  • Server-side caching-has a concept similar to client-side caching. However, it uses a server to store cached data for the site. The server cache can store a variety of site data from multiple databases, making it an excellent solution for high-traffic websites.

in summary, Web caching improves site performance by storing static versions of the site to reduce requests to the server.

also reduces your network resources because fewer requests require less bandwidth, which can benefit sites with limited resources.

Clear the cache in WordPress

sometimes you change and adjust your WordPress site, but your content is not updated at the front end. This may be because your WordPress server is still displaying the cached version of the page. Fortunately for

, clearing the WordPress cache usually solves this problem. When your site cache is empty, the cache system can store updated data and display it to your visitors. The easiest way for

to clear the WordPress site cache is to install plug-ins. The following sections show how to clear the cache using four popular WordPress caching plug-ins and show how to clear the cache when your domain points to Cloudflare.

Use LiteSpeed to clear the cache

How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations1

uses the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress (LCWP) plug-in to effectively manage how caches are stored and used. This caching plug-in uses LiteSpeed server caching to improve site load time and features unique to LiteSpeed. The

LiteSpeed Cache plug-in provides several ways to clear the WordPress cache. From setting automatic cache cleanup based on specific conditions to including specific site URL for scheduled cleanup. Follow the instructions below: after

  1. installs and activates the plug-in, access your WordPress management dashboard. Then, go to LiteSpeed Cache.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations2
  1. selects the toolbox menu, and the LiteSpeed cache toolbox window appears.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations3
  1. you can clear various types of caches, from page caches to CSS/JS caches. Select the type of cache cleanup you want to perform.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations4
  1. if you want to completely clear the WordPress cache, select Purge All. Note that it does not delete critical data on your WordPress site-you can continue to clear the cache.
  2. however, if you only want to empty the cache for certain parts of the site, scroll down to the “Pure By” section. From there, enter your content using categories, tags, or URL.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations5

, in addition to accessing your WordPress dashboard, you can also access it to clear the cache for specific pages– remember, you need to log in as an administrator. Simply hover over the LiteSpeed icon on the admin bar and select Purge this page.

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Use WP Super Cache to clear the cache

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WP Super Cache uses three cache modes to modify the cache system in the WordPress site: WP caching, Simple, and Expert. The

Expert and Simple methods serve super-cached files, so they are excellent solutions for high-traffic websites. The only difference is that the expert approach involves rewriting the rules in the .htaccess file for faster performance. At the same time, the WP caching method caches logged-in users, such as visitors who post comments or store personal information on your site.

The WordPress cache plug-in can also refresh cache files with a single click. Just follow these steps:

  1. from your WordPress administrative background, go to set-& gt; WP Super Cache.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations8
  1. is on the WP Super Cache Settings page, scroll down to the Delete Cached Pages section. Then, click the Delete Cache button.

in addition, the WP Super Cache plug-in provides a wide range of caching capabilities, the most prominent of which is garbage collection. The user can set the cache timeout, and the system clears the cache file accordingly. To do this, follow the instructions below:

  1. goes to setting-& gt; WP Super Cache-& gt; Advanced. Then, scroll down to Expiry Time & Garbage Collection.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations9
  1. sets the cache timeout and interval as needed.

if you don’t update your WordPress site frequently, setting it to 3600 seconds is ideal. However, owners of busy sites with a lot of dynamic content, such as e-commerce sites, should set it to 600 seconds to prevent performance degradation.

  1. next, click Change Expiration to save the changes.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations10
  1. if you want to disable garbage collection, simply set the cache timeout to 0 seconds.

Use W3 Total Cache to clear the cache

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W3 Total Cache is one of the most popular caching plug-ins known for its customization and bandwidth-saving features. The plug-in saves up to 80% of bandwidth usage through reduction, feed optimization, and HTTP compression. It provides a variety of caching functions, including browser, database, and site caching.

this caching plug-in also comes with AMP support to help improve SEO performance. In addition, users can use their WP-CLI support command interface to perform a variety of tasks, such as cache cleanup and query string updates.

here is how to clear the WordPress cache using W3 Total Cache: after

  1. installs this cache plug-in, visit your WordPress administration background and go to Performance-& gt; Dashboard.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations12
  1. Click empty all caches at the top of the page. TheHow to clear WordPress site cache illustrations13
  2. system will begin to clear your WordPress cache. When you are done, you should see this message. In addition to the empty all caches button,How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations14
  1. has other buttons for deleting multiple cache types, including clearing the Memcached cache only from the database. Just click the button to start the appropriate operation.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations15

Use WP Fastest Cache to clear the cache

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WP Fastest Cache is another popular caching plug-in known for its various optimization and caching features, such as zooming, cache preloading, and GZIP compression. It comes with an intuitive dashboard and uses mod_rewrite to provide the fastest caching solution.

users can enable cache timeout to save the trouble of manually clearing the cache. The plug-in also automatically deletes all cache files whenever a new page or post is posted-which prevents outdated data from showing up on your WordPress site.

uses WP Fastest Cache to perform automatic cache cleanup using the following steps:

  1. navigates to WP Fastest Cache from your WordPress administrative background. It opens the WP Fastest Cache Options page.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations17
  1. check the box next to the Cache System setting. When caching is enabled, the plug-in clears your cache periodically.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations18
  1. if you want to clear the cache file when you post an article or page, just check the “New Post” and “Update Post” settings.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations19
  1. to enable more features, please continue and check the box for each setting. Be sure to click the submit button to save your changes.

also has an option to manually delete the WordPress cache:

  1. goes to WP Fastest Cache and selects the Delete Cache tab.
  2. from there, press the Delete Cache button.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations20
  3. also, if you just edited the CSS or JavaScript file, select the Delete Cache and Minified CSS/JS button.
  4. is at the bottom of the page, and you will find the Timeout Rules settings. Just click Add New Rule to set the expiration time. A pop-up window appears inHow to clear WordPress site cache illustrations21
  1. . There, you can configure the conditions of pages or posts to be cached and how often they are deleted. Click Save to add a rule.

Use Cloudflare to clear the cache

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in addition to using the WordPress caching plug-in, you can also use Cloudflare to clear the cache. This is a content delivery Network (CDN) service with a variety of features to improve your site performance, including cache control, fast cache cleanup, and Web cache protection.

to clear the WordPress cache using this method, point your domain to Cloudflare.

if your WordPress host does not automatically set up Cloudflare for you, follow these steps:

  1. creates a Cloudflare account.
  2. adds your domain name and waits for the system to recognize your DNS record.
  3. selects the plan level.
  4. when Cloudflare provides the required name server, simply copy the values and update your name server from your managed account dashboard. After

points your domain to Cloudflare, follow these steps to clear the WordPress cache:

  1. logs in to your Cloudflare dashboard and click the domain of your WordPress site.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations23
  1. navigate to the Caching menu and click Configuration.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations24
  1. chooses your preferred method of clearing the cache. To clear all cache files, click the Purge Everything button. If you want to select a specific page, select Custom Purge and fill in the page you want to clear.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations25

clears the cache in the browser

clears your own browser cache also helps to solve loading and formatting problems. It will delete obsolete files and allow your browser to get a new version of your site. This also fixes server-related problems, including 502 bad gateway and 504 gateway timeout.

remember that deleting the browser cache may also delete your browser data, such as bookmarks and setting preferences. Therefore, be sure to export the data from the browser and re-import it after clearing the cache.

The following steps will show you how to clear the cache in Google Chrome. Note that the same steps apply to other browsers.

  1. opens your Chrome application.
  2. clicks the ⋮menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. chooses more tools-& gt; to clear browsing data.
  4. it takes you to a page where you can perform basic or advanced cache cleanup.How to clear WordPress site cache illustrations26
  1. chooses the method you like, sets the time range, and selects the appropriate box as needed. Uncheck the password and other login data options to retain your login credentials.
  2. finally, click the clear data button.


caching is a great way to make your site load faster-it stores copies of your site’s static content for future reuse. However, outdated cache files may prevent visitors from seeing new changes on your site. Fortunately for

, clearing your site cache can solve this problem. This tutorial shows you how to clear the WordPress cache using WordPress’s popular caching plug-in. If deleting the WordPress server cache does not solve the problem, try deleting the browser cache.

, please note that once the cached files are deleted, it will take some time for the browser and server to download them again– which may result in a slightly longer load time than before.

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