
When it comes to WordPress media types, most attention is focused on images and videos. This makes sense, but misses a valuable and useful file type that you may need to reconsider-the Portable document format (PDF). The good news is that uploading PDF files to WordPress and displaying them is simple.

Block editors are now commonplace for many WordPress sites, and you can upload and display PDF more easily. In fact, this process is more in line with other media types, which was not the case before. However, plug-ins can still perform functions for you, usually with a larger feature set and implementation.

in the course of this tutorial, we will show you how to upload a PDF file to WordPress. If this is a new concept for you, check out our first part, which discusses the benefits of using PDF on your site.

should upload the PDF file to WordPress

in many cases, the PDF file is already a complete document. It uses rich text and media to encapsulate themes, so you usually want to preserve the look and feel of PDF.


however, if the file is on your computer, it is not good. To present it to site visitors, it is easy to recreate the PDF as a local article on your site. This is understandable, but it also has some shortcomings. First of all, it takes up your time and capacity, and you may never be able to copy the document completely.

, by contrast, WordPress allows you to upload and display PDF files easily. There are several benefits to consider:

  • of course, the files you already have will provide the same level of value. More importantly, you can present them as is without any additional replication costs or work.
  • PDF files are no longer passive documents. You can provide as much interaction as local articles or pages.
  • uploading PDF to WordPress is more efficient because the file can exist on multiple pages. This means that you don’t need to copy the feature elsewhere (the registration form is a good example).

if you work in the field of making physical or digital documents-graphic designers, writers, etc.-you can provide working samples in PDF format for download. However, you need to optimize the file as you optimize other forms of media. How

optimizes your PDF files to provide the best experience

PDF files may be 10 or 20 times the size of the entire web page, which makes sense given the richness of these files. So before you upload PDF to WordPress, we can provide some tips to optimize your file:

  • Typesetting is very important. Adhere to the same guidelines as other content, and use no more than two fonts for your document. This will also help to keep your documents consistent.
  • Image optimization. Keep in mind that images in PDF should have the same optimizations as web pages. This is an area where you can remove large chunks from the PDF file size.
  • Conduct good search engine optimization (SEO). Content written for your PDF can have the same index as a web page, so you need to follow good SEO practices in your file.

as a final step, you should run the PDF file itself through the optimization tool. There are some on the market-for example, ShortPixel is a great one: once you have a ready and streamlined file in


, you can upload it to WordPress– in less than a minute. How

uploads PDF files to WordPress

in the rest of this article, we will show you how to upload PDF files to WordPress. There are two ways to consider, and we’ll introduce both:

  1. uses the native capabilities of WordPress to upload your PDF.
  2. installs a plug-in to help you upload PDF and take advantage of its deeper capabilities.

first, we can show you the native method. Let’s start with the WordPress Block Editor.

1. Uploading PDF files to WordPress

without plug-ins we think native WordPress functionality is good enough for most users who want to upload PDF files. However, there are several ways to import your PDF into WordPress. For example, you can upload to the library like pictures and videos:


, but if you use file blocks, you can skip this step and upload directly from the block editor:


this process is as you might expect:

  • finds file blocks and adds them to your content.
  • uses the uploader to select your PDF file.

this is what you need– the file should be displayed in your content, and you can continue to write or use options to customize its appearance. We’ll talk more about this later.

2. Use plug-ins to upload your PDF files

of course, WordPress allows you to use plug-ins to extend its functionality, which is correct if you want to upload PDF files. The native functionality is fine, but it is affected in some ways:

  • does not have the same security protection for your files as other solutions. This is because it supports printing and downloading, and there is no real way to turn it off. It is a good choice for
  • to read PDF in a non-intrusive environment, but the WordPress native solution does not allow this.

instead, you may need to consider a plug-in. There are some on the market– EmbedPress is a popular:


Some users also use the Embed Any Document plug-in:


, but we like PDF Embedder:


because of regular updates, a large number of active installations, and hundreds of favorable comments from other users. More importantly, it provides as many features as native WordPress options, while filling in the gaps it has left out.

first, you will install and activate the plug-in in the same way as any other way. From there, you can go to your article or page and find a PDF embedder block:


next, open the library from the interface and upload your PDF file:


this is all you need to do, although you will notice that PDF Embedder does not provide a representation of the viewer in the block editor. However, if you look at the preview, you will see that the viewer is in place:


at this point, you can continue your other tasks after the upload process is complete! However, there is much more you can do to better showcase your PDF. Let’s take a look at this next. How

customizes the appearance and functionality of PDF files

depending on your preferred solution, there will be some options for customizing the appearance of the PDF viewer. For example, WordPress’s native solution provides a small number of block options:


here, you have a switch to fully display inline embedding. This contributes to consistency between screen sizes, as most smaller screens do not display the PDF viewer. You can also change the height of the viewer to match your content and requirements.

however, you can’t do anything more with the file than the download button. The WordPress solution is functional, but plug-ins such as PDF Embedder can use this feature and run with it. The options in the

Block Editor don’t show much-just some size and toolbar settings. However, the setup & gt; PDF Embedder screen will give you more options, depending on whether you have purchased an advanced version of the plug-in:


(undeniably) gives you some of the features that native WordPress solutions offer for free, such as download buttons. However, you can get some further “quality of life” functionality for your users. For example, you can have them open PDF in a new tab, provide continuous page scrolling, or even track the views your files get.

if you have a large number of PDF files and want a powerful way to display and manage them, advanced plug-ins may be a viable option.


when you think of WordPress media, you first think of images and videos. However, PDF files can provide rich interactivity-just like native web pages. If you already have PDF files on hand, they may be a good way to provide fresh content without much work. Better yet, WordPress provides full support for PDF files and allows you to display them inline with other content.

in this article, we studied how to upload PDF files to WordPress. While native solutions are good, you can also install plug-ins such as EmbedPress or PDF Embedder, giving you more choices. We like the latter plug-in because of its security and rich positive user feedback. However, regardless of your choice, uploading PDF files and displaying them is a good way to leverage these documents on your site.

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