With 100 million downloads, many people are satisfied with the Joomla platform. However, at some point, you may need to migrate to a more powerful and flexible system, such as WordPress. Fortunately for
, you can migrate from Joomla to WordPress. In fact, moving an entire site can be a stress-free experience with the right tools.
in this article, we will explore the reasons why you may want to upgrade from Joomla to WordPress. Then, we will show you how to plan and complete this migration in nine simple steps.
- Why you might want to migrate from Joomla to WordPress
- to WordPress things to consider before migrating
- how to migrate from Joomla to WordPress
Why you may want to migrate from Joomla to WordPress
Joomla is used by more than 2 million websites Is a popular content management system (CMS). This CMS is optimized for search engines, with more than 70 translation packs and built-in support for multilingual content management:
although Joomla does have its advantages, it is not as user-friendly as the WordPress platform. In particular, Joomla dashboards can be confusing because of their large number of menus, submenus, and settings:
Joomla dashboards
in addition, while Joomla does have some content management features, these features are not suitable for blogs. For example, Joomla does not have a specific blog post page type. If you are a blogger, you will almost certainly benefit from Joomla migration to WordPress. Things to consider before
migrates to WordPress
you need to prepare something before you migrate from Joomla to WordPress. First of all, your new WordPress website will need a domain name and host.
you may have provided these for your Joomla website. Depending on your provider, you may be able to reuse these resources for your WordPress site. However, for best results, we recommend avoiding cheaper hosting alternatives and investing in managed WordPress hosting instead.
WordPress managed service providers can do most of the heavy work for you. They can even help you install WordPress software– the perfect choice when you’re not familiar with the platform. Once
is up and running, a well-managed provider will handle most of the day-to-day maintenance and optimization of your site. Because the host specializes in WordPress, it should also be able to answer any questions without questions and solve any problems you encounter on this new platform.
even if you are already familiar with WordPress, managed partners can help ease your maintenance burden. This gives you the freedom to focus on higher-value tasks, such as developing your new WordPress site.
providers that specialize in WordPress are also more likely to provide tools specifically designed for CMS. There is a reason why
has 60.8% of the CMS market share from Joomla to WordPress
in nine steps. WordPress is so popular. If you’re sure it’s time to upgrade, here’s how to migrate to WordPress in nine simple steps!
step 1: set up WordPress
WordPress for ease of installation. However, you can simplify the installation process by working with a managed WordPress managed service provider. Unfortunately for
, WordPress itself does not support Joomla migration. The good news is that you can use a migration plug-in such as FG Joomla to WordPress to add this functionality.
uses this plug-in so that you can easily migrate all parts, categories, articles, media, and tags of the Joomla website to WordPress:
FG Joomla to WordPress
to log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the plug-in & the gt; installation plug-in to install the plug-in. You can now search for FG Joomla to WordPress add-ons. When this project appears, click install & gt; to enable.
step 2: back up your Joomla website
it is best to create a backup before migrating your Joomla site. Doing so ensures that you do not lose all Joomla content if you encounter any problems during the migration.
you can back up your Joomla site using the Akeeba Backup extension: after
Akeeba Backup
installs this extension, select Home Dashboard from the left menu of Joomla. Your Notifications section should now include a new Backup up to date option:
Joomla dashboard
Click this notification. If this is the first time you have accessed the Akeeba backup settings, Joomla will ask you to configure this extension.
Akeeba Backup can handle all settings for you, so when prompted, the Select Configuration Wizard:
Akeeba backup configuration
configuration wizard will now determine the best backup settings for your site by running a series of benchmarks on your server. After completing this test, click the Backup Now:
and you can now name this backup and add comments. If you are satisfied with the information you entered, click Backup Now:
and click the Backup Now option
now that this extension is configured, you can create a backup at any time. Navigate to Components & gt; Akeeba Backup & gt; Backup Now in your Joomla dashboard:
第 3 步:迁移您的Joomla内容
在您的WordPress仪表盘中,导航到Tools>Import。现在找到Joomla (FG) 选项并单击其随附的Run Importer链接:
运行Joomla FG
导入Joomla FG设置页面
大多数时候,您需要将您的Joomla内容导入一个空站点。出于这个原因,我们建议使用Empty WordPress content按钮来清除内容。
当您准备好继续时,选择Remove all WordPress content。然后,点击Empty WordPress content。
您的文章、页面、媒体和标签现在应该为零。默认情况下, WordPress有一个未分类的类别。因此,即使在删除所有内容后,您的类别计数仍将保持为1。
第 4 步:输入您的Joomla数据库参数
然后,单击Global Configuration。您现在可以选择Server选项卡:
接下来,滚动到Database Settings。此部分包含您的主机、数据库用户名、数据库密码、数据库名称和数据库表前缀:
这些值对于迁移数据至关重要,因此切换到WordPress仪表盘并滚动到Joomla web site parameters部分。找到以下字段:URL of the live Joomla website。在此字段中,输入您的Joomla网站的URL并选择通过HTTP传输您的数据:
现在,单击Test the media connection。这样做将检查导入过程中是否存在任何潜在问题。
Joomla Global Configuration页面显示您的数据库信息以及您的数据库密码。如果您不记得此密码,您可以使用FileZilla等客户端通过文件传输协议 (FTP)连接到您的服务器。
将这些数据库参数输入WordPress后,单击Test the database connection。WordPress现在将检查这些参数是否有效。如果连接成功,您就可以导入内容了。
第 5 步:导入您的Joomla内容
做出选择后,滚动到此屏幕的底部,然后单击Start / Resume the import按钮。该插件现在将从您的Joomla站点导入所有内容。此过程完成后,FG Joomla to WordPress将通知您。
您可能已经转移了您的内容,但您的页面和文章中的内部链接可能无法正常工作。损坏的内部链接会严重损害访问者的体验。它们还会影响您网站的搜索引擎优化 (SEO)。
要执行此检查,请单击Modify internal links按钮。FG Joomla to WordPress现在将扫描您的站点以查找死URL。
第 6 步:选择一个新的WordPress主题
WordPress预装了默认主题 。但是,它可能不是最适合您迁移的Joomla内容。您可以通过在新选项卡中访问它来查看您的网站在默认WordPress主题下的显示和功能。
要从官方主题库安装主题,请导航到WordPress仪表盘中的外观 > 主题 。然后,您可以选择Add New并开始探索可用选项:
在全球拥有超过30亿智能手机用户,您的主题还应该具有响应性和移动友好性。这种质量对于在线商店至关重要,因为移动设备占2019年所有电子商务流量的65% 。
当您找到完美的主题时,选择安装 > 激活。您迁移的Joomla内容现在将使用这个新主题。
第 7 步:设置固定链接
出于这个原因,我们建议切换到文章名称固定链接结构。它将根据页面或文章的标题生成URL slug。这种设置对访问者来说要好得多,并且这有利于SEO优化。
第 8 步:重新指向您的域
第 9 步:成为WordPress专家
幸运的是,不乏可以帮助您掌握WordPress基础知识及其他知识的资源。首先,官方WordPress Codex有一个深入的学习使用WordPress部分。对于首次使用WordPress的用户来说,它可能是无价的:
WordPress.org Codex
从一个内容管理系统 (CMS)迁移到另一个可能是一个令人生畏的前景。幸运的是,使用正确的工具,您可以从Joomla迁移到WordPress,而无需从头开始。
当您计划搬家时,一个好的迁移插件(例如 FG Joomla to WordPress)是必不可少的。我们还建议选择WordPress托管主机或者DIY主机(配合LNMP或者宝塔)。有了合适的主机,安装和配置WordPress软件就变得轻而易举,这是一件不用担心的事情!