Do you want to install and set up all-in-one SEO for WordPress? WordPress’s all-in-one search engine Optimization (AIOSEO) is the best WordPress SEO plug-in that allows you to easily optimize your WordPress site for search engines and social media platforms.

in this article, we will show you how to properly install and set up WordPress’s all-in-one SEO to improve your SEO ranking.


use all-in-one SEO for WordPress?

All in One SEO for WordPress is the best WordPress SEO plug-in on the market, used by more than 3 million websites.

is easy to use, and you don’t need to be an SEO expert or master any special skills.

is also very powerful, allowing your site to rank higher in search engines and get more free traffic from social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

by default, WordPress provides an SEO-friendly environment, but there are still many things you can do to improve your site’s SEO ranking.

this includes adding meta tags, generating XML site maps, adding pattern tags, optimizing social sharing, and so on.

WordPress’s all-in-one SEO helps you do all of these things through an easy-to-use interface integrated into the WordPress dashboard.


also displays the TruSEO scores of your posts and pages, which helps you create content that is more search engine friendly. In addition, you can conduct a complete site-wide SEO audit at the click of a button. Having said that, let’s take a look at how to easily install and set up WordPress’s all-in-one SEO. We will guide you through the complete setup step by step.

the following is what we will introduce in this guide:

installs and sets up all-in-one SEO

  • using AIOSEO to optimize your site pages and blog posts for SEO
  • using WordPress’s all-in-one SEO Optimization WooCommerce SEO
  • in all-in-one SEO using XML site map
  • in WordPress’s all-in-one SEO uses the schema tag
  • to connect to Google Search Console and other webmaster tools
  • local enterprises Industry SEO Settings
  • performs website SEO Audit in WordPress
  • performs SEO competitor Analysis
  • other SEO settings and tools
  • to take your website SEO to a new level
  • ready? Let’s get started.

install and set up all-in-one SEO

for WordPress the first thing you need to do is install and activate the All in One SEO for WordPress plug-in. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install the WordPress plug-in.

to demonstrate all the features of this powerful SEO plug-in, we use the professional version. However, you can also download a free version of AIOSEO from When

is activated, the plug-in automatically launches the setup wizard. You need to click the “Let’s get started” button to continue.

on the next screen, you will be asked to select a site category or type. For example, if your website is mainly blogs, news sites, online stores, small businesses, etc.


for this tutorial, we set it up as a blog.


is down there, you can fill in the title and description of SEO on the home page. Search engines use SEO meta-headings and descriptions, so it’s important to use your main keywords here.

you will notice the smart tag option here. These tags allow you to dynamically generate text for your SEO meta title and description. You can also enter only the title and description you want to use manually.


Note: you can change these settings at any time in the future, so you don’t have to worry about missing something.

clicks the Save and continue button to proceed to the next step.

next, you will be asked if you want to set it as an individual or an organization. For example, if you run a personal blog, you may want to choose a person.

otherwise, you will select an organization and enter your organization name and company phone number. If you don’t already have a company phone number, you can leave it blank and add it later.

below, you need to provide the corporate logo and default social sharing pictures.


the default social sharing image is used when someone shares a link from your site and the page does not set a specific feature image for it. If

scrolls down a little bit, you will see the social profile section. Here you will add the social profile URL associated with your site.

corporate logos and social materials are important elements that Google and other search engines use in their knowledge panels. When

finishes the field, click the Save and continue button to proceed to the next step.


next, you will be asked to turn on the SEO feature. Basic SEO features such as XML sitemap and optimized search look have been turned on. You can choose other features to turn on.

if you are not sure, you can keep the default options and proceed to the next step.


next, you will see the “search appearance” screen. The plug-in will show you a snippet preview of what your site looks like in search results, and you can click it to change the home page title and meta description.

By default, the plug-in uses smart tags to display your site title, delimiter, and site slogan.


your goal should be to use your primary keywords in the title and description of the site. You can also change these later from the plug-in settings.

under this, you will see advanced options. You need to configure them according to your own requirements. The first option for

is to choose whether your site is online or under construction. If you do not want the search engine to list your site immediately, you can select the option under construction. The next option for


is to include all post types (such as posts, pages, products, etc.) in the search results. If you are not sure, please keep it open for all post types.

next, you need to choose whether your blog is a multi-author blog or a single-author blog. If you have only one author blog, you need to select this option to avoid a lot of repetition. The

redirect attachment page option is turned on by default. Attachment pages are low-text pages, and it is strongly recommended that you redirect them, as it will improve your overall SEO score.

clicks the Save and continue button to proceed to the next step.

finally, if you use the plug-in’s PRO feature, you will theoretically be asked to enter a license key, but the

AIO SEO PRO plug-inprovided to you by geek download has been activated. If you are purchasing from the official website, you can find this information under your account on the All in One SEO for WordPress website. Afterenters the license key, you can click the finish Settings button to save the settings and exit the setup Wizard.


Congratulations, you have successfully installed and set up the all-in-one SEO of the WordPress plug-in on your website. You are now ready to take full advantage of this extremely powerful SEO tool to grow your business.


in the next few steps, we will introduce you to the important SEO features and how to use them to grow your site.

uses AIOSEO to optimize your site pages and blog posts for SEO

to optimize your blog posts for SEO is a routine task and a key part of creating content on your site.

All in One SEO for WordPress displays the TruSEO scores for each of your blog posts and pages. This includes practical tips for improving the score and optimizing them for better search performance.

simply edits any post or page on your site and scrolls down to the AIOSEO Settings section below the content editor.

from here, you will see a snippet preview of how a particular post or page appears in the search results. Below, you can enter the SEO meta title and description.


AIOSEO can automatically generate SEO titles and descriptions for you. You can also enter it manually for each article so that you can be creative and write a fascinating description of your article.

ensures that your title and description fields use the main focus keywords of your post or page.

What are the key words in focus?

focus keyword is the main keyword or phrase you want to locate. This is usually the phrase that your users are most likely to type in the search engine to find the information in your article. Adding focus keywords to

does not automatically improve your search engine optimization. However, it can help you optimize your content for focus keywords using the content analysis feature (described in more detail later).


next, you need to switch to the “Social” tab under the AIOSEO settings. Here, you can control how this post / page is displayed on the social media platform through previews of Facebook and Twitter.

from here, you can choose different title and description variants. You can also choose which images to use when sharing links.


this ensures that your social media images are not corrupted and that you can choose the perfect picture to display with the link.

We will discuss the Architecture tab later in this article.

uses content Analyzer to get TruSEO scores in WordPress one of the coolest features of

All in One SEO are content analysis and TruSEO scores. You can see them at the bottom of the AIOSEO Settings section, or you can view them by clicking the AIOSEO button in the upper-right corner of the screen. The

content analysis function looks for a comprehensive set of metrics to assign SEO scores to your content. This allows you to have a convenient SEO listing that you can view as you create content for your site.


you can expand different sections to view reviews and recommendations. AIOSEO will give you a detailed introduction to each suggestion that requires your attention and show you how to fix it. For more information about

, see our tips on optimizing your blog for SEO.


uses WordPress’s all-in-one SEO to optimize WooCommerce SEO

WordPress’s all-in-one SEO is ready for e-commerce to help you optimize WooCommerce SEO right out of the box.

, let’s start with the product page.

simply edits any product in WooCommerce and scrolls down to the AIOSEO settings box below the product editor.

in the General tab, you can change the SEO title and description of the product. You can use smart tags for short product descriptions, or you can write custom descriptions. Make sure that your main product keywords are used in both the title and description fields.


next, switch to the Social tab. From here, you can control the appearance of your product on the social media platform. You can set up different product pictures here to get more clicks and participation from social media.

After that, you can switch to the Schema tab. Schema tags allow search engines to better understand and display your content in search results. For example, this is how search engines display products in search results:


AIOSEO automatically selects the correct pattern type and uses data from the WooCommerce product list, such as product pricing, inventory availability, and so on.


in addition, if necessary, you can click the Edit Schema icon to add additional information, such as brand, identifier type, material, color, pattern, and so on.


the plug-in also automatically generates WooCommerce XML site maps, including product and product category site maps. This takes us to the next step.


uses XML site map in all-in-one SEO

XML site map is a file that lists all site content in XML format, so search engines such as Google can easily find your content and index it.

site maps are extremely important to SEO, and AIOSEO will automatically set them up for you.

you can find your XML site map by adding it at the end of the domain name.sitemap.xmlyou can go to the All in One SEO »Sitemaps page to view the site map settings. Xmlsitemap

you can scroll down to the site map settings section. From here, you can manage site map indexes, including or excluding post types, taxonomies (categories and tags). You can also enable XML sitemaps for date-based and author archives.


the plug-in also allows you to manually add pages to your XML site map. For example, if you have a separate contact form, login page, or Shopify store page.


Create a video XML sitemap


all-in-one SEO allows you to create other site maps, such as video site maps or news site maps.

if you embed a video into your content, adding a video site map displays a video thumbnail with a play button in the search results.

you can enable video XML site maps by switching to the Video site Map tab and toggling the enable site Map switch.


Note: you need at least the plug-in’s PRO plan to access the video sitemap feature.


Create a news sitemap in WordPress

if you run a news site, you need to generate a news XML sitemap to display in the news results page of the Google search.

all-in-one search engine Optimization makes it easy to generate news sitemaps for your site. Just switch to the News site Map tab and turn on the enable site Map switch.

under this, you can set the name of the publication and select the type of post to use for the news site map.


Note: you need at least the plug-in’s PRO plan to access the video sitemap feature.

Generate RSS site map

RSS site maps are different from XML site maps. Unlike XML site maps, RSS site maps contain only your latest content, which helps Google and other search engines keep your content up to date in search results.

all-in-one SEO makes it easy for you to add RSS site maps to your site. Simply switch to the RSS site map tab and turn on the enable site map switch.

to learn more about site maps, see our detailed guide on how to add XML site maps to WordPress.


uses schema tags in WordPress’s all-in-one SEO

schema tags are a special vocabulary that you can use in your content’s HTML code to tell search engines more about your content.

for example, you can tell search engines that what they are looking at is a recipe or product page. This allows search engines to use microdata to display rich fragments in search results.

pattern tags also help search engines display results in the knowledge graph information panel. This enhanced ranking in search results will help you get more clicks and site visitors.


WordPress’s all-in-one SEO has built-in support for schema tags for all content.

Set the site-wide architecture tag in WordPress

first, you need to visit the All in One SEO »Search Appearance page and switch to the Content Types tab. From here, you can switch to the Schema tags tab for each content type.

for example, you can select “articles” for your posts, and then select what type of articles they are, such as articles, blog articles, and news articles.


similarly, for your WooCommerce product, you can switch to the mode tag and set the default tag type to product.

Change the schema tags for individual posts and pages

now, what if you post mixed content as a blog post. For example, you may occasionally publish recipes in the form of blog posts instead of articles.

all-in-one SEO allows you to control the architectural markup of all individual posts, pages, and products. Just edit the item you want to change and scroll down to the AIOSEO settings below the post editor. From here, you need to switch to the “Schema” tab and click the “Generate Schema” button.

this opens the schema directory where you can select the type of schema you want to use.


depending on the type of schema you choose, you will see different options to provide additional microdata to be used in schema tags.

for example, if you change it to “recipe”, you will be asked to enter information, such as recipe name, description, image, dish type, cuisine, time required, and so on.

schema tags are an extremely powerful tool to help you enhance the look and feel of your search and generate more free traffic for your site.




连接 Google Search Console 和其他网站站长工具

Google Search Console 是 Google 提供的免费工具,可帮助网站所有者监控其网站在 Google 搜索结果中的Display情况。

WordPress 的多合一 SEO 使您可以轻松地将 WordPress 网站连接到 Google Search Console。

首先,您需要将您的网站添加到Google Search Console。在此过程中,系统会要求您通过添加 HTML 标记来验证您对网站的所有权。


复制 HTML 标签并切换回您的 WordPress 管理区域。

现在,只需转到All in One SEO » General Settings页面并切换到 Webmaster Tools 选项卡。从这里,您可以点击 Google Search Console,然后输入您之前复制的验证码。


同样,该插件还允许您为 Bing 网站管理员工具、Yandex、百度和 Pinterest 站点验证等其他服务添加验证码。




本地企业 SEO 设置

许多 WordPress 用户运行为特定城镇或地区提供服务的小型企业网站。这包括餐馆、房地产经纪人、管道、维护服务提供商、小商店、沙龙等企业。

本地企业 SEO 允许您优化您的网站,使其在本地搜索结果中更加突出。例如,如果有人正在寻找“意大利餐厅”,那么您的位置就会出现在结果中。



首先,您可能想要创建一个“Google 我的商家”帐户。这使您可以添加您的企业列表,证明您拥有该企业,并使用 Google 的“我的企业”仪表板管理您的企业信息。


WordPress 的多合一 SEO 允许您轻松地将本地业务 SEO 架构标记添加到您的网站。这有助于您获得更好的展示位置,并使您的业务信息保持最新。

只需转到All in One SEO » Local SEO页面并填写您的企业信息,如名称、徽标、位置、服务区域等。





在 WordPress 中执行网站 SEO 审核

现在,当您在您的网站上工作时,您会想知道您网站的 SEO 表现如何。All in One SEO for WordPress 提供了一个内置工具来执行详细的网站 SEO 审核。

只需转到All in One SEO » SEO Analysis页面即可执行完整的站点范围的 SEO 分析。


在页面顶部,它将为您提供网站 SEO 健康状况的总体评分。任何高于 70 的分数都可以接受,但总有改进的余地。

在分数下方,您将看到带有不同标签的站点 SEO 审核报告的细分。




解决问题后,您可以单击“刷新结果”按钮重新生成 SEO 分析分数。

在 WordPress 中执行 SEO 竞争对手分析

想将您的 SEO 分析与竞争对手进行比较吗?AIOSEO 带有一个内置的竞争对手分析工具,您可以在 WordPress 中使用它。

只需转到All in One SEO » SEO Analysis页面并切换到“Analyze Competitor Site”选项卡。在此处输入竞争对手网站的 URL 以生成分析报告。


AIOSEO将与您的竞争对手一起生成SEO分析报告。在分数下方,您将获得有关不同 SEO 检查、热门关键字、关键问题、性能和安全分析的详细报告。



其他 SEO 设置和工具

All in One SEO for WordPress 是一个非常强大的 SEO 工具。除了我们上面介绍的功能外,它还为高级用户配备了许多功能。

从 Yoast SEO 转向多合一 SEO

All in One SEO 允许您轻松地从第三方插件导入 SEO 数据,以便您可以切换和使用更强大和更好的 SEO 工具。

只需转到All in One SEO » Tools页面并切换到 Import / Export 选项卡。


编辑 Robots.txt 和 .htaccess 文件

有时,在遵循 WordPress 教程或指南时,您可能需要编辑robots.txt或.htaccess文件。多合一 SEO 让您轻松做到这一点。

您可以通过访问All in One SEO » Tools页面来做到这一点。从这里,您将找到编辑 robots.txt 和 .htaccess 文件的选项。


操纵您的 WordPress RSS 提要

内容聚合器使用 RSS 提要来Display您站点的文章或摘要。

多合一 SEO 允许您通过在博客文章之前或之后添加您自己的自定义内容,轻松地操纵您的 WordPress RSS 提要以发挥您自己的优势。

您可以通过访问All in One SEO » General Settings页面并切换到 RSS 内容选项卡来做到这一点。


控制谁可以访问 WordPress 中的 SEO 选项

许多企业都有员工负责创建内容、营销或管理 SEO。多合一 SEO 使您可以轻松选择有权访问 SEO 设置的人员。


它与WordPress 用户角色和权限无缝协作。

将您的网站 SEO 提升到一个新的水平

现在您已经为 WordPress 安装并设置了多合一 SEO。下一步是跟踪您的网站的运行情况以及您可以做些什么来发展它。



如果您还没有设置它,请参阅我们的指南,了解如何在 WordPress 中轻松安装 Google Analytics。

额外提示:查看您必须在每个 WordPress 网站上跟踪的其他重要营销数据。



这是您需要OptinMonster 的地方。


我们希望本文能帮助您正确安装和设置 WordPress 的多合一 SEO。您可能还想查看我们的WordPress 性能指南,因为更快的网站对于更好的 SEO 至关重要,以及我们关于如何增加博客流量的终极指南。

Disclaimer: All articles on this website, unless otherwise specified or marked, are original and published on this website. Any individual or organization is prohibited from copying, stealing, collecting, or publishing the content of this site to any website, book, or other media platform without the consent of this site. If the content on this website infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of the original author, you can contact us for assistance.