What is E-A-T? Why is it important to SEO illustration

People started talking about E-A-T in August 2018 and have mentioned it in hundreds of SEO articles since then. Some of the articles in

What is E-A-T? Why is it important to SEO illustration1

tell us that this is an important ranking factor.

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… Others tell us it’s not:

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, so what’s the truth?

in this guide, we will answer the following questions: what is

  • E-A-T? How important is
  • E-A-T? How does
  • evaluate E-A-T? Is
  • E-A-T a ranking factor? Does the
  • website have an Emura Murray T-score? How does
  • improve and show E-A-T

what is E-A-T?

Emura Murray T-represents expertise, authority and credibility. It comes from Google’s search quality assessor’s Guide-a 168-page document used by human quality assessors to assess the quality of Google search results.

Google released the document online in 2013 to “help webmasters understand what Google is looking for on the web.” How important is


E-A-T is important to all queries, but some queries are more important than others.

if you’re just searching for pictures of cute cats, then E-A-T may not be that important. The theme is subjective, and if you see a cat that you don’t think is cute, it’s no big deal.

, on the other hand, if you are searching for the correct dose of aspirin during pregnancy, then E-A-T is undoubtedly important. If Google emerges content on the subject written by an ignorant writer and published on an unreliable website that lacks authority, it is highly likely to be inaccurate or misleading. Given the nature of the information sought here,

is not just a slight inconvenience-it can be life-threatening.

E-A-T is also important for queries such as how to improve your credit score. Here, advice from ignorant and unauthorized people is unlikely to be legal and should not be trusted.

Google calls such topics YMYL (your money or your life) topics: there are some types of pages or themes in

that may affect a person’s future happiness, health, financial stability or security.

We call this kind of page “your money or your Life” page, or YMYL.

if your site is built around a YMYL theme, it’s important to showcase EAT. How does

evaluate EAT?

professionalism, authority, and credibility are similar concepts, but not exactly the same. Therefore, each of them uses a different set of criteria for independent evaluation.


professional knowledge refers to having a high level of knowledge or skills in a particular field. It is evaluated mainly at the content level, not at the website or organizational level. Google is looking for content created by subject matter experts.

for YMYL topics, this is about the formal expertise, qualifications, and education of content creators. For example, a certified public accountant is more qualified to write about tax returns than someone who has read several posts on r/personalfinance. Formal expertise in

is important for YMYL topics such as medical, financial, or legal advice.

for non-YMYL topics, it is about demonstrating relevant life experiences and “daily expertise”. Some topics in

require less formal expertise. [if the person who created the content seems to have some life experience, making him or her an “expert” on the subject, we will attach importance to this “day-to-day expertise”. Will not be punished because the person / page / site has not received “formal” education or training in the field.

Google also said that “day-to-day expertise” is sufficient for some YMYL topics. For example, a query like “what’s it like to have cancer?” People with this disease are better suited to answer this question than qualified doctors with years of experience.

may even have day-to-day expertise on YMYL topics. For example, there are forums and support pages for patients with specific diseases. Sharing personal experience is a kind of daily professional knowledge.


authority refers to reputation, especially among other experts and influencers in the industry. Quite simply, when others see a person or website as the preferred source of information about a topic, this is authority. In order to assess authority,

evaluators search the Internet for opinions about the reputation of the site or individual.

uses reputation research to find out what real users and experts think of a site. Look for comments, references, expert advice, news articles, and other credible information created / written by individuals about the site.

reviewers are told to look for independent sources when doing this work. When searching for reputation information,

tries to find sources that are not written or created by the website, the company itself, or individuals.

Wikipedia is a good source of information mentioned by Google.

Wikipedia articles can help you understand a company and may include specific information about reputation, such as awards and other forms of recognition, or disputes and issues. It is important for

to remember that authority is a relative concept. Although Elon Musk and Tesla are authoritative sources of information about electric cars, they have little authority when it comes to search engine optimization.

There is also a situation where some people and websites have unique authority when it comes to certain topics. For example, the most authoritative source of lyrics for Coldplay songs is their official website. The most authoritative source of information on beef grades in the United States is the United States Department of Agriculture.


trust refers to the legality, transparency and accuracy of the website and its content.

raters look for something to assess credibility, including whether the site indicates who is responsible for the published content. This is particularly important for YMYL queries, but it also applies to non-YMYL queries.

YMYL sites require a high degree of trust, so they generally need satisfactory information about who is responsible for the content of the site. It is also important that

have enough contact information, especially for YMYL topics and online stores.

if a store or financial trading site has only one email address and physical address, it may be difficult to get help if there is a problem with the transaction. Similarly, many other types of YMYL sites require a high degree of trust from users.

raters also take into account the accuracy of the content.

for news articles and information pages, high-quality MC must be accurate about the facts of the subject, and must be supported by experts when there is expert consensus.

citing trusted sources is part of it.

[an article] has a satisfactory amount of accurate information and trustworthy external references, and can usually be rated as high-level.

remember that trust, like authority, is a relative concept. People and websites cannot be considered trustworthy in all areas. We are a reliable source of information about SEO, but not bodybuilding. Is

E-A-T a ranking factor?

sort of, at least according to Google search public contact Danny Sullivan: is

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confused? Let me explain.

you see, to be a “ranking factor”, it must be a tangible thing that a computer can understand and evaluate. Perhaps the most obvious example of

is the number of backlinks on a page.

Google crawls the web extensively, so they know how many backlinks point to most web pages. They can easily create a computer program to rank web pages with the best backlinks. The problem with

‘s professionalism, authority, and trust is that while they are ideal qualities of content, they are fundamentally human concepts. You can’t tell the computer to rank a page with E-A-T higher because it only understands bits and bytes.

here is Google’s solution to this problem:

first, their search engineers think about algorithm adjustments that might improve the quality of search results.

second, they show the search results to the quality judges to see if the proposed changes have been implemented. Their job is to provide feedback to Google, and they are not told which group of results are what.

third, Google uses this feedback to determine whether the proposed adjustments will have a positive or negative impact on search results. If the result is positive, the change will be implemented.

uses this process to enable Google engineers to understand tangible signals consistent with E-A-T and adjust the ranking algorithm accordingly.

Google explains more about the process here and in this video: Ben Gomes, vice president of Google search at

, provided a wonderful tldr; version of all this in an interview with CNBC in 2018:

you can think of scoring criteria as where we want search algorithms to go. They don’t tell you how the algorithm ranks the results, but they fundamentally show what the algorithm should do. Does

have an E-A-T score?

didn’t. Finally, a question with a clear answer.

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the answer is obvious when you understand how Google evaluates E-A-T and the role of quality assessors. But this is definitely worth repeating:

Google won’t give your site an E-A-T score.

means that there are still ways to improve your expertise, authority, and trust in the eyes of quality assessors. How

improves and presents E-A-T

first of all, it is important to understand that showing and improving E-A-T are two different things.

if you don’t have E-A-T, you can’t show E-A-T, which is the first hurdle to overcome.

‘s lack of E-A-T is thought to have caused many YMYL sites to fall like stones when Google launched its now infamous “medical” update in August 2018.

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because many of these sites had almost no E-A-T in the first place, when core updates were launched, traffic dropped and Google’s ability to detect E-A-T algorithmically improved.

if you are one of these sites, or just want to prepare for the future, it is wise to try to improve and better show your E-A-T to Google.

here are some ways to do this:

1. Create more links

although links are not mentioned in Google’s search quality rating guide, Google webmaster trend analyst Gary Illyes has said that E-A-T is mainly based on links and references from authoritative sites.

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, according to Marie Haynes, added that Google is really good at understanding which links count, so make sure you prioritize high-quality links over low-quality ones.

reads more about it here, or watch this video:

2. Keep up-to-date

if you are involved in YMYL topics such as medical or financial advice, it is important to keep the content up-to-date to present E-A-T.

High E-A-T financial advice, legal advice, tax advice, etc., should come from trusted sources and be maintained and updated regularly.

high-E-A-T medical advice or information should be written or produced in a professional style and should be edited, reviewed and updated regularly. But

is not a YMYL theme?

QRGs did not specifically address this issue, but we think it is still very important. After all, how can a page be trustworthy if it misleads the reader with outdated information?

3. Check the facts

Google’s quality evaluation guidelines say that news articles must be in fact accurate to show a high level of E-A-T.

high-E-A-T news articles should be produced with journalistic professionalism-they should contain factual and accurate content […] .

is the same for scientific content; it should be factually accurate and consistent with the consensus of the scientific community.

‘s high-E-A-T information pages on scientific topics should be produced by people or organizations with appropriate scientific expertise and represent established scientific consensus on issues where such consensus exists.

, but again, what about other themes?

although QRGs does not talk about accuracy further in the context of E-A-T, we can consider it important because it is mentioned more than 50 times in the document.

therefore, our recommendation is to check the facts of your content, preferably against Google’s trusted sources, such as Wikipedia and Wikipedia data.

, you should also make sure that you are referring to legitimate resources.

4. Get more comments

Google tells quality reviewers to use online reviews as a source of corporate reputation information, which has to do with trust and authority.

has many sources of reputation information and comments for enterprises. [.] You can try to search on specific sites to find comments. Many people on

are confused about this issue and often try to oversimplify things by focusing on a specific review site-the U.S. Bureau of Business Promotion.

is clear why this is happening, because the rating criteria mention something like this:

, please regard the very low rating on BBB as evidence of a negative reputation.

, however, the concept of BBB comments as a ranking factor has been basically overturned.

instead, focus on getting more positive online reviews on important sites, sites that people use and trust in your industry. For a restaurant, it could be TripAdvisor or even a popular local food blog.

5. Hire experts

there are a lot of experts in all industries, so why not hire them to write for your website?

if you want to cover YMYL topics, this is almost a mandatory requirement. Formal expertise in

is important for YMYL topics, such as medical, financial, or legal advice.

however, for non-YMYL topics, hiring someone with formal expertise is not necessary.

instead, you can hire people who have a good track record in the industry, or who are already known for creating high-quality theme content.

‘s expertise on topics such as recipes or humor may be less formal. The expert page on cooking may be the page of a professional chef website or a video of an expert content creator who uploads very high-quality cooking videos on YouTube and is one of the best-known and popular recipe content creators in his field.

if you can’t afford to hire people, you can always interview experts or ask them to write a guest article for your website.

our Google punishment Guide does this:

What is E-A-T? Why is it important to SEO illustration9

6. Show your certificate

most people don’t like to brag, but when it comes to showing E-A-T to Google, that’s exactly what you should do. If you have a doctorate, give a speech at a well-known industry conference, or win a prestigious industry award, let the world (and Google) know. There are two obvious things about

that you can do. The first is your author’s profile.

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second is your “about” or “team” page:

What is E-A-T? Why is it important to SEO illustration11

remember, the goal is to show Google your expertise, authority, and credibility. Don’t exaggerate or embellish the facts.

you may also want to consider using schema tags to provide information about achievements and expertise in a more organized way.

"@ context": "http://www.schema.org",
"@ type": "Person"
"name": "Mark Zuckerberg"
"alumniOf": [
"@ type": "CollegeOrUniversity"
"name": "Harvard University"
"sameAs": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_University""

7. Display contact details

enterprises may not be trusted if they fail to provide visitors with sufficient contact and customer support information. This is especially important for YMYL pages.

for sites with YMYL pages, such as online banking, we hope to find a lot of information about the site, including extensive customer service information. [.] Users need a way to ask questions or get help when problems arise.

our opinion is that legitimate companies should at least show their addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and contact points.

but what if you are a separate blogger or work from home? Don’t worry about

, Google’s quality assessors won’t punish you for not showing your home address or for providing 24ap7 customer support. This would be unreasonable. QRGs points out that the expected level of transparency depends on the site.

for example, humorous websites may not require the level of detailed contact information we expect from online banking sites.

8. The access to Wikipedia page

Wikipedia has been mentioned several times on QRG, and quality reviewers have been told to pay special attention to the encyclopedia to help assess reputation.

news reports and Wikipedia articles can help you understand a company and may include specific information about reputation, such as awards and other forms of recognition, or disputes and issues.

, however, there is a problem: it is difficult to get Wikipedia pages. Really hard.

unless you are already an authority in your industry, which means that you have a lot of coverage from reliable and independent sources, it is almost impossible to get a Wikipedia page. We don’t even have one.

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however, if you think your business has gained enough authority to deserve a Wikipedia page, and you don’t have one, it’s definitely worth fighting for.

for the rest of us, the next best way is to get a reference on the existing Wikipedia page. Unfortunately for

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, it’s not that easy either. Although it is possible to edit Wikipedia pages, self-promotional suggestions are usually deleted. In other words, if you have a really useful resource that can add value to an article on Wikipedia, it’s worth a try.

9. Getting more references to

on well-known industry websites can help improve your authority-assuming they are positive. Quality reviewers are told to look for these when evaluating the reputation of websites and authors.

looks for comments, references, expert recommendations, news articles, and other credible information about the site created / written by individuals.

for example, when my name is edited on Search Engine Journal, it may help to prove my authority on SEO topics. The problem with

What is E-A-T? Why is it important to SEO illustration14

is that getting authoritative mention is a somewhat elusive issue. Being mentioned increases authority, but you need authority to get it.

means there are a few things you can do. The first thing about

is to publish unique insights and data for reference by others in your industry.

What is E-A-T? Why is it important to SEO illustration15

‘s second is to use services like HARO to contact journalists.


E-A-T is important to SEO and is something you should strive to improve-especially if you cover YMYL topics. It takes two efforts for

to do this.

  1. should be legal. Hire an expert. Care about your clients. Do real corporate things. Have values.
  2. strives to show Google your expertise and values.

this sounds simple, and it is; it just takes some time and effort.

if this sounds annoying, remember, Google doesn’t owe you a favor. Owning a website doesn’t necessarily mean you should get a ranking. If there is better, more authoritative content out there, or competitors with better products or services, then Google will correctly try to send traffic to them, not yours.

aside the moral guidance that may not be needed and patronage, it is also worth noting that Google often changes their scoring criteria, so E-A-T standards may change and evolve over time.

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