Do you want to know the difference between www and non-www in the site URL? People usually want to know which is better for SEO and whether they should change their site URL.

in this article, we will help you understand the difference between www and non-www, and which is more suitable for WordPress SEO.


before we started, for ordinary users and small business owners, there was absolutely no difference between www and non-www. This is entirely a personal preference.

Yes, there is a technical difference between the two, which we will cover later in this article, but neither of these approaches is important to most people.

WWW and non-WWW in SEO advantage

first of all in the field of SEO, this is not a final conclusion, on the contrary, it all depends on your preference. It is important that the URL structure of your site is consistent at the initial stage of construction and in the future.

in other words, do not change your site URL to add or remove www from it. This is because search engines like Google treat www and non-www as two different sites, resulting in content duplication.

if you are using the All in One SEO plug-in, it automatically sets the canonical URL in your site title and lets Google know your personal preferences.

, this is what you really need to do. You can check out our guide to learn how to set up All in One SEOinWordPress for more details.

downloads on geek, we use www, but this is a personal preference. On other sites, such as and, we see that they do not use www. It’s just a personal preference, that’s all. Technical differences between

WWW and non-WWW

when you add www. In front of the site, it acts as a hostname, which can help increase the flexibility of DNS, limit the ability of cookie when using multiple subdomains, and so on.

rather than WWW domains, also known as naked domains, do have some technical limitations. For example, a CDN provider such as Akamai cannot redirect traffic from a failed server to a normal server on a bare domain.

, however, you will only feel these technical differences when your site receives millions of page views every day.

for complete technical notes and details, see the article on why you use www?

We hope this article will help eliminate any confusion between WWW and non-WWW on your site URL. For more SEO tips, please refer to ourWordPress SEO ultimate guideand WordPress SEO audit checklist to improve the rankings.

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