
Website Optimization

Smush Pro

Smush Pro is a WordPress image optimization plugin that improves website performance by reducing image size without sacrificing quality. It uses advanced lossless and lossy compression techniques to optimize images, and can also resize and deliver images from a global...
WP Optimization

How to install Cloudflare on your WordPress website

Cloudflare is a company providing content delivery Network (CDN), DNS, DDoS protection and security services. They are known for their fast DNS lookup time in the network performance industry and have a powerful network of more than 100 different data...
WP Tutorial

How to add Anchor links (Anchor Link) in WordPress

You will make many design choices around site reference usability and user experience (UX). More importantly, blog content– usually reading the pages of your site– is of great value. If you combine the two, you will usually consider ways to...

WP Mail SMTP Pro

WP Mail SMTP Pro is a WordPress plug-in that helps you solve your email sending problems and offers increased reliability and functionality. Key features include: Send email via SMTP or other means to improve the reliability of email delivery Use...


AutomateWoo is an automation plug-in for WooCommerce. It helps e-commerce sites automate common tasks such as sending emails, automatically creating coupons and tracking customer activity. It also helps you set rules to automate tasks, such as sending an email when...