How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration

The more you buy, the higher your discount will be! Isn’t that the case, more often than not? If

buys a single product, you may get a discount on the second purchase.

buys a lot of products and you may get discounts on all products.

buys products wholesale, so the price is more competitive. The offline world of

is relatively simple. When the customer comes to the checkout, you apply the discount based on the product you buy, that’s all. It’s that simple!

but how do you incorporate price changes into your online store? After all, the entry price for all products is the same, regardless of the type of customer.

, guess what? It’s as straightforward as the offline world.

in this article, we will show you how to set different product prices for customers in your WooCommerce store, also known as dynamic pricing, in the following steps.

covers everything from setting up WooCommerce dynamic pricing plug-ins to creating pricing rules for customers based on their purchase behavior, to configuring dynamic price settings and selling products.

  1. what is WooCommerce dynamic pricing? Why and when should
  2. use dynamic pricing discounts? Benefits of
  3. WooCommerce dynamic pricing
  4. how to set dynamic pricing in your WooCommerce Store popular discount policies for your WooCommerce Store
  5. Best Free WooCommerce dynamic pricing and discount plug-in
  6. Summary
  7. Catalog

dynamic pricing is a pricing strategy where you can create changes in the price of your product. These changes are based on some factors, such as the number of products purchased, the purchase history of customers, and so on.

here are a few examples of using WooCommerce dynamic pricing:

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration1

buys 2, gets 20% discount,

  • buys 5, gets 50% discount
  • buys one item, second item gets 50% discount
  • and many similar things.

creates such offers to tempt customers to spend more money to enjoy discounts. After all, who doesn’t want to cash in such a deal and save a lot of time

offers a limited discount can make people afraid of missing out on a good deal and save some money in the process.

as a shopkeeper, you must take advantage of human psychology and behavior and use strategies such as FOMO (fear of missing) to promote your sales.

‘s fear of missing out refers to a feeling of regret when one sees a good opportunity slipping away. We would rather seize the opportunity than regret it afterwards. Taking advantage of this psychological behavior can help increase sales through time-limited offers. With the right pricing strategy,

can boost your store sales and increase the average consumption per customer. Why and when should

use dynamic pricing discounts?

aims to sell more. That’s it!

to increase your online sales, you will include methods such as coupons, discount coupons, and BOGO (buy one get one free) offers as part of your marketing strategy. All efforts are made to complete more sales.

‘s inclusion of dynamic pricing and discounts is one such strategy that helps turn temporary visitors into customers quickly and wants them to buy more.

for example, suppose you want to increase the sales of shirts of a certain color in your store. And you are running a “buy 5 shirts and get a 20% discount” discount.

now, a person who comes to your store and plans to buy a shirt will not necessarily be attracted by such a discount. Considering that they have to buy five shirts to get a 20% discount, this may not be what they think is a good deal.

, so let’s reformulate our marketing strategy. This time, let’s offer the following discount

can enjoy 20% discount for 5 shirts

  1. purchase 6 to 10 shirts, 35% discount
  2. can enjoy 50% discount for buying more than 10 shirts.
  3. this is a better way to offer discounts. The more you buy, the bigger the discount will be. You are pandering not only to customers who are interested in buying a single piece, but also to people who are interested in buying multiple pieces. It is worth noting that all of these pricing rules are set once for a single product in

. We have not created multiple instances or bundled offers for the same product.

now that we have introduced the “reasons” behind dynamic pricing, let us know when we should adopt this strategy. There are several situations in which you want to provide dynamic prices for your users in

, and some cases are based on some factors, such as

The more you buy

in bulk, the bigger the discount you will get. Shopkeepers attract customers to buy more by offering exciting discounts on bulk purchases. Offering more discounts for bulk purchases helps shopkeepers increase the average order value per customer and sell inventory faster.

Time-bound sales

end-of-season sales, Christmas and New year sales, Black Friday sales, etc.; offering this different discount is another good way to increase sales and revenue at certain times of the year or holiday season.

Creating a sense of urgency, coupled with the fear of missing out on a good deal, is a powerful motivation for shopkeepers to sell, with time constraints.

A 10% discount is available for purchases with an order value of up to US $1000 by


gets a 50% discount when buying more than $1000. The value of the

order is another example, and you can adjust the price according to it. Create attractive discounts to increase the minimum order value of your store.

Once the loyalty incentive program

becomes a customer, it will always be a customer!

if you want to follow this motto, you may want to reward your existing customers or even attract new customers by offering discounts on their first order.

discounts can help increase customer loyalty and help get new customers. Each of the strategies mentioned above in

can help boost sales and revenue. While you may have seen these advantages, let’s take a look at the benefits of dynamic pricing. Benefits of

WooCommerce dynamic pricing

from increasing revenue to gaining customer insight, here are some of the benefits of WooCommerce dynamic pricing.

increases revenue the most obvious thing about

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration2

is that it helps to increase sales and your income. Clients are always looking for the best deal. What if you make discounts a regular feature of your WooCommerce store? You can definitely bring more customers and revenue!

promotes the sale of specific products. Has

ever encountered a situation in which a product or a type of product cannot be sold? So, try offering discounts!

uses dynamic pricing strategies to attract customers to buy more products. Whether in a specific period or to the final inventory, create an attractive sales quotation to sell more specific products or apply to the entire category of products.

‘s ability to adapt to changing needs

have you noticed a common trend in business?

if the demand for a product is high, there is less chance of getting a discount. Or, if the demand for a product is small, you will find all kinds of discounts and discounts.

this is a demand and supply game!

similarly, you can offer variable discounts according to demand and supply. Is there only one product left in

? Choose to offer discounts to clear inventory or stick to prices.

, for example, according to our previous product example, if you have only one unit left, you can either insist on the price, not offer a discount, or offer a discount, and then sell it. It’s better to sell and make less than to sit on unsold inventory. Another example of

can be if you are in the hotel industry. Did you notice that the price of the room was relatively low on the day you checked in? Well, you might agree that offering a discount and filling the room is better than no income at all. Therefore, the next time you travel, pay attention to those last-minute transactions

use dynamic pricing strategies to adjust prices according to demand.

defeats the competition, improves profit margins

careful market research and close attention to your competitors can help increase your profit margins.

if you have a demand for a product, you can increase its price and offer an attractive discount based on the quantity purchased. This works best if you purchase products directly from suppliers, or if you are the owner of the product. Insight into

customer behavior

what products are your customers buying? Do they buy your products with or without discount? How many products did they buy? Insight like

helps you understand your customer behavior and buying patterns. With this insight, you can plan your future marketing activities and pricing strategies accordingly. How

sets dynamic pricing

in your WooCommerce store if you are the owner of a WooCommerce store, you may agree that updating store prices is relatively simple and straightforward. But what if you want to edit specific products and implement discounts, all of which are automatic? Shouldn’t there be an easier way?

uses WordPress and WooCommerce, and you know the solution is to use a plug-in. When it comes to plug-ins, there are several options that you can choose from. Some are free, some are high-end.

We will introduce some popular plug-ins at the end of this article. First, let’s set up dynamic pricing in our WooCommerce store.

Step 1: choose a WooCommerce dynamic pricing plug-in

. A very popular plug-in is the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing extension. From creating single product pricing, order pricing, role pricing, category pricing, WooCommerce dynamic pricing extension provides you with a variety of options.

, however, costs $129 a year. Although the choice is yours, for this article, we will guide you through the steps of using Dynamic Pricing With Discount Rules for WooCommerce to achieve dynamic pricing. Although

does have an advanced version with additional features, the free version should be fine.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration3

enters the plug-in & gt; installs the plug-in and installs and activates the Dynamic Pricing With Discount Rules for WooCommerce plug-in.

Step 2: create pricing rules after

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration4

installation, go to Pricing Rules & gt; Pricing Rules.

takes into account that this is the first time we have used this plug-in and will not find any product rules. To create one, simply click’+ Add New Rule’.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration5

you will now see various options to create a new rule.

you first create a rule name under the “Discount Settings” tag. You can set a priority and activate it.

By setting a higher priority, you can override any other rules that have been created. For example, if you have created multiple discount rules, you can give priority to which one must be applied first.

among the various options available, you need to focus on Discount Type.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration6

this is where you choose a specific discount type and create a rule. You can create rules based on products, shopping carts, and quantities. In the free version of

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration7

, you will create a rule for the entire product. However, in the paid version, you will be able to select a specific product or category.

so, select the discount type and finish creating the rule.

in this article, we chose “Quantity Rules” under the quantity rule.

opens a new set of options to select the discount type, as shown in the figure above.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration8

We have set a rule to apply a 40% discount on orders with a minimum of 5 products and a maximum of 10 units.

you can release this rule immediately or schedule it to run on a specific date.

this can be achieved from the Schedule tag.

you can choose a start and end date for the offer.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration9

in the last label, rules and restrictions, you can set “rules and restrictions”.

for example, as shown in the figure above, you can create a rule that applies discounts to product prices based on predefined conditions. Similarly, rules can be applied to shopping carts. Once you have finished

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration10

, click Publish. The last step of

is to enable the state under Pricing Rules & gt; Pricing Rules.

now, all that’s left is to test your discount pricing at the front of your store.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration11

Step 3: test your discount pricing

now that you have set up dynamic pricing, let’s test the effect of this on the front end.

you will now notice that there is a “Quantity Discounts” table on your product page.

this will indicate the discount you set for the product.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration12

if you add the minimum quantity that meets the discount criteria and continue to check out, you will find that the discount has been applied to your total amount.

now, didn’t we say it was easier than you might think?

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration13

in the above example, we have shown how to set a discount rule when purchasing a minimum quantity. But is this the only discount strategy available?

below are some popular discount strategies that you can implement with dynamic pricing.

is a popular discount strategy for your WooCommerce store

continues to install and activate the plug-in. When finished, go to WooCommerce & gt; Pricing Rules.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration14

now, to create a new rule, simply click add Rule.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration15

pays attention to the various options available and the discount policies you can create. You can achieve a variety of discount strategies from creating product filters, product discounts, shopping cart adjustments, etc.

now let’s create dynamic pricing rules.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration16

Volume pricing discount

the first is the volume pricing discount.

first enter a title. Then click Bulk rules to proceed.

choose from the options that are most relevant to your store’s requirements.

for example, we chose a 50% discount, with a minimum order of 10 units and a maximum order of 100 units. Once you are done, click Save changes.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration17

your pricing rules have been created. The

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration18

product page will display a volume transaction box indicating the price and discount we just set, as shown in the figure above. Another common strategy for

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration19

based on products and categories

is to apply discounted pricing to products and categories. You can create rules for entire products and categories or selected products and categories. To do this for

, click Product filters after naming your rules.

from the available options, you can select products, categories, tags, attributes, and so on. You can also do this by excluding a particular product. In addition, you can add multiple filters to the same rule by clicking Add product filter. Once you have finished

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration20

, click Save changes.

based on customer profile

do you want to offer price discounts based on user roles?

goes to Settings & gt; General and you will find a set of user roles under New User Default Role. If a customer registers in your store, you can offer a discount based on the user’s profile. For

to create a rule based on a user’s role, simply click Role discounts under WooCommerce & gt; Pricing Rules & gt; Add rule.

name your rules and select a user profile from the autocomplete drop-down menu.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration21

, for example, as shown in the figure above, we have created a rule that offers a 20% discount to all customers. Click Save changes when you are finished.

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration22

similarly, you can use a variety of available options to create rules. It’s all straightforward and simple. Plug-ins provide you with a range of options, some of which are free and others are paid for.

so, which are the best WooCommerce dynamic pricing plug-ins?

‘s best free WooCommerce dynamic pricing and discount plug-in

always has more than one plug-in to help you set dynamic pricing in your WooCommerce store. And that’s what we’re going to introduce here. Listed below in

are some popular plug-ins that you can consider.

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing is the official extension of WooCommerce that allows you to easily set dynamic pricing on your online store.

1. WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration23

uses this extension so that you can configure volume discounts for products in your store, choose fixed prices and percentage adjustments, and so on.

You also have premium product pricing options, and you can set discounts based on the quantity you buy.

Functional features

dynamic pricing has seven different models to create and apply pricing rules, such as advanced volume product pricing, advanced special product pricing, advanced total order pricing, category pricing, and so on.

  • assigns different roles to customers based on their purchases.
  • WooCommerce dynamic pricing is an advanced extension that costs $129 per year.

Elex WooCommerce is another popular plugin that allows you to quickly set dynamic pricing in your WooCommerce store. In addition to individual products, you can also create rules that apply discounts to product categories and shopping cart pages.

2. ELEX Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration24

Function introduction

you can create rules to set discounts for all products in a certain category and for specific products.

  • you can choose to set discount rules based on quantity, price, total unit, weight and quantity of goods.
  • if a product has multiple product rules, you can display a price list function on the product page to show all applicable offers.
  • you can choose to set rules based on the expiration date.
  • you have a variety of discount types available, such as uniform discounts and percentage discounts.
  • YITH Dynamic Pricing and Discounts for WooCommerce is a popular plug-in that uses price rules and conditions to set dynamic prices for your WooCommerce products.

3. YITH Dynamic Pricing and Discounts for WooCommerce

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration25

you can set discounts based on specific users or the number of products they buy.

Function introduction

you can apply discounts to specific products or products that belong to a specific category.

  • can choose to merge multiple rules.
  • you can display custom information about how much money the customer has saved from the current order.
  • you can exclude specific products and categories. In this way, you don’t need to apply shopping cart rules to these products and categories. For a complete list of
  • , check out the WooCommerce features of YITH dynamic pricing and discounts. YITH Dynamic Pricing and Discounts for WooCommerce is an advanced plug-in with a license fee of $139 per year for a single site.

4. WooCommerce Conditional Discount Rules For Checkout

if you are looking for a feature-rich plug-in for a really large e-commerce store and need dynamic pricing, Dotstore’s WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin may be what you are looking for. The purpose of the

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration26

plug-in is to act as an independent dynamic price and discount regulator for shopkeepers at once. It enables you to configure discounts or dynamic pricing rules based on location, product details, user details, purchase history, shopping cart details, payment type and shipping details. In essence, it provides the tools you need to fully control the pricing and discounts in your store.


enables fixed or percentage-based pricing or discounts

  • sets the start and end dates of dynamic pricing
  • adds multiple rules for each dynamic pricing offer
  • configures daily and / or weekly length of time for discount activities
  • with or without product
  • optionally activate offer
  • WooCommerce dynamic pricing and discount rules for first-time buyers, fees range from $99 to $349.

has the Discount Rules for WooCommerce plug-in, which allows you to create discounts based on products, categories, or changes. In addition to the store and product pages, the plugin also allows you to display discounts on the shopping cart and checkout pages.

5. Discount Rules for WooCommerce

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration27

offers percentage-based discounts and discounts for the entire store.

  • offers a percentage discount based on quantity, shopping cart or total order.
  • sets product-based rules and excludes selected products from discount rules.
  • sets a date-based discount.
  • RightPress is a popular plug-in developer listed on CodeCanyon, which is one of the largest WordPress plug-in markets. RightPress’s WooCommerce dynamic pricing and discounts plug-in is one of the best-selling plug-ins, with sales exceeding 174000 and a 4.5-star rating.

6. Dynamic Pricing and Discounts by RightPress

How to set WooCommerce dynamic pricing illustration28

this plugin is simple and powerful and is very effective for managing dynamic pricing in your WooCommerce store.

you can use this plugin for booking promotions, bundled pricing, lightning sales, exclusive discounts, and so on.

The function describes that

sets a fixed discount regardless of quantity.

  • unlock discounts based on bulk purchases
  • the more you buy, the more discounts you will get.
  • offers tiered pricing.
  • creates bundled offers and applies discounts when purchasing a specific number of products. Dynamic pricing and discounts for
  • RightPress are available on Codecanyon for an one-time fee of $59.


when it comes to creating an online store, WooCommerce is a good choice. It is very simple to update the price of the store with WooCommerce. However, if you want to update the price regularly, this can become a bit boring. Fortunately for

, you can choose to use the WooCommerce dynamic pricing plug-in, which allows you to create rules and effectively automate the entire process.

there are many things you can do, from setting rules for bulk purchases to offering discounts to your regular customers.

if you have implemented the above strategy, we would like to know what you have achieved. Please tell us your experience in the comments!


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